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Publication Date: 
March 24, 1951
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,  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733108  N./ 01>SHIET  24 March 1951  Copy No. CI -1  CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN  DOCUMENT NO.  NO CHANGE IN CLASS.  DU..:L.A3SnED  ( . CHANGED TO: IS S C  11EVIEW DATE: �   t,J111: LMR 7.2 voi  DATE. tEVIEwER:  Office of Current Intelligence  CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY  TOP  3.5(c)  3.5(c)  3.5(c)  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733108  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733108  TU.-SECRET  3.5(c)  SUMMARY  GENERAL  1. Deputy Foreign Ministers' meeting approaches crucial stage (page 3).  2. Increase in Satellite military strength reported (page 3).  FAR EAST  4. Bao Dal resigns himself to French domination (page 4).  NEAR EAST  6. Egyptian Government concerned over Iranian developments (page 5).  LATIN AMERICA  7. Argentina's attitude makes Hemisphere Defense Plan unacceptable to  Brazil (page 6).  TOP RET  3.3(h)(2)  3.3(h)(2)  3.5(c)  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733108  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733108  fr�vy,z(tuit.r.. I    3.5(c)  GENERAL  1. approaches crucial stage:  During an informal discussion with the 3.3(h)(2)  Western delegates on 22 March, Soviet Dele- gate Gromyko plainly indicated that his present  Instructions were definite on the necessity of  emphasizing the reduction of armaments question and of including the  German demilitarization point as a separate agenda item. (He indicated  for the first time, however, that he might agree to including the latter  point as the second rather than the first agenda item.) The Western  delegates rejected the Soviet position regarding both of these items.  Gromyko asked repeatect,whether the West would make any new proposals  and, although the Westerri delegates replied negatively, the British and  French delegates hinted at a possible new formula on the German demili- tarization item. In US delegate Jessup's opinion, Gromyko has not yet  said his final word but is holding fast in the expectation of some Western  concessions. 3.3(h)(2)  2. Increase in Satellite military strength r9orted:  (  The March Imminence of Hostilities Confes3tq(25- ence of the US Military Forces in Europe  has reached the conclusion that an analysis of  all available factors does not indicate any  Imminent hostilities on the part of the Soviet Union. The conferees agreed,  however, that continuing increases in the strength of the Satellite armies  and the appearance, for the first time, of jet aircraft in a Satellite air force  (i.e. Poland) reveal that Satellite offensive capabilities are becoming a  significant factor in the East-West power alignment. They pointed to the  following significant increases in Soviet/Satellite military strength in  Europe-. (a) an increase of 30,000 in Soviet Ground Forces in Germany  between February 1950 and March 1951; (b) an estimated increase in  Czech army strength from 116,000 to approximately. 160,000 during the  - 3 -  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733108  Approved forCel.tiai .1019/03/14 CO2733108  3.5(c)  next two months', (c) the addition of a tank division to the Hungarian army;  and (d) the growth of the Rumanian army from 190,0000 to 205,000. The  conference noted that the reported arrival of 40 Soviet YAK45 jet fighters  In Poland marks the first appearance of Russian-made jets in any European  Satellite air force.  FAR EAST  3.3(h)(2)- 4. Bao Dai resigns himself to French domination:  In an interview with US Minister He th, Ba3.3(h)(2)o  Dai described General ee Lattre as a "neces- sary evil," whose military leadership is  indispensable but whose authority will not  lead to a solution of French-Vietnamese problems. The Emperor believes  that it would be useless to press for Vietnamese control over Vietnam's  armed forces at this time and that De Lathe's conception of Bao Dal's  role is that of a "protectorship sovereign," on the order of the Sultan of  Morocco. Bao Dai observed that the arrangements being made for the  defection of as many as 15,000 Viet Minh troops in a body will probably  fail, because De Lathe is likely to insist that they surrender directly  to French authorities rather than to Bao Dai � a condition that would  be unacceptable to the potential defectors. The Emperor states that he  must therefore "efface himself" and make no "compromising" public  appearances at this time.  Heath comments that, while Bao Dai is pro- bably right in believing that he cannot successfully resist the tendency  of De Lathe's advisors to maintain Vietnam as a closed preserve of the  TO .RET  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733108  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733108  TC  3.5(c)  French, the mperor's decision to withdraw to his hill-station head- quarters at Dalat is "too easily arrived at."  NEAR EAST  3.3(h)(2)  Comment: Hussein Ala was reluctant to  become Prime Minister and the cabinet he has gathered together is a  weak one, .with some of the critical posts still vacant. While the Com- munists in Iran do not seem to have been implicated either in Razmara's  death or in several subsequent acts of terrorism, they have begun to ex- ploit the present situation by inciting pro-nationalization and anti-Western  demonstrations and by spreading propaganda linking the US to Razmara's  assassination,  6, Egyptian Government concerned over Iranian developments:  3.3(h)(2)  According to US Ambassador Caffery in c4,iro,  top political circles in Egypt re increasfingly  concerned over developments in Iran. Caffery  reports that, while government officials are  inclined to blame the Britishtolt company, they and opposition leaders are  genuinely alarmed at the possibility that the Moslem Brotherhood will re- vive assassination-type politics, which, under the guidance of the Commu- nists, it would direct against Egyptian leaders, Caffery adds that Egyptian  political leaders do not know how to deal with this situation.  - 5-.  TO,}>SE�16  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733108  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733108  T6ij -  3.5(c)  Comment. Recent events in Iran will hardly  lead to public violence in Egypt. Nevertheless, the expanding activities  of the Moslem Brotherhood during the past year, its increased dissatis- faction with the government, and its long-term antipathy against foreign  influence in Egypt furnish an adequate basis for concern that it might use  this opportunity to resume its terrorist activities in Egypt.  LATIN AMERICA  7. Argentina's attitude makes Hemisphere Defense Plan unacceptable to  Brazil   3.3(h)(2)  fr  Comment: Argentine reluctance to send  armed forces outside its own territory does not preclude some Argentine  patrol activity along the South Atlantic sea lanes, although it could not  extend so far from Argentina's coast as would be desired. Brazilian,  and possibly Uruguayan, failure to go along with the proposed plans for  inter-American defense would be an added deterrent to the speedy and  successful conclusion of the coming Foreign Ministers Meeting�in which  these plans will be discussed. It is possible, however, that Brazil is not  contemplating such action and that the Brazilian Foreign Minister had  adopted the above position in an attempt to get more US naval units for  Brazil.  6  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733108