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Publication Date: 
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733137.3  void  9 lune 1951  Copy No. ej -  CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN  141 DOCUMENT NO.  NO CHANGF. IN  DECLA,S.:3!r;CD  CLAS5. TO: TS S  NXT E RE _  At ' ' HiotHH  DATEUtt,.._,6  Office of Current Intelligence  CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY  3.5(c)  3.5(c)  3.5(c)  3.5(c)  .12  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733137  Approved for Release: 20-19/03/14 CO2733137  ITG.SECRET   3.5(c)  SUMMARY  GENERAL  1. Vessels sailing for Communist China misrepresent destination (Page 3).  USSR  2. Tass representative's views on proposed Foreign Ministers' Conference  and congressional hearings (page 3).  FAR EAST  3. Chinese Communist Fourth Field Army units withdrawing from Korea  (page 4).  NEAR EAST  3.3(h)(2)  o. Iranian Manual need increasing pressure on Prime Minister (nage 5).  3.3(h)(2)  EASTERN EUROPE  7, Yugoslav Foreign Minister announces Popovic visit to US (page 7).  8. Embassy Belgrade's views on Yugoslav sponsorship of Albanian exiles  - (page 8).  WESTERN EUROPE  9. French expect four-power conference on German defense force (page 8).  LATIN AMERICA  10, Rumors of revOlutionary plot in Ecuador renewed ( 9).  * * * *  2  3.5(c)  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733137  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733137  TC*2 SECRET  GENERAL  1. Vessels sailing for Communist China misrepresent destination:   3.3(h)(2)  Communist-chartered and other vessels 3.3(h)(2)  bound for China from Europe with strategic  cargoes are declaring Port Said as destination.  From Port Said the ships declare for Aden, Colombo, Singapore and  Hong Kong, then proceed to China. The British Admiralty believes  these are precautionary measures in anticipation of a possible naval  blockade of the China coast, in which event these vessels could  unload in Indian ports for transhipment via nine Soviet and Satellite  vessels now in Indian waters delivering grain. The Admiralty is of  the opinion that the USSR believes its ships would neither be stopped  or molested by a naval blockade of China.  Comment:   the shipment of strategic goods to Communist China from  Europe in vessels owned or chartered by Soviet orbit countries.  It is possible that the plan of declaring for other than Chinese ports  may be a precaution against incidents similar to the recent seizure  by the Chinese Nationalist navy of the German vessel Mai Rickmers.  Another precaution now being taken is the discharge of cargoes into  junks off South China to avoid possible interception along the China  coast.  2. Tass re resentative's vi  congressional hearings   USSR  3.3(h)(2)  3.3(h)(2)  ro osed oreikn Ministers' Conference and,  In a 6 June conversation Yuri Zhukov,  Tass representative in Paris, asked   whether he  considered that MacArthur's influence  was declining and that the Truman Administration had won its point  - 3 -  3.3(h)(2)  3.3(h)(2)  3.3(h)(2)  TOP SFCRET  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733137  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: -2-019/03/14 CO2733137  11SECRE'll  3.5(c)  he understood  that the Chinese were also being circumspect in not sending troops  south of the 38th Parallel. Zhukov asked why it was not possible  to proceed quickly to a foreign ministers conference in Washington  based on the general agenda which was proposed by the Western  Powers and inquired further whether raising  points at the conference "between the Russians and Americans  alone." Zhukov also expressed interest in the degree of war  mindedness of the American people and political leaders, and  concern that at the Washington hearings military leaders had  discussed bases for the bombing of the USSR.  corrinlent, During a similar conversation  on 2 March Zhukov expressed interest in the conversion of American  factories to war production and emphasized that only a Stalin Truman  meeting could reach a real solution of USSR US differences. In a  23 April conversation Zhukov questioned whether the MacArthur  affair was only a "coverup for full-scale American war in the Far  East," When questioned, Zhukov reaffirmed his view that a Stalin- Truman meeting would be more profitable than the Paris deputies'  meeting. Zhukov 's approaches appear intended both to convey certain  views and to probe for well-informed opinion.  FAR EAST  3. Chin  The Intelligence Staff of the US Far East  Command accepts the withdrawal of the  Chinese Communist 50th Army from Korea  to an unlocated dest?ination. in China or  Manchuria. FECOM comments, further, that a heavy volume of reports  has been received indicating that the Chinese Communist 38th, 39th, 40th  and 42nd Armies have also been withdrawn. No contact, other than with  isolated deserter prisoners, has been made with any of these units since  �4 -  3.3(h)(2)  3.3(h)(2)  3.3(h)(2)  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733137  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733137  TG.2 SCRJT  3.5(c)  before the Communist mid-April ffensive.  comment These five crack Chinese Communist  Flourth Field Army units were the first Chinese troops to enter Korea,  along with the since-withdrawn 66th Army from the North China Military  Area command. Hhving borne the almost continuous brunt a the earlier  campaigns, their strength and effectiveness is believed to be greatly  reduced.  NEAR EAST  5. Iranian financial need increasing nressure on Prime Ministerz   3.3(h)(2)  US Ambassador Grady in Tehran reports 3.3(h)(2)  that the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company has  made no monthly advance of funds to Iran  since 31 March 1951. With the Iranian  Government already failing to meet all its current objections, suspension  -5  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733137  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733137  TG.,,,SECRET  3.5(j  of AIOC advances is undoubtedly having a detrimental effect on the fiscal  and budgetary situation; but the Ambassador reports that the Government  may be able to get by for two or three months and possibly longer.  Prime Minister Mossadeq, however, greatly fears a financial crisis.  Comment In the post World War II period,  the Iranian Government has been chronically short of funds. Since  roughly 40 per cent of its income has been AIOC payments, it is  obvious _that the suspension of these payments will cause most serious  financial difficulties, possibly even earlier than indicated above. The  UK is naturally aware of the persuasive effects of withholding these  payments.  3.3(h)(2)  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733137  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733137  ET  3.5(c)  EASTERN EUROPE  Yugoslav Foreign Minister announces Popovic visit to U$:  Yugoslav Foreign Minister Kardeli has  announced publicly that Chief of Staff  Koca Popovic is now in the US for talks  with US officials regarding the possibility  of acquiring armaments for the Yugoslav Army. Kardelj explained  that his government is seeking arms from the West solely to ensure  Yugoslav independence and contribute to the consolidation of peace  In the Balkans. He stated that this step had been necessitated by  the rearmament of Yugoslavia's Cominform neighbors in violation  of their peace treaties.  3.3(h)(2)  3.3(h)(2)  Comment: The publicizing of Popovic's  visit contrasts markedly with the previous Yugoslav desire for secrecy  regarding its overtures for Western arms. As late as April 1951,  the Tito government expressed serious concern to US officials over  �a news leak revealing Yugoslav efforts to obtain Western arms, because  the leak afforded Soviet propaganda justification for allegations that  the Yugoslav Government had joined the Western bloc. Kardelj's  revelation of Popovic's visit suggests that Yugoslav concern over  declining popular morale has overcome previously manifested  reluctance to reveal its arms negotiations with the West. The public  announcement was probably made to demonstrate to the Yugoslav  people, as well as to the USSR, the close working relationship between  Yugoslavia and-the US. An additional motive for the Yugoslav move  may be further to commit the US to the Yugoslav armament program.  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733137  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733137  ET  3.5(c)I  8. Eqtbassv le1gr4de's views on Yugoslav sponsorship of Albanian exiles:,   Embassy Belgrade regards Yugoslav 3.3(h)(2)  sponsorship of an Albanian refugee organization  primarily as a counteraction to the activities  inside Albania of Western-sponsored Albanian  exiles. The Embassy does not believe that Yugoslavia is likely to pre- cipitate any action which might give the Soviet Union an excuse for  aggression under a guise of defending Albania. Since the Yugoslav  Government hopes eventually to see a friendly national communist  government established in Albania, the Tito regime is undoubtedry- supporting dissident Albanians in Yugoslavia willing to work toward  this. end. The Embassy believes that, in the event of akgenuine re- volution in Albania, the group favoring national communisin would  receive covert Yugoslav assistance as a counterforce to elements  supported by the West  Comment: The publicity which the Yugoslav  press has given the founding of an Albanian exile committee in Yugoslavia  in May suggests that its immediate purpose is to challenge Western   leadership of Albanian resistance groups.   3.3(h)(2)  Because of the Yugoslav Government's precarious position, as well  as its unpreparedness to upset the Hoxha regime, Tito probably has  no immediate intention to use the Albanian refugee organizations for  overt action against Albania.  WESTERN EUROPE  9. Frcnch e4pect four pOwer conference on german defense force:  The French envisage a four-power conferenc3.3(h)(2)  (US, UK, France, and Germany) to reconcile  anticipated differences between the final  reports of the two separate conferences that  have been taking place on (1) a German defense contribution to NATO, and  (2) the formation of a European Army. (Reports on both conferences  are expected within a month.) French NATO Deputy Alphand has stated  11(,)P MGR-kr  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733137  ,  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733137  ET  3.5(c)  that the present French Government wants a German defense contingent  immediately and that defense measures, including German rearmament,  should not be delayed because of fear of provoking the USSR. He warned,  however, against recreating the German army, the general staff, and  the power of the Ruhr industrialists.  LATIN AMERICA  10. Rumors of revolutionary plot in Ecuador renewed:  Col. Carlos 3.3(h)(2)  Mancheno, Lt. Col. Alberto Mittman and  retired Gen. Alberto Carlos Enriquez Gallop 3  supported by followers of Guevara Moreno .3(h)(2)  (i. e., the Concentration of Popular Forces - CFP), are planning a  rqvolutionary attempt to overthrow the present government during the  Liberal-Radical Party Congress which opened in Guayaquil on 5 June,  The Minister of Government is extremely concerned over the possibility  that either the CFP � Liberal-Radical Party group or the Minister of  Defense will make a revolutionary attempt at any time.  comment; A Mancheno-CFP plot against the  government has been brewing for the past eight months, and it is still  possible that this group will make a reVolutionary attempt. Although the  group might be capable of creating serious disturbances in Guayaquil,  it is not believed that it would be able to gain control of the whole country.  There is evidence that the ambitious Minister of Defense and some prominent  senior army officers might take advantage of such disturbances to assume  control of the country under the guise of "protecting the constitution.  -9  3.5(c)  Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2733137