27 August 1975
SUBJECT: Termination of Unwitting Testing With Behavioral
1. With the destruction of the 1VLKULTRA files in early 1973,
it is believed that there are no definitive records in CIA that would
record the termination of the program lot; testing behavioral .drugs
on unwitting persons. . �
2. In a memorandum for the Deptity Director of Central
Intelligence dated 17 December 1963, Subject: Testing of Psycho-
chemicals and Related Materials, the Deputy Director for Plans
276- .7i--
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2 0 OCT 1975
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
-FROM : Inspector General
SUBJECT : Destruction of Records on Drugs and Toxins
Action Requested:
1. None. This memorandum is for your information.'
2. At your request, we looked into the destruction of Agency reCords
related to drugs and toxins. We limited our investigation to avoid inter-
- 'fering with ether ongoing investigations of this matter, including that of
' 13 November 1957 �
MF..MORANDUM 7011.: Director, Office oi Security
Attention: SRS - Mr. 4IIM
TI-LROUGH: Deputy Director (Plans)
Request for Project
1. Subject, alias
defected to CIA in MettineiftiOng: He confessed to being
a Ungtsdift.ft=e1A KGB, who served in irafarstrairitiStaiiiita
until his defection as an.r",=TO.. MOM. A copy of his bio-
graphy is attache-d. =Ottleglogritti*c
L 5 1253
.Lo no. 52_210,1,
Leport of Ad Hoc ZcEicza Stud:- Group
NDE 242/1
� TALL.; C7 C01.":
1, Existinu Tecilaiqucz and :4,onts
21 Commcnts on Exintin[; Pr�nram's
ane, roveloTnont Projocts of Int2ro.st to LDP.
Ld Hoc ilcdical Stzy Grou2
B. Rostor of Stu d7 GrTap
C. Schdule of licetings
RLB 42/1
�RDD 242/1
11:7; FILE
Sf7=JECT: current Interest -in Preject at
/4 1. At 2:00 poi. n 13 i:arcli 19c:
I contacteds'
Li April 1952
2.It ,�Tas pointed out that CIA 't�TP. not currently interested
in actively Participatin7 in nrox2ct but
that copies of his pro7ress reports would be aecreciated.
a!nenahle to this rerv.,2st and he in.iiced� i.,hot
-could be recinested to snift U.S -lirected interests to
prV.T:s fore of value to the
23 Yobruary 1949
1. Reasons for Annlynis:.
a.' Behavior is abnormal for human
b. German brutality extracted info - but did not produce converts
in open court.
c. New method mist be entailed.
2. Bockerou-d:
a. Conduct in public appearance repetitive
b. Recorded prior to German attack on Russia.
c. No indication came from Germany since Britis% agents who
�gave� were not "converted".
.SYL7.-,1tc=s (.oresent, absent and undetermined)
(1) Present: