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Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 CO2412677 3.5(c) � CENTRAL INGELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence 31 January 1968 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM � 3.5(c) The Situation in South Vietnam No, 5 (As of 12 'NOON EST) The focus of Communist military action appears to have shifted back to the northern part of the country .on the night of 31 January. Major thrusts yore mounted against cities 'along the central coast. It ap- pears possible that the enemy is attempting to whip saw the.allied reaction, perhaps in the hope of im- peding the friendly reaction. More fighting, however, is also reported in the Saigon area, while some of the Delta towns are ap-: . parently also still under enemy pressure Reports indicated that fresh enemy attack's were expected in some areas of the Delta on the night of 31 January. 1. Saigon: Information on the situation in the city has been reported through about 10 PM local Saigon time 31 January. In general, the scene of the action has shifted to the southwest part of the town, with Communist elements dug in and apparently beseiged at various points, including the bank of the Kinh Doi river and possibly the An Quang pagoda. Other fight- ing is also reported in the Gia Dinh sector near Ton Son Nhut airfield. Friendly air action has ap- parently been conducted in this area and has resulted in at least one fire in a residential section. 2. It is not clear whether the fighting now re- ported in Saigon represents the rear guard action of retreating Communist elements, or the attempted entry of new Communist components into the area. \the enemy planned, to renew his at- tack on the night of the 31st, using in part fresh 3.5(c) 1.02-4-1.&G"WhT Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 CO2412677 3.3(h)(2) 3 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 CO2412677 3.5(c) elements from Communist units to the southwest, pre- sumably from Long An Province. The Vietnamese au- thorities were anticipating contact with the enemy elements in this area. 3. The only ground fighting possibly still underway in the central city area was reported dur- ing the afternoon of the 31st (local Saigon time) in the area of the presidential palace where police were said to have trapped and beseiged some VC remnants in a residential home. 5.. It appears that American casualties in the attack on the VS Embassy may have been higher than earlier reported. At least 4 US military police � were killed and possibly over 20 wounded. One Marine was also killed and 7 wounded. 6. In the attack on the main Saigon radio sta- tion, the enemy apparently penetrated the building. Reportedly, the enemy intended to broadcast a message of general revolt to the local populace. The enemy reportedly seized several other radio stations in the attacks on central coastal cities on 30 January. He probably also intended to use these facilities to broadcast calls for support from the populace at large. There is no detailed information as yet on this aspect, however. 7, The Delta: No major new attacks have been reported in the D61ta area in information received -through about 10 PM local time on 31 January. The situation in varions provincial capitals, however, is net yet wholly clear. It appears that the enemy offensive in this area also involved numerous attacks on Smaller district towns and allied facilities, some of which were reportedly overrun. Following is the current situation in the Delta towns and provinces for which some detailed information is available: . 3.5(c) Tap-stcrzt . Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 CO2412677 .3(h)(2) Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 CO2412677 � 1 teRET 3.5(c) 7. Soc Trang (Ba Xuyen Province): On the late afternoon ofthe 31st, light fighting was reportedly still going on in this town, with more expected to- night. The airfield at Soc Trang was attacked, ap- parently on the 31st. B. Bac Lieu (Bac Liu Province: The town was quiet on the afternoon oi the 3fSi after a mortar and small arms attack. Possibly there was no ground probe in this area. .0. Ca Mau (An Xuyen): Some firing was still going on in Ca Mau on the afternoon of 31 January, but was reported sporadic. More.fightingwas expected at night. 10. Can Tho tPhuong Dinh Province): This town was under friendly control on the afternoon of 31 January, but heavy fighting was reported throughout parts of the province. The VC possibly still held a few strongpoints in the town, including one pagoda. 11.- Rach Gia Men Giang Province): The situa- tion had settled down here on the afternoon of the 31st after a day of sporadic mortar and small arms fire. � 12. My Tho (Dinh Thong Province): On the after- noon of the 31st the situation was improving, although some firing was still reported. Heavy maneuver activ- ity was also reported throughout the province. The district town of Cat Be was mortared. 13. Bon Tre (True Giang): In this capital of Kien Hoa Province the VC penetrated the city and en- gaged the ARV N in street fighting, The enemy'had : been driven to 'the outskirts of the town. The District towns of Ba Tri*and Binh Dai in Kien Hoa were also mortared. . 14. Tra Vinh (Vinh Binh PrOvince): On the � evening of the 31st, some local US authorities con- sidered the situation "serious" and had requested troops from the ARVN 0th Division. TS12-44ieral" Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 CO2412677 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 CO2412677 3.5(c) 15. .Vinh Long Province: An estimated 3 enemy companies were involved in .the a'ttack on the Vinh Long air base, Five aircraft were damaged. The district town of Vinh Lien in this province was reportedly overrun, 16. Chau Phu (Chan Doc PrOvince): According to an unconfirmeirreport, this prOvincial town had been overrun on the 31st. The deputy province chief was.reported missing. Reinforcements were enroute, and .all US civilians were being evacuated. It Corps Area Quang Tri City: Communist forces have reportedly oCaiiiiiiirliositions to the north, east, and west of the Quang Tri provincial capital, and a.major assault was expected on the night of 31 January. An enemy battalion which entered the city during the night of 30 January has been driven to the suburbs by ARVN reaction forces. Three ARVN battalions are presently on the north side of the city with another allied battalion in position to the east. The security situation is still considered in good shape, under the prevailing circumstances. There had been earlier fragmentary reports that at least two Viet Cong sapper companies had penetrated the Hue citadel, were. patrolling streets inside the citadel, and had hoisted a Viet Cong flag atop the main citadel building. 19. Da Nang: Small arms, mortar, and artillery Z.EiTiarlited through the night of 30- 31 January south of Da Nang city where the US Marine airbase near Marble Mountain absorbed its second consecutive rocket attack. Da Nang airbase is fully operative after brief closure for civilian traffic on the morning of 30 Jantary. There have been no Viet Cong-initiated incidents or acts of terrorism within Da Nang city itself. Demonstrations and.a rally wore instigated by the enemy on 30 January at Tin Hoa Pagoda in an attempt to persuade participants that the -4- TO RET Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 CO2412677 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 CO2412677 CRET 3.5(c) Viet Cong had won a significant Victory and taken over the city. This enemy propaganda play generated little popular support, and GVN authorities made a number of arrests. US authorities in Da Nang feel the Viet Cong attack against Da Nang city failed in its Initial thrust, and has reduced enemy capabilities in the area to mortar/rocket harassment of military targets combined with isolated and uncoordinated sapper-typo actions. 20. Quang Nam: South- Korean forces have apparently dislodged an estimated force of 300 Viet Cong heavily dug-in and interspersed with the civilian population at the east end of Roi An, the Quang Nam provincial capital. The city has been declared under allied control. 21. Quang Tin: The provincial capital of Tam Ky.came under heavy mortar, small arms, and grouna attack early on 31 January by elements of the 21st NVA Regiment reinforced by two additional NVA battalions. The attack wasrepulsed, however, with enemy losses reported in excess of 400 killed (body count), the majority of whom were young boys. Although the situation is now relatively quiet, Communist forces remain on the Outskirts of Tam Ky, with further enemy offensive activity antici- pated on the night of 31 January. 22. Quang Ngai City: The Quang Ngai previn- cial capital, alongwith three nearby district headquarters, came under heavy dnemy attack dur- ing the early morning hours of 31 January. Ac- cording to late reports, the assault was repulsed, with very heavy Viet Cong and rdlatively light allied casualties resulting. Elements of the 2nd ARVN Division have been committed to bolster tie area defenses. Small pockets ot enemy troops are apparently still active in the .city, but they are believed to pose no serious.threat at this time. The Central Highlands 23. Kontum City: The sitdation remains unclear; however, at last report two enemy battalions continued to control the Kontum pro- vincial capital. Tactical air strikes have been launched against a concentration of some 600-700 . . ' .3.5(c). .. - T912!__SrseRET � Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 CO24.12677 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 CO2471267 TaP-SECR-ET city is under heavy mortar fire. Heaviest action con- tinues to locus on the MACV comp:hind. US personnel report that VC within the city have been seen chang- ing into civilian clothes. US airborne and ARVN reaction forces are attempting to bloc enemy routes of withdrawal from the city. � � � � - 7- 1:02-8-ErerET 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 CO2412677 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 CO2412677 3.5(C) 'Other Related Developments 31. Communist propaganda is continuing to give heavy play to the upsurge in military activity in the South and stressing that it show � the US cannot ac- complish its objectives. The unstated, but clear im- plication,. is that the US must resort to a political _compromise. 32. Hanoi has made no attempt, however, to por- tray the current offensive as a conclusive or final stage in the struggle, but is treating it as further proof that Communists forces hold the initiative and still are able to launch large-scale, coordinated at- tacks. A broadcast on 31 January said the upsurge in Communist military activity is a continuation of suc- cess achieved during the past month. 33. There has been no Chinese CommUUnist com- mentary on the situation as yet. Soviet broadcasts, however, are carrying both Western and Vietnamese Communists accounts of the action and stressing the US predicament. A commentary in Pravda on 31 January skii74. the Communist have launched a "new major Offen- si!!T ' which disproves "US propaganda" that Viet Cong foi s are "depleted." 34. First accounts from the French press take the line that by launching a "general offensive" the Communists have again successfully demonstrated their military capabilities and shown that the U$ has reached an "impasse." -8 ; ���-� � �_ .1��-�� � .3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 CO2412677 ....� ��- -� � 7.: _ �. X Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 CO2412677 Phu cupui f.1�:\ P lenDa Hb'iii� s --"N � \ LI N e. \r.) ��� ����, ! BIEN HO �� � ?����� � � \4: . ,r,.�� � sts,, � MIArea i�- A ;.. t, :. 6,1- ...:.').�-&s*', %.?..-- - ��)ki. ... � ' ... .. � Il� �������� . .....1 ... . . A �fr."1-4'-`r � ���- �,.. .� � "t�er.-- ' � __ y ID .....i_irr---���7 ���� _s�-.11.;-. 1 :).! . . 41. . ie. ! .....01; � - ;P:: ' �4-1..,,i.�/ . ....�..;!),����-`-'z, otten LUC � : :7 ':." :. ;. s:. \. - el 1 0 N G ����� : :. ,...- ,. ... . . . :::::-:�.....:�:-...:�,�.: �:����� .. .,...� ::- \ � \.� .7_�:.:.,-,...... ..,7 . AN N �.� �� ...?.-- ... r k:��� ' A' .; , 4 ' .1 %. ..izi . :.... . A -� . . 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