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Publication Date: 
January 9, 1954
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f Approved for Release: 2019/08/02 C03003776. 10/1.4 29,P--8ECRET / 0 9 January 1954 Copy No. 84 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. .... ; DECLASSIFIED . CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: 26 col AUTH: HR 70-2(is DATE: t c.) . REVIEWER: Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY I'd TOP CRET y Approved for Release: 2019/08/02 C03003776 Approved for Release: 2019/08/02 C03003776 %Iv Lir .1-\.L.; A SUMMARY SOUTHEAST ASIA 1. Captured documents reveal Viet Minh underground in Thailand (page 3). 2. Indonesia threatens action in New Guinea (page 3). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 3. Ambassador Caffery outlines probable course of Egyptian neutralism (page 4). WESTERN EUROPE 4. American embassy in Paris comments on French Indochina policy (page 4). * * * * 2 ECRE' Approved for Release: 2019/08/02 C03003776 9 Jan 54 Approved for Release: 2019/08/02 C03003776 vqiii# 1 \-11 %._7 1A.Ls SOUTHEAST ASIA . Captured documents reveal Viet Minh underground in Thailand: Documents seized in north- eastern Thailand definitely establish that a Viet Minh underground in Thailand is controlled from Indochina. One document "instructed the Viet Minh in Thailand to increase assistance to "military units stationed nearby" through the provision of arms, recruits, and intelligence on Thai military dispositions. It con- tained an order to commence resistance "on hearing the sound of battle," and stated that "the battle to liberate all Vietnamese brothers will start soon." Comment: Thailand quickly declared a state of emergency in 12 northeastern provinces after the 25 December Viet Minh thrust to the Mekong River. There is no firm indication that the Viet Minh intends an early uprising among the 60,000 Vietnamese in northeast Thailand but the presence of an organized underground among them is a continuing threat to Thai security. 2. Indonesia threatens action in New Guinea: In expressing dissatisfaction over the "sub- versive activities" of Dutch nationals in Indonesia, the Indonesian foreign minister told the American ambassador on 8 January that Dutch intransigence regarding New Guinea was such that Indonesia might have to solve the problem unilaterally. He added that Indonesia might also be forced to abrogate the union with the Netherlands. Comment: Indonesian officials have fre- quently complained of official or unofficial Dutch encouragement of dissident elements in Indonesia. There is no prospect of the Nether- lands yielding its claim to New Guinea, but Dutch officials are resigned to the abrogation of the union with Indonesia. - 3 - 9 Jan 54 Approved for Release: 2019/08/02 C03003776 Approved for Release: 2019/08/02 C03003776 *8100 I LI 1XL A NEAR EAST - AFRICA 3. Ambassador Caffery outlines probable course of Egyptian neutralism: Ambassador Caffery believes that Egypt's "new foreign policy," in the event that negotiations with Britain fail, may include expanded trade with the Orbit and early recog- nition of Communist China, East Germany and Albania. Caffery expects that Egypt will try to assume "spiritual leadership" of African nationalism and to consolidate its posi- tion in the Arab world in order to undermine Western interests in the area. He says there will be organized harassment against British troops in the canal zone, but no suicidal attacks. Caffery concludes that "it is anyone's guess" how much of the above policy will be implemented. WESTERN EUROPE 4. American embassy in Paris comments on French Indochina policy: The American embassy in Paris expects the outcome of the current military campaign to determine future French policy in Indochina and the end of thepresent fighting season to bring an over-all review of France's position. The embassy believes that if the military situation remains the same for three to six months, political pressure for a negotiated settlement will increase. The embassy feels, however, that "until some additional important development occurred to precipi- tate a decision," no parliamentary majority could face the consequences of negotiations with the Viet Minh and the present situation would con- tinue. Should Navarre regain the initiative, political and public pressure for negotiations would be reduced in direct propor- tion to the extent of French victories. If the Viet Minh obtains signifi- cant military successes, France may be expected to seek Allied troop reinforcement as an alternative to negotiations which might appear as a Viet Minh victory. TOP Approved for Release: 2019/08/02 C03003776- 9 Jan 54