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August 4, 1960
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Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C00395104 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY 4 August 1960 PART I OF' IMMEDIATE INTEREST REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Belgium, in agreeing to withdraw its forces in Katanga Province to one base there, ap- pears to be moving slowly to- ward a total military evacuation of the Congo. Brussels' criti- cism of UN Secretary General Hammarskjold's announcement that UN troops will enter Katanga on 6 August and its characteriza- tion of the Katanga question as an "internal" natter subject to discussion among the Congolese appear designed to support Katan- ga Premier Tshombe without com- mitting Belgium to his defense. Tshombe, in his conversa- tions with UN Under Secretary Dr. Bnnche, may seek UN support for a comprothise in which Katanga would rejoin the Congo in return for.a reorganization of the Con- go into a federation of semi- autonomous provinces. The UN will v3most certainly attempt to avoi0 becoming further in- volved as mediator of an inter- nal Congo,dispute, however, and will probably seek merely to dissuade Tshombe from forcibly opposing the entry of UN troops. TShombo's angry opposition to the UN occupation may force a delay in the entry; he probably has no more than 500 trained non-Belgian troops at his dis- posal, however, and would be unable to offer effective re- sistance to the UN forces, which now number over 11,000 men. Brussels appears determined to retain its two Congo bases-- Kamina in Katanga and Kitona in Leopoldville Province--until such time as it can negotiate terms for a complete withdrawal with the Lumumba government. Belgian officials have declared that UN entry does not entail the im- mediate evacuation of Belgian troops from Kamina. In Brussels, the Congo crisis has led to dis- cussions among government lead- ers of a possible cabinet re- shuffle. Social Christian and Liberal coalition partners, al- though agreeing to share re- sponsibility for the Congo de- bacle, have urged the rep/ace- ment of Congo Ministers de Schrijver and Scheyven. Meanwhile, the major effort being made by Ghana's Nkrumah and Guinea's Sekou TourO to in- fluence Premier Lumumba and other members of the Congolese Government may presage an early announcement of some form of association among the three states. Guinean political represent- atives, brought into Leopold- ville under military cover, have been observed along with Soviet representatives denouncing the UN to Congolese officials. The Guinoans--who appear to be work- ing closely with the Russians in Leopoldville--reportedly also have urged the Lumumba regime to take strong measures against domestic opponents and against Belgians. At'least some Congo- lese officials are concerned about Guinean activities in the Congo, as evidenced by Foreign Minister Bomboko's suggestion to an American Embassy officer on 2 August that efforts be made to bring in advisers from the Federation of Mali as a counter- weight to the Guineans. PART T OF IMMEDIATE INTEREST APPY OVell Approved for Release: 2016/07/05-660395104 Page 1 of 7 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C00395104 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY 4 August 1960 CONGO Brazzaville* eLeopoldville CABINDA CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC ANGOLA 4 AUGUST 1960 0 MILES 200 UNCLASSIFIED 31294 .Stanleyville REPUBLIC OF:, THE CONGO Lumumba's departure from New York on 2 August apparently frustrated Soviet plans to request a Security Council meeting on the issue of Belgian withdrawal from Katanga. The TASS chief at the UN told correspondents on 1 August that the USSR would ask for a meeting while Lumumba was in Now York, and a Soviet Luluaburg Kamina . SUDAN UGANDA Bukavu IRUANDA -URUNDI Elisabethvillei TANGANYIKA FEDERATION OF RHODESIA AND NYASALAND UN delegate, after conferring with the Congolese premier, mot with the UN Secretariat regard- ing the need for a Security Council session. ''ASS announced on 2 August that 20 Soviet medi- cal workers, including experience( doctors and surgeons, would leave for the Congoih afew days�pre- sumably the medical aid promised on 31 July. PART I --SEGAWa. 'OF IMMEDIATE INTEREST pproved for Release: 2016/07/05 C00395104 Page 2 of 7 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C00395104 tteltrrN CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY 4 August 1960 Moscow has stepped up its efforts to discredit the UN role in the Congo, and Soviet.offi- cials in Leopoldville and in the UN are actively encouraging Congolese authorities in their demands for total Belgian with- drawal. Soviet moves appear aimed at stimulating hostility among the Congolese toward UN efforts and at dividing the Afro-Asian states from Western members of the organization. Moscow propaganda has been specially critical of Hamar- 3kjold, charging that he is supporting the NATO colonial ?owers by his "more than con- iliatory position" and aggra- vating the situation with his "demagoguery." Dr. Bunche has been accused of "directly par- ticipating" in Belgian attempts to bring about an economic crisis in the Congo in order to discredit the Lumumba government, and UN troops have been charged with acting as a shield to cover. Western military aggression. Moscow continues to stress the USSR's support for the Congo- lese Government and its readi- ness to "take resolute measures to rebuff the aggressors"--re- iterated in a Soviet statement of 31 July--but there is no in- dication in recent statements that dispatch of Soviet forces is contemplated. Citing the NATO countries as a group, the Soviet statement also accused the "aggressors and theirp.c- complices" of trying to strangle the Congolese Republic economical- ly and smother its -independence by armed force. A PASS report of Lumumba's 28 July Washington .press conference noted his re- marks concerning a possible appeal tor US military aid, and referred to "provocative" ques- tions from US reporters regarding a request for Soviet help--ap- parently to play down the sub- ject of unilateral intervention by the USSR. Moscow announced on 1 Au- gust the appointment of M. K. Yakolev, former foreign minister of the Russian Republic (RSFSR), as ambassador to the Congo. A. Fomin, who arrived in Leopold- ville with a small party of of- ficials on 21 July aboard a Soviet food plane, has been named charge d'affaires. UN Technical Assistance Hammarskjold is formulating plans for UN technical assistance to the Congo. Implementation de- pends on the UN's success in se- curing its recognition as the controlling channel for assist- ance from various governments and private groups and in per- suading the Lumumba govern- ment to make its requests for aid to the UN. Hammarskjold is reliably said to be firmly op- posed to '."freewheeling" on the part of any group, including the UN specialized agencies. (SECRET NOFORN) pproved for Release: 2016/07/05 C0039510,ff-m-- ree2