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Publication Date: 
October 13, 1951
Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 U.1-1 rutu 13 October 1951 Copy No. 47 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN to DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANUE iN CLASS. DECLASSIFIED CiASS. CHANGED TO: IS NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH: HE 7O- DPI s4400 eitEWER: _ Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TO CRET Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) � Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 TCIIErFCRET SUMMARY GENERAL 1, Comment on the Latin Union Congress in Brazil (page 3) FAR EAST 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 4. Enemy activity in Korea continues to suggest defensive actions 5. Both French and Viet Minh suffer heisvy losses (page 5) SOUTH ASIA 6. Anti-British sentiment may extend to Pakistan (page 6) NEAR EAST . Iran again receives tanker offers (page 7) EASTERN EUROPE age 5) 8. Interview with Tito regarding US military advisory group inconclusive (page 7) WESTERN EUROPE 3.3(h)(2) LATIN AMERICA 10.' Argentine anti-US campaign may be intensified to provoke US reaction (page 9) 2 Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 3.5(c) 3.5(c) � Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 1-15PSECRET GENERAL 1. Comment on the Latin Union Congress in Brazil: The Latin Union, which was founded in Paris in 1946 by Brazilian Foreign Minister Neves da Fontoura, is scheduled to meet on 14 October in Rio de Janeiro. Representatives are expected from Spain, Italy, France, Portugal,. Belgium, and most of the Latin American countries, and observers have been invited from the UK, the US, Holland, and one of the Rumanian exile groups. The agenda calls for an affirmation of the spiritual and cultural solidarity" of the Latin Union, and proposes a study of practical methods to utilize this cultural bloc in United Nations activities. This meeting provides an opportunity for elaboration of the well-worn thesis of some of the participants that Latin culture is seriously threatened not only by Soviet communism but also by US materialism, US officials fear that anti-US elements may obtain considerable publicity for their views. The Brazilian Foreign Minister has assured the US Ambassador that the French were the prime movers behind the congress, and has manifested some unhappiness at the prospect of the meeting. The French Ambassador in Rio, however, has reported that the Brazilian Foreign Minister is personally interested in the congress, but that certain people in Rio were trying to attribute French paternity tol the plan. He disclaimed any knowledge of "the motives or even the names of the true promoters," and recommended that the French Govern- ment maintain its "attitude of reserve" until the purpose of the organiza- tion became clear. TO 3 CRET Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.3(h) Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 T$7,,FsECRET FAR EAST 3.5(c) 3.3(h) Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 (2) 2 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 4. Enemy activity in Korea continues to suggest defensive actions: 3.3(h)(2) The continued construction of pill boxes and trenches and the laying of mines by an unidentified North Korean corps are among the evidence supporting this conclusion. 5. Both French and Viet Minh suffer heavy losses: 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) told the US Consul in Hanoi that French losses, as well as those of the Viet Minh, were heavy durine the re- cent delta clearing operations. stated that practically all French non-com- missioned officers in this action were "knocked out" by causes ranging from enemy action to sunstroke. Meanwhile, the Viet Minh 312th Division casualties continue to mount as French aircraft pursue retreating units. 3.3(h)(2) -5 To341:>SECET Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 3.5(c) � Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 TOP>SECRET 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) Comment: The short-run results of the � current dry season operations tn-Indocirrina have been f-avvrable to the French. As long as battle casualties and the climate claim a heavy toll of French forces, however, there is little prospect that the French can achieve a decisive victory. SOUTH ASIA 6. Anti-British sentiment may extend to Pakistan: 3.3(h)(2) An influential, conservative Pakistani news- paper has suggested in a leading editorial that popular demonstrations might be the most effective means of calling international atten- tion to Pakistan's concern over the Kashmir problem. The paper cites the effectiveness of such demonstrations in Iran and Egypt. On 10 October the student bodies of all colleges and universities in Karachi held meetings to organize a plan for action regarding Kashmir. The US Embassy in Karachi states that, if the Pakistani Government permits the rise of popular emotion regarding Kashmir, it will increase the risk of war and possibly include Pakistan in a chain reaction of anti-British maneuvers subject to exploitation by dissident elements. Comment: Anti-British feeling in Pakistan might crystallize in a quit-the-Commonwealth movement. -6 Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 TE3ECRET NEAR EAST 7. Iran again receives tanker offers: 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) Comment: In view of the world tanker shori.3(h)(2) age, there is little chance that Iran could obtain many tankers. The acquisition of a few tankers, however, would enable Iran to move a small quantity of the estimated 30,000,000 barrels now stored at Abadan, thus giving some encouragement to Iranian nation- alists and strengthening Iran's finances to a small degree. EASTERN EUROPE 8. Interview with Tito regarding US military advisory group inconclusive:3.3(h)(2) Ambassador Allen reports that his interview with Marshal Tito concerning the size and duties of the proposed US military advisory group was inconclusive. Tito declared that Inspection of Yugoslav army installations and depots by American officers would undermine the very basis for the "high Yugoslav army morale" and that he would forego all American military aid rather than risk creating the impression among his troops that the US had assumed the role the USSR previously held in Yugoslavia. Tito conceded, however, that a written agreement regarding the size and functions of the group was unnecessary and that the approach should be more flexible. He thought that the Yugoslav Government itself might well suggest a considerably larger group once the program was well underway, particularly if, as he hoped, strategic discussions had been started. - 7 - Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 3.5(c) (h)(2) Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 1�....SECRET Comment: The presence of US military advisers in Yugoslavia poses a real problem for the Tito regime. In Addition to harboring some suspicion that his unsavory experience with the Soviet military mission prior to 1948 may be repeated, Tito probably fears that activities of the US military group will create further dissen- sion,withi&the Party, WESTERN EUROPE 3.5(c) 3.3 8 TOI>SEeliET Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 Te9P SECRET LATIN AhtIERIC.A, 10. Argentine anti-US campaign may be intensified to provoke US reaction: The US Embassy in Buenos Aires reports 3.3(h)(2) that the anti-US campaign of the pro-adminis- tration press may be further intensified in the hope of provoking US official reaction, which would be twisted to Peronista advantage 3.5(c) Comment: Peron feels that his charges of US interference in Argentine internal affairs assured his election in 1946. In his campaign for re-election, he is using the same strategy, but thus far the lack of US official reaction to Argentine press attacks has denied him a fresh point of departure. 9 irC)1) CRET Approved for Release: 2019/04/02 CO2730348 3.5(c)