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/specialCollection/nwcda3/74/QKDEMON VOL. 2/QKDEMON VOL. 2_0040.pdf
/specialCollection/DCI/Smith FOIA/1952/1952-October to December/1952-11-26.pdf
/specialCollection/nwcda2/30/MCCARGAR, JAMES/MCCARGAR, JAMES_0037.pdf
III-029 “The Tasks of the Navy and the Methods of Performing Them,” by Admiral Kharlamov, special collection Military Thought, top secret issue No. 1, 1962, CIA/DP Clandestine Report Special Collection, 11 September 1962, footnote 16.
/specialCollection/nwcda1/20/KRULL, HEINZ KARL/KRULL, HEINZ KARL_0033.pdf
/specialCollection/nwcda5/106/BEETZ, HILDEGARD VOL. 2/BEETZ, HILDEGARD VOL. 2_0013.pdf
/specialCollection/nwcda5/123/FELFE, HEINZ VOL. 2/FELFE, HEINZ VOL. 2_0034.pdf
1978-09-20b- The Middle East in the Aftermath of Camp David
/specialCollection/nwcda2/41/SCHRUEBBERS, HUBERT/SCHRUEBBERS, HUBERT_0054.pdf
/specialCollection/nwcda3/71/PASTIME VOL. 1/PASTIME VOL. 1_0064.pdf
/specialCollection/nwcda4/93/AERODYNAMIC VOL. 20/AERODYNAMIC VOL. 20_0043.pdf
1971-09-10 Cable Re Defoliation Spray Operation In Cambodia
1972-01-21 Downed U.S. Pilot Rescued In Laos
/specialCollection/nwcda6/157/NEBEL, LUDWIG VOL. 1/NEBEL, LUDWIG VOL. 1_0111.pdf
/specialCollection/nwcda2/43/STETSKO, YAROSLAV/STETSKO, YAROSLAV_0110.pdf
/specialCollection/DCI/Intell & Miscellaneous Papers FOIA/1949-02-01.pdf
/specialCollection/nwcda5/123/FELFE, HEINZ VOL. 2/FELFE, HEINZ VOL. 2_0051.pdf
