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Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 ret No Fore Disseri DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY Special Report The Supersonic Transport Race: The European Side Secret N2 38 17 March 1967 No. 0281/67A Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 ppm. ei et Special Reports are supplements to the Current Intelligence Week- lies issued by the Office of Current Intelligence. The Special Re- ports are published separately to permit more comprehensive treat- ment of a subject. They are prepared by the Office of Current Intelligence, the Office of Research and Reports, or the Directorate of Science and Technology. Special Reports are coordinated as appropriate among the Directorates of CIA but, except for the normal substantive exchange with other agencies at the working level, have not been coordinated outside CIA unless specifically in- dicated. WARNING This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States, within the meaning of Title 18, sections 793 and 794, of the US Code, as amended. Its transmission or revela- tion of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. )ISSEMINATION CONTROLS This document MUST NOT BE RELEASED TO FOREIGN GOV- ERNMENTS. If marked with specific dissemination controls in accordance with the provisions of DCID 1/7, the document must be handled within the framework of the limitation so imposed. ift0ILP � I 'EXCLUDED XEIONI AUTORIXI IC I LICCKNOHADINCI AN D DECL A5517ICATION e et Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 viwor 8 ET No Foreign ern THE SUPERSONIC TRANSPORT RACE: THE EUROPEAN SIDE The Anglo-French developers of supersonic transport aircraft (SST) are in a close race with the USSR to be the first to fly a prototype. At this point it appears the Soviets could be the first to attain that goal, possibly even by the end of this year--although they apparently will not be a major competitor in the world aircraft market. The British and French have settled some of their technical and economic differences about the joint Concorde project which had caused delays and at one time threatened to end British participa- tion. They are now well on the way toward meet- ing their February 1968 target date for the ini- tial flight of a Concorde prototype. After the first test flights technical con- siderations will determine how soon the SSTs will be ready for commercial use. Both the Soviets and the British and French plan to have their respec- tive aircraft in limited service by 1971. In the case of the Concorde, technical problems are likely to delay full service use perhaps by as much as two years or more beyond 1971. The full scope of the technical problems likely to be encountered by a commercial airliner flying at twice the speed of sound will not be known until the SSTs are test flown. There are preliminary indications, however, that trouble- some problems will be found in the operation and maintenance of the engine and the fuel system. There are also problems attendant on supersonic flight over populated areas, such as the effects of sonic boom, that have yet to be solved. The Anglo-French Concorde Political, as well as eco- nomic and technical, considera- tions have weighed heavily in decisions about the Concorde project. At the time of the program's initiation in Novem- ber 1962, Britain was seeking entry into the European Economic Community, and sought to demon- strate its interest by estab- lishing other ties with the con- tinental Europeans. The project Page 1 SPECIAL REPORT 17 Mar 67 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869% The SUPERSONIC TRANSPORTS..... The ANGLO-FRENCH CONCORDE The SOVIET TU-144 RET NO FORE1G � ISSEM CONCORDE TU-144 BOEING 2701 PROGRAM COST 51.4 billion PLANE COST 521 m �OmiMonillion PROTOTYPE early 1968 late '67 eark'68 late 19704 IN SERVICE 1971 late 1970-71 1974d TOTAL No. ORDERS 72 (26 US) 10-20 derdflot 115 (57 US) No. of PASSENGERS 138 121 (80)4 280 LENGTH 191 It. 189 ft. 306 ICIi0.ibs. 286,000 - GROSS WEIGHT 357,000 lbs. 315,000 bs 6160,06 Mach 1.2 Mach 2.2 CRUISE SPEED 1450 mph 54,000- Machu2.5 p 10 6M1011020.-7 CRUISE ALTITUDE 63,000 ti. 65,000 t. 68,000 ft. RANGE 3506 n.m. 3500( aluminu is 4000 n.m. METAL aluminum (some titanium) titanium a. Including 55 million for spare parts b. Soviet claims c. Western estimates for the 144 prototype d. FaA est male -- no official US commitment BOEING'S VARIABLE-SWEEP WING SST 65942 3-67 CIA Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 'ear � R ET No Foreig was also expected to help upgrade the UK's slumping, state-supported aircraft industry. In late 1964 the newly installed Labor govern- ment in Britain had serious res- ervations about the costs of the project and seriously considered withdrawing. London still harbors doubts about the Concorde's eco- nomic viability but seems com- mitted to seeing it through. The French, unlike the Brit- ish, have never shown any doubts. President de Gaulle views the Con- corde as an important step in demonstrating the technical com- petence required of a major power. He sees the project as a means to enhance French pres- tige by proving that a European aircraft industry strong enough to survive US competition can be created. Points of Difference The British and French still differ considerably on important technical and economic aspects of the Concorde project. Paris advocates an all-out effort to sell as many Concordes as pos- sible before US competition comes to bear. London on the other hand, continues to believe that development of an expanded ver- sion of the present Concorde will be necessary to compete effec- tively with the larger Boeing 2707 SST. The French believe the Con- corde must be in service two and a half or three years before the US plane if it is to capture a reasonable share of the market. At French insistence, the first sssem prototypes will be a 126-pas- senger version and the prepro- duction aircraft a lengthened 138- passenger version. The French have flatly rejected any further increases in size or capacity, even though this seating capac- ity will be only half that of the Boeing 2707. UK thinking follows a much different pattern. The British do not believe the planned pro- duction aircraft has the optimum economic potential. They want a vehicle with greater passerger capacity and more powerful en- gines, and believe that these technical adjustments should be made during the development and testing of the first proto- types. The French refusal to consider such design changes un- til after the smaller version is in service has heightened British reservations about the economic viability of the whole program. The rising costs of tYe Con- corde have also impaired coopera- tion between the two countries on the project. When the pro- gram was launched in 1962, its projected cost was $450 million to be shared equally between the two governments. By late 1964 when Prime Minister Wilson took office the project's anticipated costs had risen to almost $800 million. At that time London somewhat hastily informed the French it wanted to reappraise the program because of the rising costs and Britain's balance-of- payments problems, and implied it might withdraw. After a more considered review, the Labcr Page 3 SPECIAL REPORT 17 Mar 67 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869* 'ET No Foreign government decided to continue to participate, mainly for politi- cal reasons. Britain is now once again trying to get into the EEC, and if it withdrew from the Con- corde Project while EEC negotia- tions were in progress, De Gaulle would certainly cite it as proof that the UK was not sufficiently European-minded. The estimated cost is now up to $1.4 billion, how- ever, and it is clear that in any event London will continue to have doubts about the project on economic grounds. In late 1966, the UK Treas- ury and the Ministry of Aviation for the second time in two years refused an inquiry into the cost- sharing arrangement between Paris and London, despite pressure from Parliament. Those who are push- ing for inquiry, however, appear concerned not so much about the magnitude of the projected costs as about ensuring that the cost-sharing arrangement isequita- ble and fairly administered. If the French are concerned about soaring costs, they have not shown it. De Gaulle's po- litical motives probably override any qualms about diverting addi- tional funds to the program. There has been virtually no public de- bate in France about pouring money into the Concorde, even though the French Government, like the British will probably recover only a fraction of its expendi- tures for research and develop- ment. The difference over costs and design, however, have made ssem the partners nervous about each other's intentions. The French are not wholly convinced that the UK will not back out, and for that reason are trying to hurry the project along. The rapid pace of the program has in turn raised British fears that they are being dragged along in a dubious venture in which they really have very little say. The Orders Game The developers of the Con- corde are, of course, very in- terested in the potential market for their plane. To amortize the tooling costs along, for ex- ample, will require sales of more than 130 aircraft. As for research and development costs, a portion of these is expected to be realized from a special levy on each plane sold. It is not known how much this levy will be, or how many planes would have to be sold before all costs could be written off. As of 10 March 1967, six- teen major airlines had taken options for 72 Concordes (there are at least 115 options for the Boeing 2707). The options do not commit purchasers to buy the air- craft, even after it is certified for commercial service. The most recent options, for three Con- cordes, were taken on 9 March by the German airline, Lufthansa. Its decision was based partly on the "unexpectedly long period" of waiting for the American SST, but Lufthansa has options for three of these too. There may be other orders for the Concorde shortly. SE Page 4 SPECIAL REPORT 10 Mar 67 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 swe swov No Foresg The sales manager for the British half of the project es- timates that 100 Concordes will have been optioned by the end of this year, 200 by 1975, and possibly 400 by 1980. He indi- cates that this market assess- ment was made on the "pessi- mistic" assumptions that sonic boom restrictions will prohibit flight over land, that tickets will have a 25 percent surcharge for supersonic flight, and that the US will have a highly com- petitive plane within three years after the Concorde enters service. These estimates of poten- tial sales appear overly opti- mistic, particularly that for 1980, especially if SST flights are restricted to over-water routes. The operation of the SSTs could be very profitable for the airlines, but this will depend on a high level of aircraft performance, and the Concorde has technical deficien- cies which will have to be cor- rected. Many airlines have taken options on both the Anglo-French and the American SSTs, so that the comparative quality of the per- formance of the two planes will have a decisive impact on future sales. The Concorde project will almost certainly have to adjust its timetable if the plane is to be brought up to its optimum tech- nical efficiency before it is turned over to the airlines. Production Progress Cooperation between the British and the French at the production level has gone well. The British Aircraft Corporation ET issem and France's government-controlled Sud Aviation have formed a company to produce and market the Concorde. Britain's Bristol Siddeley, and Societe Nationale d'Etudes et Con- struction de Moteurs d' Aviation (SNECMA) will produce the engine. The first prototype is being constructed in France with en- gines made in Britain. The first exchange of major components for the airframe was made in mid- 1966 on schedule. Equally good progress is being made with the Olympus 593 engine, about a dozen of which were built last year. The French-built prototype is scheduled to be test flown in February 1968 and to be certi- fied for commercial service by mid-1971. At present the de- velopers are slightly ahead of schedule. Work on the second prototype, which is being built in Britain, is about six months behind that of its French Joun- terpart. The projected cost of 31.4 billion is understood to cover the construction of the two prototypes, two preproduction air- craft, and two airframes for sta- tic tests, the tooling costs for these six planes, test flights up to the receipt of a certificate of air worthiness in 1971, and the construction of 80 Olympus engines. This figure also in- cludes a contingency fund of $225 million to finance two years of further development after certification to bring the air- craft up to its full planned performance and another of $140 million to cover higher wages and other likely expenses. Page 5 SPECIAL REPORT 17 Mar 67 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 A, CONCORDE PROTOTYPE UNDER CONSTRUCTION at Toulouse, France, 17 February 1967 =FRENCH ReW BRITISH BAC Weybridge BAC Ron Hessler BRISTOL SIDDELEY SNECMA SUD Bouguenais SUD Merignane HISPANO SUIZA SUD Toulouse BAC Filton BA( Weybridge .BAC Preston SUD SI Nazaire RO R GAM DASSAULT The DIVISION of CONSTRUCTION WORK on the COMPONENTS for CONCORDE S ET NO FOREIG � ISSEM 65943 3-67 CIA Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 mow 'CRET No Forel. Technical Problems Technical deficiencies in the Concorde could delay completion of the project two years or more. All of the anticipated problems can probably be solved through normal engineering approaches, but the British and French have only lately begun serious study of some of these problems. If some of the deficiencies are not adequately corrected in the rush to get the plane into service, the Concorde could be an aircraft of very marginal performance re- quiring extensive ground main- tenance time. The initial service design is expected to contain short- comings in range performance, in the operation of equipment, and in maintenance. The most serious of these problems are likely to involve the engine. The design changes made to date have required significantly more engine development than originally planned. The changes made to in- crease the thrust of the engines may mean that either the load (138 passengers) or the range 3,500 nautical miles of the ve- hicle will have to be reduced. Moreover, the development of new engines with even greater thrust must be started soon, if growth versions of the presently pro- jected aircraft are to be ready in time to meet the demand. There is also concern that the time between overhauls of the engine will be too short. Neither France nor the UK has a lubricant that is satisfactory for more than 100 hours of operations. The Con- corde is programed initially Page 7 Dissem for a minimum of 500 hours be- tween overhauls. Another potential hazard relates to the fuel system. The French plan to use a sealant in the fuel system which US experi- ence shows is not satisfactory in an SST. If this sealant is used, frequent draining, cleaning, and resealing of the fuel tanks would be required to prevent serious corrosion. This type of maintenance involves difficult procedures which necessitate a great deal of ground time. This would be unacceptable to the air- lines, because of high rate of utilization is necessary to make operation of the Concorde profit- able. The airframe of the Concorde will be constructed of an alumi- num alloy. The French have de- veloped a new spot welding tech- nique that will be used along with conventional riveted and bolted construction. The aim is to develop a structure with a flying life of 45,000 hours. The partners appear to have exercised very thorough quality control in the development of the airframe. Aluminum has basic limitations, how- ever, and in order to fly faster than the Concorde's planned speed of 1,450 miles per hour, the air- frame, or at least the mos vul- nerable parts of it, must be con- structed of a stronger metal, like titanium. There are other potential troubles for the Concorde, as well as for the US and Soviet SSTs, the seriousness of which will not be fully determine& un- til the prototypes are test- �Nz.Ez SPECIAL REPORT 17 Mar 67 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 401..k SE ET No Foreign .' sem flown. For example, there are uncertainties about the effect of drag--the resistance to movement brought to bear on a plane by the air through which it passes. The turbulence at the altitude the SSTs are to fly will be severe. One US Air Force test pilot compared supersonic flight at 70,000 feet with travel in a Greyhound bus going over a washboard road at 200 miles per hour. Certain American aeronau- tical engineers have doubts that the Concorde builders have yet taken these problems seriously enough into account. Two further problems not di- rectly related to technical per- formance are sonic boom and the limitations imposed by today's airport facilities. The sonic boom caused by an SST can shat- ter windows and do other physi- cal damage that go beyond mere annoyance for people on the ground. Neither Concorde partner apparently gave this problem much consideration. Each simply took eventual public acceptance for granted, until tests conducted by the US Government demonstrated the seriousness of the problems of supersonic flight over popu- lated areas. The British are now studying the problem, but what recommendations, if any, they have come up with are not known. The British say they would be satisfied to concentrate on put- ting the Concorde into use ex- clusively on over-water routes, but the French expect the plane to be used on routes over con- tinental Europe. Most airports do not have all the facilities necessary to handle SSTs. The necessary land- ing strips, maintenance facili- ties, guidance systems and the like will be installed in time, but for at least a decade or so the lack of proper facilities will probably limit use of the SSTs. Airport noise will be an- other problem. The noise level of a supersonic plane flying at subsonic speeds is somewhat higher than that of today's largest sub- sonic jet airliners. The Con- corde's developers believe the difference is not great enough, however, to preclude eventual public acceptance of the nui- sance. The Soviet TU-144 The Soviet Union may be the first nation to fly an SST, but apparently will not be a major competitor in the world aircraft market. The Soviets have not seriously competed for options on their TU-144. The Soviet state- ment that only 10 or 20 SSTs will be needed by Aeroflot, the So- viet civil airline, also suggests that the USSR does not plan to manufacture the TU-144 on a large scale. The TU-144 prototypes will probably be unable to achieve the flight performance presently being advertised by the Soviet Union. Although the Soviets have announced that the TU-144 would have a range of 3,500 miles and a passenger capacity of 121, Western estimates indicate that the aircraft will not attain that capability. Its range may be as low as only 2,500 miles with 80 passengers, or 1,800 miles with a full load of 121 pas- sengers. Page 8 SPECIAL REPORT 17 Mar 67 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 NNW+ Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 NW" :REF No Forel.g. The USSR first displayed a model of the TU-144 in June 1965 at an international air show in Paris. This showing was followed by a propaganda campaign indica- ting that the USSR intends to be the first country to fly an SST. To achieve this end the Soviet aircraft industry is believed to be working to complete a pro- totype late this year, perhaps on the occasion of the 50th an- niversary of the Bolshevik Revo- lution, or early in 1968. Even if the test flight is delayed until early 1968, Soviet SSTs could enter limited Aeroflot service by late 1970 or early 1971 provided the Soviets over- come the same problems that threaten to delay the Concorde's timetable. Like the developers of the Concorde, the Soviets will not be aware of the full extent of some of these problems until their SST is test-flown. Future Developments The developers of both the Concorde and the TU-144 will Dissem continue to work toward geIting a prototype into the air wLthin a year. Their progress beyond that point will depend a great deal on the seriousness of the technical problems they encoun- ter in test flights, on the ex- tent to which corrective measures have been tentatively deve_oped, and on the level of perfornance each developer will deem sdtis- factory for his aircraft. The technical deficiencies will almost certainly prove formidable enough to delay cer- tification of the Concorde be- yond the target date of mi.- 1971. Whether Whether the developnent of the TU-144 is also held up probably hinges on how wel: the Soviets have anticipated the expected technical deficiercies and developed possible remedies for them, a question about which very little information is avail- able. (SECRET NO FOREIGN EIS- SEM) Page 9 SPECIAL REPORT 17 Mar 67 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869k 0-9 S RET SE Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869 tect vase Approved for Release: 2016/02/08 CO2871869