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0.; Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 //07,0A e4z. / CURRENT / INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN //7 715 -P E C.12 W/ 20 April 1956 Copy No. 03 DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. Li DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH: HR 7 DATE) OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY EVIEVVER: Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 Aft, oft, Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 TOP SE,CRET 'NW CONTENTS 1. WEST GERMAN DIPLOMAT REPORTEDLY SAYS BONN WOULD GIVE UP NATO FOR UNIFICATION (page 3). 2. USSR ANNOUNCES NEW ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY FOR NONMILITARY USES (page 4). 3. ICELANDIC POLITICIANS SEEN "CONFUSED" ON NATO BASE PROBLEIO (page 5). 4. DAUD SUGGESTS US AND USSR SHARE WORK ON KABUL AIRPORT (page 6). 5. CUBAN GOVERNMENT FEARS ARMY REVOLT (page 7). 6. ARGENTINE GOVERNMENT ANTICIPATES PERONISTA COUP ATTEMPT (page 8). 20 Apr 56 * * * * THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 9) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 SECRET 1. WEST GERMAN DIPLOMAT REPORTEDLY SAYS BONN WOULD GIVE UP NATO FOR UNIFICATION Georg Roehrig, first secretary of the West German embassy in Moscow, reportedly stated on 9 April that he had been sent to Moscow for one rea- son only: to spend all his time working for German reuni- fication. "If we have to pay with our complete neutrality and withdrawal from NATO, we will do so in order to obtain reunification�" Comment While German reunification may well be the primary mission of the Federal Republics embassy in Moscow, Roehrig's reported statement on neutrality and withdrawal from NATO probably reflects his personal opinion rather than official guidance from Bonn. Although the present government gives no sign of considering withdrawal from NATO, Bonn might adopt a policy of non- alliance if it could thereby achieve reunification, 20 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 �Vt'ett14� Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 '01 S.E;CRLI 2. USSR ANNOUNCES NEW ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY FOR NONMILITARY USES Comment on; The creation of a Chief Directorate for the Use of Atomic Energy puts the Soviet program to exploit atomic energy for peaceful purposes on a plane more nearly equal to that of the program for nuclear weapons production The new chief directorate, which is at- tached to the Council of Ministers of the USSR,' is-charged, among other duties, with administering the Soviet foreign "atoms for peace" program. Under this program, the USSR has already concluded agreements for nuclear assist- ance with Communist China, the European Satellites, Yugo- slavia and Egypt. Moscow has also made overtures to India, Pakistan and Norway. The impetus for creation of the new organ- ization may have arisen from a need to co-ordinate the in- creasing number of competing military and civilian demands made on the Soviet supply of fissionable material. The chief directorate may also resolve at the highest administrative levels the problems arising from the extension of atomic energy activities into a growing number of Soviet ministries. 20 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 r Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 Aft, SECRET 3. ICELANDIC POLITICIANS SEEN "CONFUSED" ON NATO BASE PROBLEM anish deputy foreign minister hristiansen, who has just returned rom a visit to Reykjavik, reports hat he found a wide range of views nd Social Democratic politicians re- garding the Keflavik air base. All expressed a desire to maintain strong NATO affiliations, but revealed divergent views on the question of the Soviet threat and the problem of maintaining an air base without troops. Christiansen stated that "influential" people in Iceland want to defer action until after the June parliamentary election, when prospects for a moderate settlement might be better. Icelandic foreign minister Gudmundsson is reported to have told a Danish editor that any action is unlikely before a year and a half, and that then the situation might be radically changed. Comment There is still a danger that the pres- sures of the election campaign and wide- spread chauvinism may force the government to take some steps toward revision of the defense agreement with the United States even before the June elections. The Icelandic foreign minister is attend- ing the semiannual meeting of Scandinavian foreign ministers in Copenhagen, where he intends to discuss the question of the base with his Norwegian and Danish counterparts. They can be expected to discourage him from any drastic action. 20 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 ELREll Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 irfai 'NW 4. DAUD SUGGESTS US AND USSR SHARE WORK ON KABUL AIRPORT Afghan prime minister Daud promised on 17 April that he would personally see to implementation of an American offer to develop Afghanistan's aviation. Daud old the. merican charg�n Kabul that the job of reconstruct- ing the key Kabul airport had been committed "in principle" to the Soviet Union, but offered to let the US share in its con- struction. The prime minister added that he has always preferred American aid and friendship and that he would welcome US projects even in northern Afghanistan be- cause there must be "no zones of influence" within the country. Daud gave every indication that he considers Soviet assistance to be politically harmless. Comment Daud probably will encourage unrestricted competition between the Soviet bloc and the United States in the belief that expanded ties with both sides will ensure Afghanistan's independence as well as its economic development. 20 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 0114 5. CUBAN GOVERNMENT FEARS ARMY REVOLT The Cuban government fears that troops at Camp Columbia--the coun- try's military nerve center--may rebel, and has ordered all military personnel at the camp restricted to quarters, A "very uneasy situation" exists at the camp, as a result of the detention on 18 April of high army officers suspected of being involved in the recent military plot against the Batista government. Comment Disaffection within the military estab- lishment may be spreading as a result of the continuing arrests--some 240 to date--of influential officers as well as enlisted men believed connected with the military conspiracy which was suppressed on 3 April. This conspiracy was reportedly motivated mainly by the arrested officers' lack of respect for their superiors on professional grounds and by discontent over their leaders' monopoly of graft and similar prerequisites. The plot marked the first defection within the armed forces since General Batista seized power in March 1952, and the first significant threat to the stability of the re- gime since the abortive Santiago uprising of July 1953. Thus far Batista appears to retain the loyalty of the majority of the armed forces and to be capable of controlling the situation. 20 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 !" Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 SECRET *No 6. ARGENTINE GOVERNMENT ANTICIPATES PERONLSTA. COUP ATTEMPT The Argentine government has infor- mation that Peronista elements plan coup on or about 21 April, Chis attempt, believed to be centered in Rosario, about zut.) miles northwest of Buenos Aires, is ex- pected to have "wider ramifications" than the recent one in Mendoza, but the government is confident of suppressing it. The government believes that over 80 percent of the armed forces are loyal. the government is firmly in control despite the persistent rumors of military discontent and bickering among government lead- � ers. Comment Peronista elements plan a new and better co-ordinated revolutionary attempt. Information is lacking on their leadership and capabilities, but the plotters probably include some retired military men. The majority of the-armed forces are be- lieved to oppose a return of the Peronistas to power, but serious differences among the military over government pol- icies have been reported. 20 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 oak FEN:L-SE ET THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 19 April) Egypt and Israel agreed to enforce a cease-fire on their borders, effective at 6 p. m. on 18 April, according to an announcement by UN secretary general Hammar- skjold. The agreement includes a prohibition on shooting or movement across the demarcation line by regular or irregular forces. While serious and immediate causes of friction should be alleviated by this development, an atmosphere of watchful waiting prevails. (Press) The possibility of trouble on the Jordan border is raised by an Israeli charge that a water pipeline near the Jordan border was blown ur in three places on 18 April, the second sabotage incident in this sector in three days. Meanwhile, Jordan claimed a member of the Home Guard was killed in a clash with an Israeli patrol inside Jordan Tel Aviv, despite the release of a small number of individuals from active duty, units called up during last week's crisis have not been demobilized. Roadblocks and patrols remain in effect. The immediate public reaction in Israel to the Soviet announcement of readiness to assist in efforts toward an Arab-Israeli peace was mixed, according to the American em- bassy in Tel Aviv. While there was some guarded hope that the development represented a break in recent Soviet support of the Arabs, and favored prospects for peace, most comment favored reservation of iudgment pending concrete evidence of Soviet good faith. The Egyptian press hailed the Soviet state- ment as further isolating British policy in the Near East and 20 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 7-7517-SEC-RET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604 I jr 3I1L,1tL1 countering prospects for unilateral Western intervention in the Near East crisis. The reaction among Palestine Arab refugees, however, was unfavorable. Refugee leaders in Lebanon charac- terized the statement as a "stab in the back" and accused the USSR of deceit. Members of the Lebanese parliamentary for- eign affairs committee also expressed dissatisfaction with the statement since it recognized the existence of Israel. The Syrian minister of defense also criticized the statement, commenting that the great powers should realize that the Palestine question is the concern of the Arabs alone. (Press) Cairo authorized the Egyptian arms naission in Prague to increase its orders for additional bloc arms to the equivalent of $84,000,000. Previous Egyptian contracts have amounted to at least $160,000,000. 1957 deliveries in connection with these additional orders, which constitute "part one" of the extended Egyptian requirements list. The "part one" suggests that Egypt intends eventually to or- der still more Soyiet bloc military equipment, 10 Soviet-made 1L-14 twin-piston-engined transport aircraft will be delivered from Prague to Egypt in the very near future. These planes are to be flown Ijv Effyntian crews�possibly with Soviet crews as passengers. i Greece had granted permission to land and refuel the planes at Athens. (--- Aviv, all 12 of the Mystere IV jet fighters from France now appear to have arrived in Israel. 20 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 'rOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995604