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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
July 8, 1977
PDF icon ARGENTINA THE GRAIVER CAS[15500294].pdf242.61 KB
� Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00858713 Aroentina: The Craiver Case r r� �.7 � . , It; test, In April 1977 the press began carrying news of a iirscandal often described as the 'Argentine Watergate.' 467C4amnnly referred to as the 'Graiver Case", the story 4:* revolves around the alleged relationship between Javid\ ire .444q ar. Argentine banker of Polish -Jewish extraction who allegedly died in a plane crash in Mexico in August 1976, and the terrorist guerrilla group known as Montoneros. The Montoneros originally were part of the Peronist movement: sub - ly - and especially since tne 197i coup -- they have been the chief subversive terrorist grour plaguing the Argentine government. Althougn charges have not yet been substantiated, it is alleged that Graiver received sizable sums -- $17-$20 Mllie -- from the Montonero organization. ma reportedly then inveszed the roney, paying interest to the montoneros -- which helped to finance the:: guerrilla activities -- and presumably making a profit for himself. It is assumed that the Montonero funds originated as ransom payments for kidnap victims. A number of Graiver family members and business asso- ciates have been questioned by the government in connection ovcil Date Ea M 77-10446 1 July 1;77 11111.11Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00858713 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00858713_ a- _ st. � 41. 8: .� ; es,�:"1:" with Graiver's operations, although the extant to which any of them may be directly involved in the Soutanes� scandal is not clear. One Graiver associate whom some reports implicate in the Montonero financial affairs is �"?.F 0�41 Jos* 1111.....boa., a former Economics Minister under Juan Peron. Gerward, from a Polish-Jewish background similar to Graiver's, shared soma ef Graiver's business interests and had � reputation in soma quarters for involvement in financial deals of dubious legality. The Argentine .government has revested the US government for Gelbard's extradition in connection with charges of misuse of Social Welfare funds. Similar charges have been brought against former President Isabel Peron and her Social Welfare Minister and adviser, Jose Lopez-Mega. Although it is entirely possible that the charges against Graivar and Gelbard are essentially valid, it is also true that their absence has made it convenient to develop the case into a cause celebre. Extralegal financial activities are � tacitly acceptable part of Argentina economic life, and aid to the Montoneros was not widely regarded as reire- hensible a few years ago. . .� flanks in New York and Srussels in which Graiver.bad sizable investment; have been reported bankrupt with large sums of money unaccounted for. rt has been rumoaJd that. � � -2- 1 I. tl Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00858713 pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00858713 ������ � ���1������ " Graiver absconded with the money and that the unidentifiable body found in the plane crash was not his. The Graiver bank in La Plata, the Banco Comerical de La Plate, has been closed and its assets are being liquidated. Another Graiver bank in Argentina, the Banco Burlingham, has been intervened (placed under direct government supervision) but not closed. Xere d.taiis 02 Craivses subversive OCC232it activities are likely to cora to light shortly when the Graiver case comes before the Argentine courts. � � -3- ;: ����.�.. � � Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00858713