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- 3 1 ApprovedRelease:c Li' arch 1961 Copy No. CENTRAL IYTELLIGENCE BULLETIN' jApproved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315,,,,,,,MM Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 OS The Daily Brief of the CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN is produced by the Director of Central Intelligence in consultation with representatives of departments and agencies of the United States Intelligence Board. Back-up material is produced by CIA with as much consultation with other departments and agencies as is practicable. When, because of the time factor, consultation with the department or agency of primary concern is not practicable, the brief will be produced by CIA and marked with an asterisk. Intelligence in this publication is based on all sources, including Interpretations of intelligence information in this publication rep- resent immediate and preliminary views which are subject to modi- fication in the light of further information and more complete analysis. Certain intelligence items in this publication may be designated specifically for no further dissemination. Other intelligence items may be disseminated further, but only on a need-to-know basis. MI (b)(3) MO WARNING ip This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, US Code Title 18, Sections 793,794, and 798. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States. (b)(3) 711-12-411-r�eDCT Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 z;A� zz; Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 (jL (b)(3; 13 March 1961 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CONTENTS 1. Khrushchev's conversation with Ambassador Thompson. (Page 0 2. Situation in Laos. (Page 0 3. Congolese reportedly believe Indian troops are coming to enforce "Dayal's plan for a UN tutelage of the Congo." (Page it) (b)(1). (b)(3)i Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315g,,, (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 I Ut---Z�rtri�a.L (b)(3) (cb CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 13 March 1961 DAILY BRIEF USSR: In his conversation with Ambassador Thompson on 9 March, Khrushchev raised the Berlin and German ques- tion and stated his desire not to worsen but to improve US- Soviet relations. He refrained from proposing resumption of negotiations or setting a deadline for action, but did reiterate his warning that the USSR would sign a separate_peace treaty with East if the le wartime allies did not pee to a treaty with both Geymmates. On the disarmament issue, Khrushchev again tied Soviet agreement to general disarmament with the proposal to reor- ganize the UN secretariat, and used the Congo situation to ueedJrrevision of the UN. *Laos: Vientiane re resentatives and Souvanna Phouma are expected to meet t is wee o iscuss erai pgram announced 6 General Pluiumi and Souvanna their talks at Phnom Penh. Souvan.na's departve from islizio�rri Penh on a world tour is still scheduled for 15 March. Moscow characterized the Phnom Penh discussions as a diplomatic defeat for the Phoumi forces and emphasized that Souvanna stood firm on the need to convene an international conference to settle the Laotian problem. Both Peiping and Hanoi have indicated that they are interested in the ,ya&ue_ly worded communi ue onl as de rture oint for r2Quar477, dizing the deteriorating _position of the Boun Oum re imp,. Kong Le - Pathet Lao forces in both the Phou IChoun and Muong Kassy sectors apparently are consolidating their posi- tions. Their patrols continue to maintain contact with govern- ment forces. (b)(3) (b)(3) 7-73F�SEGRET__ '47tAroroved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 (b)(3 -17277 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 I LIE" (b)(3) Congo: The d r f n nt of India's troop N with its p,311_, e ozgz.loordin or Tim- ne berlake. He feels that there is widespread belief among the Congolese that India's troops are coming to enforce "Dayal's plan for a UN tutelage of the Congo." Khrushchev, in his recent talk with Ambassador Thomp- son, showed little interest in the possibilities of a Congo set- tlement and used the occasion to reiterate Soviet charges of the ineffectiveness of the UN policies in the Congo. 13 Mar 61 DAILY BRIEF 11 (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) 'Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 (b)(3) fr/ Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 1 /4 13 Mar 61 DAILY BRIEF 111 /t AAApproved for ReleaSe-iii'i 6/07/05 CO2444315 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 talsrfti3E-N-TIAL_ Khrushchev Spells Out Soviet Position on Germany, Disarmament, and the UN At the end of his conversation with Ambassador Thompson, Khrushchev spelled out the Soviet position on Germany and Berlin along the lines of the recent memorandum to Bonn. He stressed the necessity of a peace settlement with both Germanys in order to confirm postwar developments and provide a legal foundation for the postwar borders. He denied that the bloc had any desire to expand to the West and offered to make a state- ment to this effect if the US was prepared to begin peace treaty negotiations. In connection with his threat to sign a separate treaty with East Germany, Khrushchev was careful to evade any response to the ambassador's question on how a separate treaty would affect the Allied position in West Berlin. Khrushchev reaf- firmed that a peace treaty would include a clause providing creation of a free city for West Berlin, but urged that the US and USSR join in working out a new status for West Berlin. Khrushchev showed some flexibility in his discussion of the Berlin problem in asserting that the USSR would provide any guarantees necessary to preserve the internal situation in West Berlin and to assure the United States that its prestige would not suffer. As examples of guarantees, he mentioned a joint police force, presumably composed of the four powers, and he repeated a previous Soviet proposal to permit stationing of symbolic forces of the four powers in West Berlin. He made it clear that East Berlin was excluded from a settlement on the grounds that it was the capital of East Germany, but he com- mitted Ulbricht to sign any guarantees for West Berlin. The Soviet leader concluded his remarks by repeating that if the US and USSR could sign a treaty on Germany, it would mark great progress in their relations and establish an atmos- phere of trust. He added that a treaty could be implemented by installments and provide for a gradual withdrawal of Soviet and American troops from Germany, which would aid in negotiations and disarmament. The most notable aspect of IChrushchev's statements was his failure to stress the urgency of early negotiations on Berlin, as trONFIDEALTIAL_ 13 Mar 6A ppro le' a-se .01707 /v0 5r Z10'24714 715 BULLETIN Page I Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 ---CON-FIBEALTIAL he has in his recent conversations with Western diplomats and the Soviet memorandum to Bonn. This suggests that the USSR will continue to hold the Berlin question in reserve un- til the Soviet leaders assess more fully the US position on major East-West questions. Khrushchev's remarks on Ade- nauer's role and references to the memorandum to Bonn also suggest that he may be awaiting a reply as a pretext for pre- senting a more exact demand on negotiations. A French For- eign Ministry official was recently told by his Soviet counter- part that Moscow was considering a foreign ministers' conference on Berlin and Germany. On the disarmament question Khrushchev implied that the Western powers were attempting to defer negotiations. His insistence that Soviet acceptance of general disarmament was linked to UN revision was the same position he took last fall at the UN General Assembly. At that time, however, he ex- plained that the reorganization scheme was not a prerequisite for negotiations. In his statements to Ambassador Thompson on the Congo, Khrushchev labeled UN policy as "colonialist" and stressed that the USSR would oppose it "with all its means." He emphasized that a reorganization of the UN was necessary to prevent another situation such as that in the Congo, and argued that the US should have an interest in reorganization, since it might be in a minor- ity position some time in the future. Khrushchev's revival of the link between UN revision and disarmament, which has been played down in recent Soviet statements, probably foreshadows a more intensive effort to use the appeal of disarmament to gain support for at least Harnmarskjold's resignation or progress to- ward a greater Soviet role in the UN executive organs. Khrushchev showed considerable satisfaction when informed by Thompson that the US hoped shortly to lift its ban on Soviet crabmeat imports, although he expressed some disappointment at the recent canceling of a license for precision grinding ma- chines. Khrushchev reiterated the Soviet position that trade relations must be normalized and again emphasized that the USSR 7-avrIDE-p,AciAL, 13 Mar 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 FIDENT�LAL__ trades with other Western powers. In addition, he pointed out that the USSR does not compete with the US in trade and could be a very good customer for American exports. Ithrushchev avoided mentioning Moscrv's previous reauest for credits to finance Soviet purchases. --"CONFIDEINIZIAL, 13 Mar 61 rvx Trrt, AT TNITT'V T .T Tarmr IITILLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 The, Situation in Laos General Phoumi has told Ambassador Brown that during his recent visit to Phnom Penh, he was able to clear up the misconceptions of the Cambodian foreign minister over King Savang's proposal for a neutral nations commission--com- posed of Cambodia, Burma, and Malaya--and that Souvanna himself now would attempt to persuade Sihanouk to reconsider his rejection of the commission's chairmanship. Although Phoumi and his aides returned to Vientiane ap- parently convinced of Souvanna's acquiescence to an investiga- tive commission prior to a full-scale international conference, there is already some indication that Souvanna may have been temporizing. Souvanna is reported to have stated publicly on 11 March that the three-nation commission should meet "about the same time" as the 14-power conference proposed by Si- hanouk, in order to enable the conference to give directives to the commission. Phoumi also reports that he and Souvanna, in their discus- sion of the question of a coalition government including the Pathet Lao, agreed that Communists should hold no posts. Phoumi, however, apparently did not rule out the possibility that "non-Communist" members of the Neo Lao Hak Sat (NLHS), the Pathet Lao's political arm, might be included. A long- standing argument of Souvanna, which has found favor among many Laotian officials, is that Prince Souphannouvong--head of the NLHS--and many other party members are nationalists rather than Communists. Moscow's initial reaction to the discussions between Phoumi and Souvanna Phouma indicates that the USSR will claim that the general compromised his own position as a result of his visit to Phnom Penh and that Souvanna will accept no solution in Laos which does not make the convening of an international conference the first order of business. A Pathet Lao statement, rebroadcast by both Peiping and Hanoi, vigorously attacked Phoumi's mission to Phnom Penh as an effort to "use the name of Premier Souvanna Phouma" to split 13 Mar 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 the Laotian people. The Pathet Lao radio claimed it was only because of military reverses that Phoumi "attempted to compel Prince Phouma to negotiate with and make conces- sions to the traitors' clique." The statement clearly indicated that the Communists do not recognize the Phnom Penh commu- nique as in any way restricting their freedom of action. Reflecting some uneasiness over the possibility that Sou- vanna may have made some deal with Phoumi, the Pathet Lao radio stressed the unflinching support of the Pathet Lao forces for Souvanna. It pointed out that Souvanna's speeches and statements made in Xieng IChouang during his visit there prove that he would refuse "to knuckle under in any circumstances before the traitors' clique in Vientiane." The statement reit- erated the bloc contention that an international conference must be held, to be followed by an international commission to work in Laos in accordance with the specific powers granted to it by the conference. The recent successes of the Kong Le - Pathet Lao forces appear to have been due less to aggressive action on their part than to withdrawal by the Vientiane forces in the face of such a threat. Vientiane troops north of Phou Khoun junction are re- ported in a state of low morale and unlikely to put up much re- sistance to any further Pathet Lao advance. All supplies that had been stockpiled by these troops at the junction were left intact when they withdrew and now are in enemy hands. 13 Mar 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 Situation in the Congo Hammarskjold recently sent a conciliatory letter to Kasavubu, who is attending the Tananarive conference of Congolese leaders, in an attempt to lessen the likelihood of a conflict between Indian and Congolese troops. He tried to reassure Kasavubu that the arrival of these troops was not part of a planned military build-up to be used against the Congolese Army, explaining that the Security Council had not authorized such action in connection with the proposed reor- ganization of the army. In a discussion with an American official, Hammarskjold indicated a belief that "some kind of political game was going on in Leopoldville" between two rival acting prime ministers in the absence of Ileo, who accompanied Kasavubu to Tananarive. He noted that acting Prime Minister Evelvaux modified his earlier hostile attitude toward the UN and became willing to negotiate after Massa suddenly "took over" that office. Hammarskjold remarked that "there are too many untutored people with guns who become involved in political moves" in the Congo. Tshombe's apparent success in dominating the proceedings at Tananarive has been complemented by another success in Katanga. Before leaving for the conference, Tshombe�appar- ently fearing that his deputy Kibwe and French Colonel Trinquier were plotting to oust him--ordered Trinquier to leave the coun- try by 10 March. The American Consul in Elisabethville reported that Trinquier, under pressure from Katangan authorities and possibly the UN, departed for Brussels on 11 March. When informed that Brussels intended to remove some 30 Belgian military technicians from Katanga, Tshombe indicated he would oppose this action by all means possible and that he might close the Belgian Consulate General in Elisabethville. In his conversation with Ambassador Thompson, IChrushchev said it was clear that the US and the Soviet Union were in com- plete disagreement on the Congo. IChrushchev failed to respond to Ambassador Thompson's remark that there was nothing in the ,D7vpf,c,AE4a. 13 Mar 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 --"CONFIDELSZAL Congo situation basic to US or Soviet interests. The ambas- sador noted that the Soviet premier refrained from mention- ing any new approach to a solution of the Congo problem and referred to the internal Congo situation only in terms of the past. Ithrushchev used the Congo question to launch a vigorous attack on UN policies; he told the ambassador that the US and the Soviet Union had different positions on this question and prospects were not bright. He reiterated the standard charges that e UN and Hammarskiold were responsible for Lumumba's death. TONFIDEN-T-1,41._ 13 Mar 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 ur 13 Mar 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 9 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 13 Mar 61 CF.NTR.AT, TNTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 10 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315 A L.. LI � THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House The Special Assistant for National Security Affairs The Scientific Adviser to the President The Director of the Budget The Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization The Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Director, International Cooperation Administration The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council The Director of Intelligence and Research The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs) The Assistant to Secretary of Defense (Special Operations) The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Chief of Staff, United States Army Commandant, United States Marine Corps U.S. Rep., Military Committee and Standing Group, NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Director, The Joint Staff The Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff The Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army The Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force The Department of Justice The Attorney General The Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director The Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman The National Security Agency The Director The United States Information Agency The Director The National Indications Center The Director TONFH3EALT-LAI._ Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 CO2444315