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//f/f APP A ro ved for Release: 2019/09/16 P C 3 1)f C�:-92Z( 17/3/10d 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) /e7 0 5, fi ,40 11 September 1955 Copy No. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO 9 V NO CHANGE IN CLASS. Cl DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE- E Q/O AUTH: HR 70- DATft./...410L� REVIEWEI Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY /�. 'Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 cc: 9 13#13, 3/M Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000947 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000947 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000947 Now' CONTENTS 1. SHIGEMITSU MAY BE DROPPED FROM JAPANESE CABINET (page 3). 2. COMMENT ON INCREASED CHINESE COMMUNIST JET FIGHTER STRENGTH NORTH OF THE MATSUS (page 4). 3. COMMENT ON FAURES MOROCCAN POLICY (page 5). 4. STASSEN COMMENTS ON SOVIET TACTICS IN DISARMAMENT SUBCOMMITTEE (page 6). 5. BRITISH ATTITUDE TOWARD THE CYPRUS SITUATION (page 7). 11 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000947 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000947 e 160A.41�../. a I. SHIGEMITSU MAY BE DROPPED FROM JAPANESE CABINET Foreign Minister Shigemitsu is in a precarious position as a result of the furore over his alleged commitment in Washington to send Japanese troops overseas, and may be forced to resign or be dropped from the cabinet, according to the American embassy in Tokyo. Former deputy prime minister Ogata informed an Ameri- can official that Prime Minister Hatoyama was so con- cerned over the effects of Shigemitsu's "failure" in Wash- ington on the government's position that he had, as a coun- termeasure, instructed the Japanese representative in London to make concessions to the USSR on the territorial issues if necessary to bring about a quick treaty with the Soviet Union. The embassy reports that the Hatoyama government may also feel it necessary to adopt a "stiffer" stand toward the United States, tone down its recent posi- tive attitude toward rearmament, and attempt to avoid a major increase in the present defense budget. Comment The adverse Japanese reaction to the Washington talks can be partly attributed to criticism and deliberate press leaks by members of Shig- emitsu's own political party who are anxious to remove him to advance their own ambitions. Shigemitsu has restrained Hatoyama from moving too rapidly toward relations with the Soviet bloc, and his removal would probably weaken Foreign Ministry efforts to protect joint Japanese-American interests. It is quite likely that the cabinet will be reshuffled before the Diet convenes in late November. 11 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 rIVID Crrinrrr Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000947 " Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000947 L %LI NW' 2. COMMENT ON INCREASED CHINESE COMMUNIST JET FIGHTER STRENGTH NORTH OF THE MATSUS he Chinese Communists recently ave almost doubled the number of G jet fighters at their East Coast ase of Luchiao, the operational field losest the Nationalist-held Matsus and Formosa. Chinese Nationalist photo-reconnaissance of 7 September revealed 78 jet fighters there as compared with 42 in August. Increased fighter strength at Luchiao appears to be another Communist move to improve de- fenses against Nationalist overflights. New and more modern radar equipment has been detected recently along the China coast, and Communist fighter units have been trying a variety of tactics in efforts to halt Nationalist reconnaissance flights. 11 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Tnr .urrisr7 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000947 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000947 kfi A 3. COMMENT ON FAUREE MOROCCAN POLICY he early removal of Sultan ()hammed ben Arafa is the key ssue in French premier Faure's rogram for Morocco, but oppo- ents of the F4ure program are in- reasingly hostile and are encourag- ng the sultan to remain. Early im- lementation of Faure's policy depends on his ability to avoid an open break with rightists in his cabinet, such as Foreign Minister Pinay and Defense Minister Koenig, and yet proceed fast enough to assure the support of moderate Moroccan nationalists. Reports from Morocco indicate gen- eral disbelief that Paris will soon remove Ben Arafa, Former sultan Ben Youssef, however, has reportedly agreed to make an appeal for calm to the Moroccan peorole, over whom he has great influence. 11 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 77)1, CCCPE'r Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000947 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000947 vz -.Nov Now 4. STASSEN COMMENTS ON SOVIET TACTICS IN DISARMAMENT SUBCOMMITTEE Governor Stassen has reported that the most important thing about the disarmament subcommittee meetings in New York is the change in atmos- phere since subcommittee talks in on ear is year. Although the "Geneva spirit" may later wear thin, the Soviet representatives' attitude is still moderate and they have not yet sought to trans- form the meeting into a cold war forum. Stassen believes that the USSR has President Eisenhower's Geneva proposals under serious consideration. While the Soviet delegation still is in- sisting on the USSR's 10 May proposals, it has not yet emphasized the political aspects of these or even the need for dismantling bases. The USSR during the meetings has stressed the need to concentrate on preventing surprise attacks and the difficulty of inspecting accumulated nuclear production. Stassen believes the USSR may be lay- ing the ground work for a new proposal combining the Pres- ident's proposals with a limited ground inspection based on the Soviet plan of 10 May, or that it may intend to re- ject the American proposals ,on the grounds that they do not assure a reduction in conventional and nuclear weapons. 11 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP .CFPRF T Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000947 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C6000947 %Or 5. BRITISH ATTITUDE TOWARD THE CYPRUS SITUATION The British government expects in- creased violence in Cyprus, and has given the governor there full discre- tionary authority to declare an emer- gency and eliminate terrorist activity. The British expected their proposals for a new Cyprus constitution to be re- jected by Cfreece. London apparently believes, however, that Athen's rejection will vitiate its appeal for support from other UN members. According to the American em- bassy in London, Britain is almost sure to argue that Cyprus is wholly within Britain's domestic jurisdiction, and that its proposals for self-government provide a basis for eventual reconsideration of the principle of self-deter- mination for the island. The British apparently expect further deterioration in Greek-Turkish relations as a result of events in Cyprus. The Foreign Office sees no Greek leader "big enough" to restore calm, and fears that the Turks can- not easily be moved from their adamant position. Comment The British government is likely to continue under heavy public and par- liamentary criticism for having allowed the Cyprus situ- ation to drift. Both parties, however, are expected to ac- cept the government's contention that present circumstances-- and especially the possibility of unilateral Turkish action--do not permit British concessions on self-determination for the island. 11 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 TC)P cFPRFT Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000947