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September 15, 1960
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WZZ/Z1 FZZI ZIZZ. / WrZ/Z/ZI 7/Z/Z/Zs 6�71 r/////////////// Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 3.3(h)2) 3.5(c), 1%.3C�KCI 15 September 1960 Lopy NO. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN I � 190 ALL: TOP Z4pro\7erl for Release: 2020/03/13 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 -rehr. Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 ,impo I (Jr Litt I 16 SEPTEMBER 1960 f, I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC II. ASIA-AFRICA South African Government, increasingly concerned over trends in Black Africa seeks military ties with Portugal. III. THE WEST Adenauer reportedly cautions Bonn cab- inet against "rash" reactions to East German harassments, in effect leaving initiative on countermeasures up to West Germany's allies. Venezuelan military maintaining alert in expectation of new revolutionary efforts. LATE ITEMS Situation in Laos. Situation in Jordan. Situation in the Congo. TO RET Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 ,Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 se0X1P---5'EURE:1" CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 15 September 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC II. ASIA-AFRICA South Africa - Portugal: The South African Govern- ment, increasingly concerned over the growth and spread of nationalism in Black Africa, has renewed its efforts to establish military ties with Portugal. high civil and military officials in the Union have urged that the two countries conclude a military agreement, and have even offered to give logistic support to Portuguese forces in Angola and Mozambique. The Portuguese envoy, in reporting these statements in late August, repeated earlier recommen- dations that Portugal avoid close public identification with the Union, but said he personally, believed that "a coordination of our respective defenses could be useful to us and even neces sary." - (Page 1) III. THE WEST West Germany Berlin: Chancellor Adenauer to his cabinet to avoid "any rash moves" in dealing with East German harass- ments and travel restrictions, and in effect to leave the initia- tive on countermeasures to West Germany's allies. Adenauer, currently on vacation in Italy, sharply criticized Vice Chancel- lor Erhard's reference on 11 September to West Berlin as "Federal Republic territory," and called on the cabinet to ad- vise West Berlin Mayor Brandt to stop making demands for Western retaliations. With increasing East German "needling' k-- A/Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 .�v Viz ' � . ' �01......9F-----SEC,REl. '1 ' /,0 ?, m � ,4 _ expected, Adenauer stressed that countermeasures, including fade sanctions, must be used judiciously lest they lead to worse Communist measures, especially against West Berlin's large trade with Bonn. Adenauer's statements generally paralleled views expressed by other ministers at the same cabinet meeting. (Page 2) Venezuela: The Venezuelan armed forces are maintaining an alert in the expectation of new revolutionary, efforts. the military still fear a major conspiracy involving Communists and some "sedi- tious army men." (Page 3) IV. WATCH COMMITTEE CONCLUSIONS No Sib-Soviet bloc country intends to initiate hostilities against the United States or its possessions in the immedi- ate future J /1/1 //A /- /4 � 4` i /4 V r . IN� Sino-Soviet bloc country intends deliberately to initiate direct military action against US forces abroad, US allies, 2 or areas peripheral to the Orbit in the immediate futureD CSituations susceptible of direct exploitation by Soviet/Com- / %i munist hostile action continue to exist in Laos, the Middle 74i East, and in the Congo. In Laos, the continuing differences / / between opposing elements which led to General Phoumi's / formation of a new revolutionary group favor Communist ex- ploitation, including increased Pathet Lao military activity. In the Middle East, a Jordanian supported coup attempt in 2 , / . A Syria remains a possibility. In the Congo, Soviet actions / and statements indicate that the USSR will continue to pro- '2 / rA vide unilateral political and material minnort to Lumumba.i ./7 /, / / A % ,,,,2 15 Sept 60 DAILY BRIEF Ii TO ET /4/ /.// AApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO299753/4"//// /;/, A Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 i ujuii., I LATE ITEM *Laos: ciing Savang, in a conversation with Ambassador Browriinuang Prabang on 13 September, asserted that Premier Souvanna Phouma had "full powers" to deal with the revolt led by General Phoumi and Prince Boun Oum, saying he should either use his authority or resign and permit the King to appoint a new premier. The King stated that the op- posing views of Souvanna and Phoumi on how to deal with the Pathet Lao problem were irrecondilable, and he clearly indi- cated his support for Phoumi's position that negotiations with the Pathet Lao would prove disastrous2 uvanna, when informed of the King's attitude, stated that if Savang persisted in withholding his support, he would have no recourse but to resign. The premier flew to Luang Prabang on 14 September to� see the King; his decision on whether to resign or not will presumably depend on the outcome of the interview. Souvanna has also been considering the possibility of appealing to the UN Security Council, on the grounds that civil war in Laos would quickly become internationalized. He believes that South Vietnam and Thailand would side with Phoumi. This would pro- vide Communist China and North Vietn m the pretext they have been seeking for intervention in Laos. *Jordan-UAR: [Additional Jordanian troops moved north yesterday morning and the build-up near the Syrian border now appears as complete as is feasible without jeopardizing Jordan's internal security or denuding its West Bank defenses. Jordanian infiltrators, according to intercepted UAR messages, have com- mitted the first of a series of planned acts of sabotage in southern Syria. There is still no evidence, however, of renewed contact between Jordan and the Syrian conspirators whom the Jordanians expect to undertake an anti-Nasir coupj 15 Sept 60 DAILY BRIEF 14/4' TO CRET , ,AApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 4 , A 'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 alot to assassinate King Husavn. On the same day the King planned to leave Amman on the morning of the 14th to join his troops. He said he realized this might create apprehension that he intended to lead his forces into Syria, but since they had been on alert status for some time, he thought his presence and his urging of patience and forbearance might improve morale. He also stated that he intended to remain unavailable for several days to the British Ambassador, the US Charge, and the UN repre- sentative, pointing out that he was weary of their repetitive ap- peals that he take no precipitous actionj *Congo: (As of 0400 EDT) Colonel Joseph Mobuto, former army chief of staff recently promoted by Kasavubu's premier- designate Ileo to be army commander, announced on 14 September that the army was taking charge of the Congo uritil 31 December. Mobuto denied this was an army coup but merely a truce period during which ICasavubu, Lumumba, Ileo, and the National As- sembly would be "neutralized." There were no reports of violence; officials at the� Leopoldville airport reported that Premier Lumumba had flown to Stanleyville�his political stronghold--where presumably he might try to organize a resistance movement. Judging from Mobuto's remarks at a press conference on 14 September, he will cooperate with the UN and has already ordered Soviet and Czech diplomats out of the Congo within 48 hours. However, the extent of Mobuto's influence in the Congolese army and police is not clear. In the UN Security Council meeting of 14 September, the USSR lost out in its bid to win recognition for Premier Lumumba's repre- sentative. Subsequently the council discussed, but reached no de- cision on, the UN's role in the Congo pending some clarification of the situation. The USSR has recently asked Khartoum for overflight and landing rights for a USSR-Congo air service, three Soviet merchant ships are off the West African coast, apparently en route to the Congo where they could arrive about 18-20 September. Their 15 Sept 60 DAILY BRIEF iv 11 TOP RET / ,,,Approved for Release: 2020/03/13/CO29975/34/7 // t A / , z Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 kis 1j.jr----5LCKE I Nore initial radio silence as well as the high level Soviet interest In these vessels suggest that they may be transporting special cargo. (Page 4) 15 Sept 60 DAILY BRIEF ,,,��/�,�� TOF,' CRET fi Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 //, � A4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 ;41.1.40--b�MKE Norl South Africa Renews Military Overtures to Portugal The South African Government has renewed the efforts it began in July to form a "white bastion" comprising the European-controlled areas of southern Africa. Defense Minister Fouche and External Affairs Minister Louw urged late in August that the Union and Por- � tugal establish "some type of military arrangement." Gen- eral Melville, the commander of the South African defense force, subsequently told the ambassador that "some kind of treaty or agreement" would aid both nations. Melville of- fered to lend logistic support�including transport aircraft-- to Portuguese troops in Angola and Mozambique. He also proposed close coordination of activity and standardization of arms. There have been no indications as to Lisbon's attitude to- ward military cooperation with South Africa. However, the Portuguese are sending substantial reinforcements to both Angola and Mozambique, and the South African proposal, if made on an informal basis, may receive serious considera- tion from Premier Salazar. TO>r-ISEC�'T 15 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 U.rerit. I Adenauer Urges Caution in Berlin Countermoves tchancellor Adenauer to his cabinet from his vacation in Italy to avoid "any rash moves" in dealing with East German travel restrictions on West Germans' travel, and instead to leave the initiative on countermeasures to the Allies. Adenauer warned that firm Western countermeasures such as interrupting Bonn's shipments to East Germany might cause the East Germans to cut off the supply lines to West Germany over which more than one and a half billion dollars worth of goods were brought to West Berlin in 1959. This exchange dwarfs the West German interzonal shipments, which amounted to only $256,800,000 in 1959) CAdenauer sharply criticized Vice Chancellor Erhard's refer- ence on 11 September to West Berlin as "Federal Republic terri- tory" and called on the cabinet to advise West Berlin Mayor Brandt to stop making demands for Western retaliations like those he made during his address to an expellee meeting in Berlin on 4 September. U'Adenauer warned that Khrushchev is deliberately seeking to "warm up" the Berlin issue to justify bringing it before the United Nations. Erhard told the Bonn cabinet on 12 September that for the first time the Berliners themselves are somewhat panicky and that during his recent visit to the city he had encountered doubt and despair regarding the city's futurej Weanwhile East Germany's refusal on 13 September to allow West Berliners to use West German passports for travel to bloc countries underlines the bloc's contention that West Berlin is not part of West Germany but is a separate legal entity. In practice, this restriction probably will cause few difficulties, since East German officials are directed to accept identity documents issued by West Berlin municipal authorities not only for travel abroad but for transit through 'East Germany to West Germany 15 Sept 60 CENTD A I IkITCI I inciorc cu II =TIM Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 talimpt,�-NkCltr., Revolutionary Plotting in Venezuela The Venezuelan armed forces have been alerted in the ex- pectation of surprise attacks. a coup attempt had failed on 9 September but revolutionary plotting was continuing through- out the country. the Communist party had ordered its armed cells mobilized and had established contact with seditious army personnel. A national guard of- ficer's one-hour seizure of a key radio station in Caracas on 12 September was described as an uncoordinated part of a ma- jor conspiracy. The resignation from the cabinet of Foreign Minister Arcaya may have been regarded by the revolutionaries as weakening the united front of Venezuela's three major parties which. has backed the Betancourt regime since its inaugura- tion in February 1959. The government's effort to present a public appearance of stability is referring to the radio station seizure as "this insignificant incident." A radio bulletin from the Ministry of Interior describes it as "evident- ly an isolated act without important ramifications." Within Venezuela, however, strict vigilance in mili- tary installations and critical places, especially in the border zones, and added, "We presume there will be surprise at- tacks." 1 S C 15 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 'titan," *40' Situation in the Congo as of 0430 EDT The announcement by Colonel Joseph Mobuto on 14 September that the army was taking charge of the Congo until 31 December has added to the confusion regarding the Congo situation, although if successful, his action may save the country from becoming virtually a Communist satellite. Mobuto, 30 years of age, has had no mili- tary experience and was a newspaperman by profession. He is considered reasonably intelligent but narrowminded and somewhat suspicious of white persons. Until recently he had been one of Lu.mumba's strongest supporters. He joined the Lumumba wing of the National Congolese Movement after its split with Kalonji and last January was in charge of the movement's Brussels headquarters. He was appointed army commander�replacing General Lundula-- by ICasavubu's premier designate Joseph Ileo on 14 September. He had been army chief of staff, and as such, wielded a considerable Influence on Lundula. � It is not clear how extensive Mobuto's influence is within army and police circles, or among the populace. There was no immediate reaction reported from Congolese leaders, nor any violence after the announcement of the army takeover. Premier Lumumba is reported by officials in the Leopoldville airport control tower to have taken off for Stanleyville. If such a trip is confirmed, it would suggest that the premier will not acquiesce in the army move and may be planning to organize a resistance movement among his fervent supporters in Orientale province. In this effort, he might receive Soviet bloc assistance in view of the new regime's apparent anti-Communist orientation. At a press conference on 14 September, Mobuto announced his decision to close the Soviet and Czech embassies and consulates, military guards were being placed at the Communist missions on 15 September, and diplomatic officials were ordered out of the Congo within 48 hours. ,yeel 15 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTE1 LICIENCE BULLETIN p.a.e 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO299753e Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 itmoi EGRET vmoi The USSR--which has not as yet reacted to the Mobuto coup-- has continued to show great interest in the Congo situation and opposition to the UN's role there. At the Security Council session on 14 September, the Soviet representative argued strongly, but unsuccessfully, for the seating of Lumumba's delegate. the USSR has asked Khartoum for overflight and landing rights for a USSR-Congo air service, which presumably would be a continuation of the USSR-Cairo serviceU Meanwhile, at least two Soviet merchant ships are off the West African coast south of Guinea. They apparently are en route to the Congo and could arrive at the port of Matadi about 18-20 September. Their initial radio silence during the period from their departure from Odessa until 10 September and the high level Soviet interest in these ships they may be transporting special cargo. 15 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 uuntr 1LJ I A L klmo4 'SO THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director CONFIDE Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997534 "7./�&v/ ////p