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COUNTRY CLASSiFICA j ION CONr~r>,.... ~_ ved For # 3 d lft AA 1 R 00457RORE WW INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. SUBJECT H,~ Cegielski A. S., Posen,, tbnufacturGr of Locomotives and Railroad Cars Tutl walls= COHTA: 13 inPORItATiO 'APPECTIK3NI! wrionALDCPEKa! or TEE 0111TND SrA~F . vrnnn TN! 61P WIKO OP THE RBPIONA!$ ACT TO Vs 9. G. $I AND 12. as AMENDED, ITS. OP IT! CONTCMTD III AP3? UAHKEN To AF DKADTHDEI3E0 PERTOA is PRO. !ISITID IT LAW. REPtO?DCTIOT OF TRU! FORD 14 PROHIDITRD. DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES 2'-1 jM2 194"' NO. OF ENCLS. 2 (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION The camp complement of only German prisoners, among whom were some non-corlriiissioned officers, totaled approximately 800 men. Primitive wooden barracks accommodated the prisoners. The camp is located near the southwest border of the city of Posen in the neighbor- hood of the freight station. The prisoners were required to walk about two kilometers along a narrow path to their work at the Cegieleki Lok- and Wanbauc 2. At first medical care was entrs.eted to a German doctor under Polish saperviston but by the awmmer of 1947 prisonerst} needs were turned over to the Polish factory doctor, who then determined the work_to be.performw ad by each prisoner. No medicines were a ilab3.e until the esSs) ~.i~hrneat of a RedCross dispensary in 1947. 0 obserred little sickness among the inmates* Washing and bathing facilities with warm showers were open daily. 30 C 4.. The locomotive and, car plants are adjacent to each other in the soutlrwDstern part of the city near the large freight station. These installations are quite old but they suffered further deterioration from the war and,IhAssian dismantling operations. Under the German occupation the car plant prod.iced express train coaches and accumulators (Akkumulatorer), with special emphae- is places. on the production of accumulators. 11unitions are also said,to have bees produced during the war In a part of the works. At present they are completely converted to car and locomotive production. 5. The Ceeielski enterprise, greatest undertaking of its kind in Poland, has expanded considerably-since the war. A powor plant has ,been reconstructed in the locomotive works and the car factory boasts the completion of a CONFIDENTIAL NO CHANGE in Class. 0 DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS { d~7R~1g ' I ~Tfl44 r ~ roved For Release 2006/02/01 ? r_IA_RDP82- A p pp (9 25X1 Date: 93 &A B CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/0L2/01 ? qlA-R ~0457R002900200006-6 `TF^s ''AT. T"1['EL '~ l$Ct, large assenbl.y and finishing;, plant vnd a fire-story administration build-. ing. The two s?rorks are each a -roximately 800 meters in length and 600 meter* in -!Idth. As the attached chart indicates, the en ire area is, Thickly built up. The company is under L,owexnnent control and direction. 6. Lnterin the locomotive ,orks from the city side, the first structure sn-- cquatered on the left is a spacious .{'ministration buiic' ng of several stories. On the rig Yet there is a large `.rorkshop trhich houses the tur=-.er?s shop (Dreherei), the nilling shop (Frgserei), and the stamping shop (Sta_nzen)R Prod edin onto the cro-s street :which runs the entire let th of the rlr'nt, a shop for special neUl York sts rds on the left. This unit r,anufnctures some of the constituent parts of the l:,conotive. S-~ecial rk:chi-ies rurc} r sed in v~ieden !sere installed, and first used in 1947/1948. 'Text to this shop. bnt sli,;htly recessed from the street is the kitchen and dining hall. Adjacent to the Tress is r rehouse x*here the r-,st va1ut.?.ble r?etals such as copper, brass, and certain alloys are stored .-,,-d -rocessed. The followin. builcti'l on the left side- of the street is a rer air shop which rantains the machine installations of the entermrise. Between this re-?air ebo s and the forge on the corner stands the main rssenbly plant of the entire orgx.nization (*(,& on Attachment I) inhere the locorotives are actually constructed. The forge on the corner Is ecniipped for the heaviest -cork. Across the street is a new power plant. Beyond the second cross street on the loft hand corner is the locomotive *-!heel foundry. To it has been added a 1-ring +-rh: ch serves es an iron de-sot. Directly across the street from the foundry is an armature mill (An:-errickelei) and next to It there is a large coal dump. Opposite the coal dump is -mother administrative building. The last building on the right side of the 'ierkstn sse is a sheet metal de^ot; the last one on the leftri C. -^resw denote A network of railroad sidings borders the rear of these buildings in the southeast corder of the compound. 70 The car factory, though some+rhat smaller than the locomotive works, has an irr,ense assembly hall,, about 300 meters in length and 100 meters in width, equip-red ?rith the most modern crane installations, in shich railroad' coaches are mr?nufact1rred from beginning to end. A large iron de-,ot, several workshops for various kinds of handtrork, a five-story administration building, and a lame lumber reserve depot Fre located within the car factory comi:ound. The new prisoner-built administration building is reported to be partially devoted to cultural afierirs activities. I the combined locomotive and. car f ctories can be spoken -, , , cient throughout. Although the ftss-Sans dismantled the most valuable. installations constructed by the Germ.,n.ns during the occu-nation, they hs:ve been replaced by new German, Sviedish, and Swiss machines. aernan macl^ines r '-e up about 80 percent of thta total. The modern electric cranes installed by the Germans in all of the larger ir?orksho'as a cries intact, Atachnente to II (erne) CONFI,DENTIa r. Approved For Release 2006/02/01 : C1A-RDP82-00457R002900200006-6