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Approved fElkiiii_224./eiffb4 4401 1'64 3.3(h)(2) DOCUMENT NO. 24 NO CHANGE IN CLASS. sr 0 DECIASSIFICZ CLASS, ON AGO! 70t 7$ 0 NEXT C. VI .1'd LAU: AVIV AUTNI kit 11.wil DATIA JUN 7,9804Eviiwil: 29 January 1960 Copy No, C 67 CEYTRAL IYTELLIGENCE BULLETI\ EE -TOP-SCRT- Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 --TOP-SECRET- Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 NIIli N11111101 29 JANUARY 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR puts pressure on Kishi over US- Japan security treaty by further qualify- ing pledge to return islands_off Hokkaido; this may boomerang by improving pros- pects for treaty ratification. Sino-Burmese boundary and friendship treaties announced but not yet published; if Burmese objectives are met, Chinese Communist reputation in Southeast Asia may be somewhat refurbished. IL ASIA-AFRICA Strong attack on army post near Saigon may herald increased aggressiveness by Vietnamese Communists in South Viet- nam. Afghans agree to Soviet construction of large military airfield near Afghan- Iranian border. Jordan planning to propose Palestine so- lution providing for Arab recognition of Israel, new boundaries, and Israeli de- mobilization. 0 "Violent differences" reported among leaders of Sudan's military regime; re- ligious sect may threaten civil disobedi- ence in pressing for return of civil gov- ernment. III. THE WEST 0 Bolivian President sees financial diffi- culties and possibility of civil war aris- ing from last week's Communist-led seizure of mining town. LATE ITEM �De Gaulle trying to convince insurgents and army in Algeria that he has France solidly behind him. TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 I. ,40 4Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 %.,TOP SECRET CENWAL INTELLIGE LETIN 29 January 1980 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMM1JNIST BLOC USSR-Japan: The Soviet Union has responded to the signing of the US-Japanese security treaty by a note for- mally withdrawing its pledge to return the Habomai and Shikotan islands off northern Hokkaido to Japan after the conclusion of a Soviet-Japanese peace treaty. Moscow now will return the islands after such a treaty only if all foreign troops are withdrawn from Japan. Although the Soviet lead- ers probably do not expect this maneuver to prevent ratifica- tion of the treaty by the Japanese Diet, they probably felt impelled to follow up their prolonged propaganda warnings about the dangerous consequences of the treaty with some re- taliatory action. Withdrawal of the pledge to return the is- lands is designed to emphasize Moscow's displeasure with the Kishi government and to warn that there is no prospect for_any improvement in Soviet-Japanese relations as long as Kishi retains power. top Japanese Foreign Ministry official has asserted that the ministry believes the Soviet note may in fact be a blunder that would strengthen Prime Minister Kishi person- ally n d imnrove prospects for ratification of the treatyj Communist China - Burma: A border agreement and a treaty of friendship were announced in a Sino-Burmese joint communique of 28 January. If the border agreement substan- tially fulfills Burmese objectives, it will help Communist China refurbish its reputation in South and Southeast Asia. The details of the agreement will not be released until 30 January. (CONFIDENTIAL) trt,is not clear from the an- nouncement whether it is an agreement covering only "mat- ters of principle," such as the Chinese desired, or the more definitive settlement desired by the Burmese, some unre solved differences still remained and would be referred to a joint commissionl TOP SECAET Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 , 3 , Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764' A 1104 TUP SECRET IL ASIA-AFRICA South Vietnam: he Diem regime, which has had a per- sistent internal security problem, now may be facing in- creased aggressiveness by Vietnamese Communist elements lin South Vietnam. A force of several hundred Communists recently attacked a South Vietnamese Army regimental head- 3 quarters about 50 miles northwest of Saigon, inflicting nu- rneyous casualties and seizing large quantities of arms. In ditions there is an as yet unconfirmed report that large umbers of North Vietnamese have recently infiltrated South Vietnam through CambodiC (Page 1) v Afghanistan: Igabul has apparently approved an agreement for Soviet construction of a military airfield at Shindand, in western Afghanistan 40 miles from the Iranian border. The new field, like the one just being completed at Bagram, is to be capable of handling most types of jet aircraft, and Iran is likely to show concern over this new "Soviet threat" to its northeastern region. The work probably is to be done under the technical and economic assistance agreement signed on U 28 May 1959, which also provided for Soviet improvement of the Kushka-Herat-Shindand-Kandahar road: 11 (Page 2) (Map) Jordan-Palestine: je Jordanian Governments in reac- tion to other Arab proposals for a separate Palestine state and government, intends to submit a comprehensive plan for settlement of the Palestine question at the meeting of the Arab League foreign ministers in Cairo on 8 February. King Husayn has said that details of the plan have not yet been worked out A U but that it would abandon the "Arab legend" that Israel should N be pushed into the sea and would propose a frontier somewhere between the 1947 Nnartlt nniinm1 the present armistice lines, the plan also advocates Arab r wgmuono srae as a religious state," demobiliza- tion of Israeli armed forces, and establishment of Arab-Israeli trade relations. These terms are unlikely to be acceptable3 41 � 29 Jan 60 DAILY BRIEF ii Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 z43 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 TOP SECRET 41111� vi [Other to other Arab states or to Israel, and the plan almost certainly will rt111CIA hnofila ririfiniam ni� +he. A T ?ague meeting,!3 (Page 3) Sudan: The political situation in the Sudan has been un- stable for some time. Most rPePntiv nn 2 Ianuary, there are "vio- lent differences" in the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces-- �r)the top governing body--and predicted cabinet changes and "a great purge of police and investigations" personnel. the head of the large and influential Ansar religious sect intends to threaten a campaign of civil disobedience in order to press Prime Minister Abboud to carry out measures for a gradual transition from military to civilian government. (Page 4) III. THE WEST Bolivia: ClItesident Siles has expressed to the US ambas- sador grave concern over the situation resulting from the Communist-led seizure last week of Huanuni, a key tin-min- ing town in central Bolivia. Siles said the way is now open for Communists to seize the major city of Oruro, 40 miles away on the railroad to La Paz, and stressed the possibility of civil war. He also emphasized that disruption of an impor- tant segment of the tin-mining industry would result in even greater Bolivian financial difficulties. The American Army attache characterizes the Huanuni episode as the most daring exploit of the Bolivian Communist party to date. Siles, who may be reluctant to cause further bloodshed, is said to ques- tion whether the army could dislodge the Communist-led miners' militia controlling the town: (Page 5) (Map) 29 Jan 60 DAILY BRIEF iii TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 its TOP SECRET LATE ITEM *France-Algeria: Reinforced by assurances of support from most political parties in France, De Gaulle seems to be mounting a campaign to isolate the insurgents in Algiers and to convince the army that he has France solidly behind him. His transfer of Delegate General Delouvrier and Gen- eral Challe to a new command post 30 miles from Algiers has been officially explained as a move to put them "out of reach of any pressure from the insurgents or any quarter." riThe move was accompanied by renewed appeals by Delouvrier and Challe for unity of all elements in Algeria behind De Gaulle. Meanwhile, the settler insurgents have seized the radio station in Algiers--a move which may offset in part their fail- ure to rally significant Moslem support for their cause. Ex- tremist spokesmen in Algiers have raised the threat of seces- sion should De Gaulle fail to pledge himself to a "French Al- geria." (Page 7) 29 Jan 60 DAILY BRIEF iv Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 nri VIVIN1 U IN1 1 IAA; yaw' Nuol II. ASIA-AFRICA Vietnamese Communist Guerrilla Raid in South Vietnam ET.he persistent security problem faced by the Diem gov- ernment in South Vietnam is underscored by a Communist guerrilla attack this week against a regimental headquarters near Tay Ninh, about 50 miles northwest of Saigon. The at- tackers, numbering several hundred, fled toward the nearby Cambodian frontier after killing more than 30 government soldiers and seizing considerable amounts of arms and equip- menfg Poor security at the command post undoubtedly contrib- uted c argely to the success of the surprise attack, but its nature and unprecedented scope suggest growing Communist aggressiveness in South Vietnam. Communist armed strength there has long been estimated at about 2,5002 but there are unconfirmed reports that an additional 12500 men recently in- filtrated from North Vietnam via Cambodia. While not posing a direct threat to the Diem regime, an increase in Commu- nist guerrilla activity would divert the government's attention from important economic development projects now begin- ning to take shap!3 ECin learning of the attack, President Diem reportedly sent an urgent appeal to the Cambodian Government for help in head- ing off the fleeing dissidents. The implications of this attack for both countries could have a beneficial effect on the informal discussions of joint border security measures. Deep distrust of each other's motives still poses a serious obstacles but there is already common concern over the Communist insurrection in neighboring Laos. A temporary arrangement may be reached aimed at curbing Communist and other dissident bands which have long acted with relative impunity along the frontiefl 29 Jan 60 SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 Page 1 Approved for 2020/03/13 CO2977764 41111%, AFGHANISTAN" Nushka �1Herat Shindand USSR 1.7....USSR ROAD PROJECT Farah Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 USSR to Build Military Airfield for Western Afghanistan fthe Afghan Government has approved an agreement for Soviet construction of a military airfield at Shindand, 40 miles from the Iranian border, The new airfield, like the one just being completed with Soviet assistance at Bagram, is to be capable of han- dling most types of jet aircraft. It may be used as an alternate landing field for civil aircraft using the international airport being constructed at Kandahar with US assistance. Iran, which has previously voiced anxiety about Soviet military aid programs in Afghanistan, is likely to show concern over this new "Soviet threat" to its northeastern regio_Lnj he work is probably to be done on a grant basis under the terms of the technical and economic assistance agreement signed on 28 May 1959, which also provided for Soviet improve- ment of the Kushka-Herat-Shindand-Kandahar road. Moscow announced on 15 December that Soviet technicians were about to begin the survey for the road project. Improvement of the Kushka-Shindand section of this road would facilitate construc- tion of the airfield.') -SECRET 29 Jan 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 "I ,o,� 71 I/TT Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 Noe Jordan to Propose Plan for Palestine atecent proposals by Iraqi Premier Qasim and the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem for the establishment of a separate Palestine state have aroused critical comment in Jordan and have inspired a Jordanian counterproposal. The Jordanian Government intends to submit a plan for an over-all settle- ment of the Palestine question to the meeting of the Arab League foreign ministers in Cairo on 8 February. Although King Husayn has said details of the plan have yet to be worked out, he indicated it would involve abandonment of the "Arab legend" that Israel should be pushed into the sea and would propose a frontier somewhere between the 1947 UN partition lines and the present armistice lineD EIlhe plan reportedly also advocates Arab recognition of Israel as a "religious state," establishment of Arab-Israeli trade relations, demobilization of Israel's armed forces, and suspension of Israeli immigration pending a settlement. These terms as a whole are unlikely to be acceptable either to the other Arab states or to Israel, and since the plan would reverse Arab attitudes toward Israel, it is bound to evoke hos- tile criticism at the Arab League meeting. Husayn neverthe- less hopes the plan can be framed in a manner which will fore- stall charges that Jordan is a traitor to the Arab cause. Jor- dan's position will be kept secret until the conference,] The Jordanians probably feel compelled to take some counteraction in view of the direct threat to Jordanian sover- eignty posed by proposals for a separate Palestine state and army. Jordan's West Bank (of the Jordan River), formerly part of Palestine, was annexed by King Abdullah in 1950, and roughly two thirds of Jordan's population of over 1,500,000 are Palestinians, of whom about half are refugees. Jordan's annex- ation of Palestinian territory has not been recognized by the Arab League and has even been criticized as a traitorous act. King Abdullah was assassinated in 1951, apparently because of his moderate attitude toward Israel and his secret contacts with the Israelis in an effort to achieve a settlement. 29 Jan 60 OU aeurec Ivo furoner vaaseributt&t,lun.i. SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 r, rs �-� rye, Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 Noe Growing Political Instability in the Sudan' serious dissension persists in the Sudan's seven-man Supre e Council of the Armed Forces�the top governing body. Maj. Gen. Hasan Bashir Nasir, acting deputy com- mander in chief, is at odds with Maj. Gen. Talaat Farid, who is minister of information and labor, and Brig. Ahmad Mahjub Bahari, who is minister of interior and local govern- ment. Bashir Nasir's pressure for a further purge of the officer corps has, moreover, provoked opposition from sev- eral of the army's regional commanderCt -J There have been several reports of impending cabinet changes; Interior Minister Bahari is one of those who may be displaced. The prediction in the UAR report of a "great purge of police and investigations" personnel is not, how- ever, supported by other sources. For months, several political leaders including Siddiq al-Mandi, head of the large and influential Ansar religious sect, have been urging Prime Minister Abboud to begin a gradual transition from military to civilian government. Abboud appointed a committee headed by the Sudanese chief justice to study this problem and is considering its recom- mendations. The Mandi, who has long aspired to become president, has clearly become impatient with this delay. Implementa- tion of his reported threat to launch a campaign of civil dis- obedience could create a serious situation; even if only a small part of the Ansar sect's 1,5002000 members partici- pated, they might well be joined by other disaffected polit- ical elements, including adherents of ooth the National Unionist and the Communist parties. 29 Jan 60 --T-OP-4ECRE-r CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 411114 28 JANUARY 1960 UNCLASSIFIED mn es 200 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 ei1V doi r. Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 vow III. THE WEST The Bolivian Situation tpommunist-led miners have taken control of the key mining town of Huanuni, which prior to the armed clash of 23 January served as a progovernrnent barrier separating 8,000 Communist-led miners in Catavi from the cities of Oruro and La Paz. President Siles has expressed to the US ambassador his grave concern over the situation, stressing the possibility of civil war. He noted that control of Oruro, a junction of railroads serving the tin mines, would permit the Communists virtual control of the nation's economy. Minerals make up 90 percent of Bolivian exports.] 4iles emphasized the effect this would have on the coun- try's already difficult financial situation, and requested US good offices with the International Monetary Fund, where a Bolivian request for aid is pending Eklles is seeking to convince former President Paz Estens- soro, right-wing leader Walter Guevara, and left-wing leader Juan Lechin that they are playing into the Communists' hands by their bitter rivalry over the government party's impending presidential and congressional nominations. Paz and Guevara have gone to the Cochabamba valley in central Bolivia to pacify the opposing right- and left-wing units of rural militia which were recently mobilized in response to the Huanuni ep- isode. Fighting began near Cochabamba on 25 January, and initial reports claim ten to thirteen dead-.7 Liles, who flew to Huanuni on 23 January to stop the fight- ing there, said he was surprised to encounter "500 disciplined militia, superbly led by Communists." The workers militia was the main force in 1952 in the MNR's defeat of the ruling military junta and the armed forces. Since then, government control has often depended on a precarious balance betweea) 29 Jan 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 Approved for Re!ear's 7. 2020/03/13 CO2977764 Nimpf Ehe right and left wings of the party, each backed by workers' militia units which are still armed. In the present situation Siles is reported to have questioned whether the army would be able to dislodge the Catavi miners from Huanuni without exposing La Paz itself to attack�I 29 Jan 60 SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 Page 6 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 Noe Niso* SECRET LATE ITEM The French-Algerian Situation De Gaulle appears to be mounting a campaign to isolate the settler insurgents in Algiers and to impress the army there that France is solidly behind him. Police action on the night of 27 January against rightist extremist leaders in France was probably the first step in this campaign. De Gaulle, in his state- ment before the Council of State on 28 January, said he was re- solved to "shoulder his responsibilities" and, "whatever happens," to maintain the "legitimate institutions and the functioning of the state." Reports of the special cabinet meeting on 27 January sug- gest at De Gaulle has abandoned any intention to order the army to use force against the insurgents and may move to mix some conciliation with firmness in his major sneech scheduled for 29 January. De Gaulle told tne cabinet that perhaps he should have been more explicit in his 16 September speech announcing his self-determi- nation policy for Algeria, and perhaps should have stated at the time that he expected a "French" solution`q Most political parties in France have indicated their support for De Gaulle in his contest with rightist extremists. Liocialist party leaders and non-Communist labor union leaders, however, have expressed fears that if the threat of antigovernment violence grows, they may be forced into joint action with the Communist party :1 The Communists, anxious to break out of their long-stand- ing political isolation, have already called for rigorous action by the government against the insurgents, and for all "Socialists, Communists, and Democrats" to unite in the "defense of democ- racy." Paris' transfer of Delegate General Delouvrier and General Challe to a new command post about 30 miles from Algiers has been explained by a government spokesman as a move to put them "out of reach of any pressure from the insurgents or any quarter whatsoever." � There is also speculation this move may be intended to lay the groundwork for a possible future withholding of supplies from an insurgent-dominated Algiers without penalizing the army SECRET 29 Jan 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 cif rf rrf Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 �11110i at the same time. The command post shift was accompanied by renewed appeals by Delouvrier and Challe to the insurgents, the army, and the Moslems to unite behind De Gaulle. The Algiers insurgents' seizure of the local radio station provides them with a means of coordinating extremist activity out- side Algiers, and is a tactical success which may offset somewhat the failure of their attempts to rally significant Moslem support for a "French Algeria." Efforts throughout 28 January to stimu- late demonstrations of Moslem support for the extremists were conspicuously unsuccessful, and there are indications that most Algerian Moslems support De Gaulle's self-determination pro- gram. The number of extremists barricaded in downtown Algiers reached about 6,000 on 28 January� and the American consulate general characterized the atmosphere as one of "fanaticism and despair." Both extremist and French Army attitudes will prob- ably be influenced!, recent manifestations of support for De Gaulle in France. Extremist spokesmen, however, have raised the threat of secession should De Gaulle fail to pledge himself to a "French AlgeriD 29 Jan 60 -SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 Page 8 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 �11- 1.,CLUT ,IAL Nero "tiW THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff Commandant, United States Marine Corps The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977764