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July 4, 1954
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I Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03001375 1,11IA 7;CRET 4 July 1954 / - 3.3(h)(2) / 0 / / /4. ' / $ 1 4/ 1 ? � ? / g 7/ 0 i 21) l Approved for Release. 2019/08/13 C03001375 c03001375 #14 Copy No. 80 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. CI DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: 40/0 AUTH: FIR 70-2 RATE: -_-.7.11.450_ REVIEVVE Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 201-9/08/113 C03001375 New 1 ..jr ..Ack.E, 1 SUMMARY GENERAL I. Impasse reached in Balkan military alliance negotiations (page 3). SOVIET UNION 2. Comment on second Soviet note on Tuapse (page 3). SOUTHEAST ASIA 3. French defense planning excludes. most of Laos (page 4). 4. Anti-Western feeling among Vietnamese becoming more open (page 6). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 5. UN observer believes Israelis may attack Old City of Jerusalem (page 7). WESTERN EUROPE 6. 'I'rieste settlement depends on territorial adjustments (page 7). * * * * 4 July 54 TOP-SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03001375 Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03001375 r otks.A.0 GENERAL 1. Impasse reached in Balkan military alliance negotiations: Representatives of Greece, Turkey, and Yugoslavia, cgrrently meeting in Athens to draft a tripartite military alliance, have reached an impasse. Meetings of the full delegations have been suspended, according to Alexis Kyrou, director general of the Greek Foreign Ministry. He told the American ambassa- dor that the controversial issue was Yugoslavia's unwillingness to as- sume military obligations in the event Greece or Turkey became en- gaged in conflict as the result of their NATO obligations. Kyrou believes it may be necessary to leave this question to the tripartite council of ministers to resolve when it meets in Belgrade later this month. Comment: This is the first indication of potentially serious differences in the negotiations. In view of the strong mutual desire for an alliance, however, there will probably be only a temporary slowdown. The alleged reluctance on the part of the Yugoslays may be a bargaining tactic to obtain stronger commitments to meet aggression in the Balkans than the flexible proposals on this point advanced by Greece and Turkey. Deputy Prime Minister Zorlu of Turkey has stated that Turkey would insist on a Yugoslav commitment to as- sist Greece and Turkey if they became involved in NATO military action. SOVIET UNION 2. Comment on second Soviet note on Tuapse: The Soviet note of 2 July regarding the Tuapse incident is more restrained than Its predecessor of 24 June. It omits the statement that the USSR will be compelled - 3. TOP SECK6 Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03001375 4 July 54 Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03001375 *toil ur "to take appropriate measures" to safe- guard its shipping in the area. This suggests that the Soviet Union is not plan- ning at this time to convoy its ships, and ��is no indication that any units of the Soviet Pacific fleet have been alerted for this purpose. The note also omits the earlier demand for the "punishment of American officials responsible" but reiterates that the Tuapse, its crew and its cargo must be returned. It intro- duces a new factor in declaring that the Soviet Union retains the right to demand compensation from the United States. It also repeats that the tanker was seized by American naval forces, adding the phrase "under whatever flag they may have acted." As of 3 July, the Tuapse was still at Formosa. Its crew and its cargo of kerosene had been removed. Although the Nationalist foreign minister is urging that the vessel be returned, Chiang Kai-shek is believed to oppose its release at this time. Three Soviet tankers remain at Singapore, where they had been ordered followin t e Tuapse incident, and another Is apparently still at Shanghai. SOUTHEAST ASIA 3. French defense planning excludes moSt of Laos: The American army attach�n Saigon reports that the fate of Laos is the biggest question mark in current French-Viet Minh negotiations. Regardless of the disposi- tion made of Laos, the French reportedly are p eparmg etailed plans for the defense of the narrow waist of Indochina within the quadrangle Thakhek Doug Hot Quang Tri - Savannakhet (see map, po 5). 'The attach�eports that the French ap- parently feel that a satisfactory line for the defense of Laos cannot be drawn farther north. He believes that this narrow sector is Indispensable from a terrain standpoint to the defense of South Viet- nam. - 4 - 4 July 54 TOP S ET Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03001375 Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03001375 400 2 15 1 100 105 110 - 5 � fi / ....-- B U R . � Muang ...� Chuang Ra' �0 T H A 4I Chiengmai Muang � Lampang 4..Muang t. H � . Ssu-nulo Lao Kay 1 t - -.`L %,..1;a1 Cha .S, et� .. �,} . � hong Sa.17.5 ( 1 4., Yen Bay � A 'mg� g Sroo ���� .------Oe Sam Neua . B . an Houei a r r \I 1 . IKIN Ithno-hnnh Na Chant , Lang Son ..� \ u Tho *IrihNtk . Bac Ninh ; \ 1 71_ CAC Bk Phu Li� r 17 Ch'iuncshan $ boa . h ..i. cAayard i 0 . � , e 1 A I 1 I I _ / ../'-�_,�-\______,./�' (1.1 I) ''. t, o no V et, 4 ) viElvi. Ph e ) ft radit (�) .. o- Muang Loei ang Prabang N., i.S. ong so,i r---- / ,$ ...., " 4,1:2. . \ _< \ . 16eng k" � �. I 44 Lak S (. o Muang .Udon Thani Nalthon Phanoin co_ _ Th4ban�h414Chl '3" F rc,Arsi IV FIAINAN c, �hu Donn Cheu Tinh \ \,. Cong 0 :....,..:::.:::.. N. -:;;::::_i:" INDOCHINA 3 : :: �..� (iii July 1954 Planned French defense area International boundary National capital Selected railroad Selected Mad ep 120 Miles Mang (ho Keen MukcIshe "6: a Sarakham THAIL �NE ji.�'''f A Plun v N. .. ......_ -;:ii:i:&i Muong Phinetel, HUE .79 TOURANE I) S ......,...3 �.1.A 'i,i, Q,,ang Ngai . Pakse -7 ben e 0 Soon P'...". e isQpho \ 4p0 (c 09,f' �Attopeu .) r Y c'>45.� � Bono Son c..5 ..,..... ...4.... ; Kontunl I. iS" ,'C ul Nhon 5e OilDHE: Ceti 0 D A -..., ompong Thom Kratie B a n niTh-r�T. \ (.' Thuot Ninh Abe Nha Treng Ste Khth ompong Cham .. Dalat r k. Loc Ninh ptilia 7;::..,), yogic ' ,A, 4�s. ) �._---_- o,ir,. lhan Rang \ �} C N' �......" $... /Rhan Thlet cr . IGON 0 .4� Doc 4 e .,e. Th "k - ,,----- � MRiee 0 CAN T Dap-Saint-Jacques � 0 .,Siem Reap Battam ng A M ON-Ite. C \ i r- Ko Chhna PHNOM PENH ,..1, . Ste Umbel! Taken. cs ,... KAS RON Kampo C' �*. ..e. Ha Tien a ?LE DE e e, Bach I. e 4'.... -k,',- . Ca POINTE DECO tan t. A , Soc Iran: . k Bsc Lieu 'cTiir, INCHINA M.,4_ /- kES DE /,POULO CONDORE --t�i� is) 20 49 0 20 40 80 120 Kilometers 1 105 110 40703 9.1-11-k T rj- Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03001375 Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03001375 ..,4000 I kir ,rvc, 1 The attach�otes also that the transfer of the Tonkin force into southern Indochina will necessitate exten- sive clearing a.dtions in areas of major Viet Minh strength, such as in the plateau regions of eastern Cambodia and embattled southern Annam. Comment: The drawing of the primary French defense line in this area, while sound militarily, would probably produce the same psychologic I effects in northern Laos as the decision to abandon the southern part of the delta produced� In Tonkin. According to latest reports, the French and the Viet Minh are negotiating on the basis of a partition of Vietnam; France is seeking a line in the neighborhood of Dong Hot and the Viet Minh is apparently holding out for one constderably farther south. 4. Anti-Western feeling among Vietnamese becoming more open: The American charg�n Saigon reports increasingly overt hatred toward occiden- tals in general and the French in particular as news filters through to Saigon of the French "military decision" to withdraw from southern Tonkin. A prominent Vietnamese doctor told the charg�hat the Vietnamese would, if possible, "turn against the French," and warned that Americans would also be "looked upon askance." He stated that the Vietnamese would probably accept a Viet Minh-dominated government embracing the entire country in preference to a partitioned Vietnam. Comment: The hostility of the Vietnamese toward the French will have serious implications as it increases in the Vietnamese army and among the native troops who comprise more than a fourth of all French army regulars in Indochina. The trend toward overt hostility will be accelerated if Premier-designate Ngo Dinh Diem declares Vietnam an independent state outside the French Union, as he has threatened to do if the French pull out of Tonkin. - 6 - TOP--)3EkT Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03001375 4 July 54 Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03001375 r ctci, NEAR EAST - AFRICA 5. UN observer believes Israelis may attack Old City of Jerusalem: According to UN observer Hutchison, General Bennike, chief of the UN Truce Supervision Organization, had a meeting with Israeli chief of staff Dayan following Israel's failure to honor an unconditional cease-fire agreement of 1 July, accepted by both Jordan and Israel. Dayan reportedly told Bennike: "I do not hold with this 'cease-fire. If and when I give the word there will really be some firing. I do not care what the UN or Military Advisory Commission thinks." Hutchison has stated his belief that chief of staff Dayan might launch an all-out attack to capture the Old City of Jerusalem. The American embassy in Amman, however, is Inclined to disagree. Comment: General Dayan has a record for taking independent military action and is close to Ben Gurion, who is aggressive and still influential in Israeli affairs. In view of King Hussain's recent advice to Jordanians to return any 'smelt fire sporadic shooting can be expected even under a truce. WESTERN EUROPE Trieste settlement depends on territorial �id-ustments: T(TP Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03001375 4 July 54 Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03001375 Comment the Italian government now believes that a rapid solution of the - r este question is desirable, even though it might not meet all of Italy's previous demihds. On the territorial issue, the Italians are Insisting on minor revisions of the proposed boundary agreement so that the amount of territory exchanged would be more nearly equal for both sides. 8 4 July 54 TOP CRET Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03001375