DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/07/16

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036738 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036738 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036738 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 %ow *ow CO RET GE e 1 Canumugga oDeratlonshe Vestern Pa iccif --The US Military Attache at Melbourne has been told by Alexander Kerensky, the former Russian Prime Minister, that Soviet agents, operating from Paris, are financing Communist operations in Australia and the Western Pacific. 2. IhrklaludmimmgagaLwadmpsamia--Secretary General Erkin of the Turkish Foreign Office has informed US Ambassador Wilson that in his opinion the Soviets, although their propagandists in many countries have been urging the cession of Turkey's eastern provinces to Soviet Armenia, do not Intend at present to launch a "full-scale new propaganda drive on Turkey." Erkin believes that the Soviets are fully engaged elsewhere and that present anti-Turk manifestations are to be regarded only as a "periodical heating up" of the Turkish question. 3. UK follows TurkisItliesire for Dodecanese islets--Erkin has confi- dentially informed Wilson that the UK has advised Turkey not to press for return of two of tit e Dodecanese islets recently assigned to Greece (see Daily Summary of 9 July, item 5). The British (a) believe that such action by the Turks would encourage the Soviets to renew pressure on Turkey in respect to the Dardanelles, (b) feel that the Dodecanese should be treated "as a whole," and (c) contend that the demilitariza- tion of the islands should remove any threat to Turkey. 4. Dutch desire German coal fields--Embassy Brussels has been informed by Van Royen� recently Dutch Foreign Minister, that the Netherlands proposes to seek "territorial adjustments" which include the. German coal fields at Gelsenkirchen. 127 16 JUL 1948 5. Yuggslsky-AlbaRian mutual assisteact--US Political Representative Jacobs in Tirana reports that the recently signed Yugoslav-Albanian treaty provides for immediate mutual assistance in case of attack by a third power, and bars either country from alliances directed against the other. Jacobs adds that supplementary but unpublished agreements were probably concluded covering Adriatic shipping, construction of railroads between the two countries, and Yugoslav purchase of oil field equipment * Mania. - I - Document No. NO CHANGE in Class. [3, [3 DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 c04( IVP61(4 MT/ Autthe: DDA REG. 77 1763 1 6__ MAR By: % ___2029 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036738 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036738 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 DarEUROPE- 04t 6. YUGOSLAVIA: &gamo a1.0�m Una ,&:.:9pfou_k_ded" - -The US Mili- tary Attache in Belgrade characterizes as "unfounded" the rumor that Marshal Tito has been shot (see Daily Summary of 15 July, item 2). 7. BELGIUM: Prime Minister's view of Communists--Socialist Prime Minister Van Acker has remarked to US Military Attache Brussels that the "Communists must go" if the Belgian economy is to recover. Van Acker asserted that he possesses "unimpeachable proof" that the Com- munists in Belgium are systematically impeding economic recovery. 8. TURKEY: Government party of the controlling People's Party have told US Ambassador Wilson that they expect to win at least 343 seats in the coming national election, as against a maxi- mum of 121 for the strongest opposition party, the Democrats. Demo- crat leaders privately are conceding the accuracy of this estimate and state that the candidacy of the influential Marshal Chakmak, which was expected to bolster the Democrat ticket, has caused the People's Party to redouble their efforts and improve their organization. 9. EGYPT: QQygiti 0�t.A.+,--US Legation Cairo reports that the Egyptian Government's recent arrest of over 200 persons on charges of Communist activity is "unprecedented in scope" and is the culmination of an investigation begun six months ago. The Legation com- ments that the arrests may give an exaggerated impression of the strength of the Communists, who do not now constitute a real threat to the Govern- ment. The US Military Attache in Cairo links the arrests with efforts to stop opposition by the nationalist Wafd party to the Anglo-Egyptian treaty. 10. IRAN: Qavam desires extension of Schwarzkopf mission--US Ambassa- dor Allen reports that Oavam recently informed Schwarzkopf of his desire that the gendarmerie mission be extended without change for a year. Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036738 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036738 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 %or FAR EAWTIA L.1 11. KOREA: Conditions in Soviet zone--Reports reaching General Hodge from North Korea mention increasing Korean dissatisfaction with the Communist regime because of "high-banded tactics of leaders, bad living .conditions for workers, and a recent sharp increase in living costs." Soviet troops and anti-Communist Korean students are alleged to have clashed in Pyongyang on 22 June. � US liaison officers in Pyong- yang report intensification of anti-American propaganda for local con- sumption. - 3 - Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036738
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