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March 31, 1960
Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 3.5(c) Wif-Lt�Kt I e 3.3(h)(2) 31 March 1960 Copy No. C CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN TOP ET DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANCE IN CLAW p( o OECLASSIFIED CLASS. CENGED TO: TS S 0 NEXT RaL,W OAT E: filo/ 21 ACTH: Ha 10-2 6 JUN 1980 DATE: REVIWIRI Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373WWWIWZAWZ Approved for Release: 202775/13 C03007373 Niegit WIP-AtrelPrT Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 Approved for Release: 2020/03/1-3-003007373 vs�. 31 MARCH 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Peiping's announcement ..on urban com- munes suggests confidence in program; Mao makes first public appearance in Peiping in five months. IL ASIA-AFRICA South Africa--Further serious disturb- ance probable. Outbreaks of racial violence in Rhodesia likely. UN group views South Korean election as "total fraud"; its report would further damage Seoul's international standing. UAR officials increasingly critical of Soviet performance in regard to industri- alization program. III. THE WEST �Breakdown of present round of Cyprus negotiations may be imminent. ---SECgri" Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 � , Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 I Lrf" CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 31 March 1960 DAILY BRIEF 3\e I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Communist China: The announcement by planning chief Li Fu-chun, on 30 March, that urban communes are being formed "in a big way" suggests confidence based on success- ful experimentation in 1959 that further communalization can be carried out without serious opposition or economic dislo- cation. This expansion of the commune program apparently has less spectacular immediate objectives than the rural com- munes. The program retains, however, some ideological over- tones and seems to reflect Peiping's compulsions to demonstrate its commitment to social revolution and its unwillingness sub- stantially to modify its course. Li gave credit for "enriching the treasure house of Marxism- Leninism" to Mao Tse-tung, who appeared in Peiping for the first time in five months when he tfpnc1pc1 the opening of the Na- tional People's Congress. (Page 1) II. ASIA-AFRICA South Africa: Large African demonstrations in the Cape Town area on 30 March have dispersed, but further serious dis- turbances may develop as the militancy of the Africans increases. The government, in a renewed drive to suppress the anti-apartheid movements, has declared certain districts to be in a state of emer- gency, a modified form of martial law, and has partially mobilized the civilian reserve of about 20,000 men. Leaders of the principal opposition party in parliament have stated that they will support the government's efforts to restore order. The UN Security Council's decision to discuss the South Afri- can situation will probably contribute to increased tension in the % AApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO3007373' / A Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 1 '_'I Aa i- 1-J I '4 / Vese *air .id ,..0/ A ,./.. TI Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland: ff?utbreaks of vio- lence are likely unless the British colonial secretary can obtain the cooperation of the white-controlled federal government for a series of moves to placate the African population. These would Include the release from prison of the African leader, Hastings Banda, and the promise of constitutional advances in Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland looking toward African-dominated gov- ernments. The Africans are showing growing determination and organization, while the Europeans appear to have little compre- hension of the pace of nationalist development in Afri. (Page 2) South Korea: he report of the United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea (UNCURK) to the 1(1); UN will reflect the commission's opinion that the South Korean \1 tir vresidential elections were a "total fraud," Such a report would further damage the declin- ling international standing of the South Korean Governmen_tA (Page 3) UAR-USSR: High-level Egyptian officials are becoming in- creasingly critical of Moscow's performance in aiding the UAR's Industrialization program. Cairo, in line with Nasir's current policy of encouraging Western participation, seems interested in turning some of the projects now assigned to the USSR over to Western countries. Cairo will, nevertheless continue to use all available Soviet aids andThe USSR's role will remain important. (Page 4) D III. THE WEST Cyprus: [Reports from British and Greek officials on Cyprus indicate that a breakdown in negotiations over the size of future British bases may be imminent. Archbishop Makarios has re- fused to consider granting Britain more than 80 square miles for the bases, and London will not accept this limitation. British spokesmen have indicated that a new five-party conference will follow if a deadlock results, but Makarios has stated that he will not atten,ig (Page 5) 31 Mar 60 DAILY BRIEF ii -,t% iApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 A CRET / Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 IV. WATCH COMMITTEE CONCLUSIONS A. Ro Sino-Soviet bloc country intends to initiate hostil- ities against the continental US or its possessions in the immediate futur_93 B. ao Sino-Soviet bloc country intends deliberately to ini- tiate direct military action against US forces abroad, US allies, or areas peripheral to the orbit in the im- mediate future C. ahe following developments are susceptible of direct exploitation by Soviet/Communist hostile action which could jeopardize the security of the US in the imme- diate future_D dione7 31 Mar 60 DAILY BRIEF 111 , AApproved/for Release: 2020/03/1 /(_;11.500 / Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 err-IIJCIN 1 IP&L. I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Peiping Launches Urban Commune Drive The chairman of Peiping's State Planning Commission, Li FU-chun, in the first major speech to the National People's Congress on 30 March, declared that urban communes are being developed "in a big way" in cities throughout the coun- try. Li's announcement climaxed a campaign to publicize the rapid growth of facilities for "collectivized living" in major cities during recent weeks. The recent publicity campaign did not mention urban communalization specifically, but it was apparent that the groundwork was being laid for such a move. Considerable attention was given to urban communes in the fall of 1958, when the commune program was instituted, but it soon became obvious that the regime was experiencing difficulties in this aspect of the movement. Reference to ur- ban communes almost disappeared after Peiping's modification of its doctrinal claims for the commune program at the end of 1958, presumably in deference to Soviet objections. Peiping's willingness to undertake the difficult task of ur- ban communalization at this time may reflect the leadership's feeling that collectivized living measures in the cities have been successful enough to permit further steps without significant op- position. In the same speech, Li Fu-chun gave credit for "enriching the treasure house of Marxism-Leninism" to Mao The-tung, who made his first appearance in Peiping in five months at this meet- ing. In keeping with the current campaign to present Mao as a creative Marxist-Leninist theoretician, it is likely that the drive for urban communes will be firmly linked to his "ideology." This expansion of communalization indicates that Peiping is willing to risk Moscow's displeasure rather than abandon what it con- siders essential as7ects of its current programs. CO TIA L 31 Mar 60 CEFA-pp-rO;teci.fOTTei-ei-e-: 2-020/-06-3607373 Page Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 ILL.4 1 'Igoe �Iie IL. ASIA-AFRICA Race Relations Worsen in Central Africa n the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, wnere a settler-dominated government shares power with London, the racial and political situations are becoming more tense and may lead to early violence. Separatist tendencies among the three territories which constitute the federation--Northern and Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland�are increasing and there is a widening gap between the races because_ of local official policies and external nationalist pressures) (Most of the Europeans appear to have little comprehension of the strength of African nationalism, and those who do are determined to resist. By use of force they may succeed in forestalling an African takeover for several years; this, how- ever; would be at the risk of bloodshed comparable to the dis- orders in South AfricaV The Africans' attitudes are hardening, but many leaders realize that time is on their side. They show increasing de- termination and organization. This has been demonstrated by recent school demonstrations in Northern Rhodesia, disorders in Nyasaland, a generally effective boycott of the advisory com- mission on a new constitution, and bolder public statements against the existence of the federation2 [These problems confront visiting British Colonial Secretary Macleod with a serious challenge. He must secure the coopera- tion of the white-controlled government for a series of moves to placate the African population if early violence is to be forestalled. These measures include the release of Dr,. Hastings Banda, the Imprisoned Nyasaland nationalist, and the initiation of far-reach- ing constitutional changes in Nyasaland and Northern Rhodesia with a program leading to African-dominated local governments in the near future 31 Mar 60 CENTRAI INTFI I inFkirr RI III CTIM Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 I NNW' UN Observers to Report South Korean Elections Fraudulent EVIembers of the United Nations Commission for the Unifi- cation and Rehabilitation of Korea (UNCURK) believe that South Korea's presidential elections on 15 March were a "total fraud," The commission is pre- paring a report to this effect for submission to the UN this April, and a summary of its findings will be included in UNCURK's an- nual report to the UN in August. Despite South Korean pressure, the commission is unlikely to change its findings, which would further damage the South Korean Government's declining inter- national standinsj The American Embassy in Seoul has observed that the South Korean Government may be beginning to realize that it must broaden its international support if the country is not to become isolated. Lresident Rhee's trusted ambassador to France, Gen- eral Chong Il-kwon, has cautioned of the danger of Asian Commu- nist efforts to woo the new African nat1on_s3 Although two recent good-will missions increased the number of states recognizing South Korea, they also met with some rebuffs. One Seoul mission to South and Southeast Asia reached an agreement with Malaya to open formal relations but was refused entry by Pak- istan, despite its strongly anti-Communist orientation. Ambas- sador Chong's tour of Africa resulted in an agreement with Liberia to establish diplomatic relations and "tacit" recognition by Libya and the Union of South Africa. Friendship with South Africa, how- ever, would many Asian-African states. ET 31 Mar 60 CENTo'kp�p'rOveCI 7:n7i4e-le-a�se �2020/03/13 C03007373 Page 3 Nur- Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 Ler j...1.14----5riurc1:1 1 Egypt Dissatisfied With Some Aspects of Soviet Economic Aid High-level Egyptian officials are becoming increasingly critical of Moscow's performance in aiding the UAR's indus- trialization program. The head of the UAR purchasing mis- sion in Moscow has complained, that the USSR is "going back on its word" and is attempting to stretch out certain important industrial projects far beyond their originally planned completion dates. Moscow had been expected to begin a major expansion of Egypt's Helwan steel plant last February and complete the project in 1963. Recently, however, Soviet officials have stated that they will not begin delivery of equipment before 1965 and that completion is not likely before 1968. They explained this delay by claiming that their industry is "committed for the next five years." Moscow is substantially behind schedule on a num- ber of other projects listed in the Soviet-UAR trade agreement. Moscow also is expected to build a shipyard at Alexandria. The chief of the UAll's economic planning board, however, has been making unfavorable comparisons between repeated Soviet delays on this project and prompt West German action on the similar shipyard project at Port Said. addition, the $2,000,000 Damietta textile factory in Egypt-- the first complete installation built by the USSR--has proved unsatisfactory for spinning long-staple Egyptian cotton, and th UAR probably will have it dismantled. The UAR minister of in- dustry reportedly is considering the cancellation of two Soviet contracts for textile mills] Despite these setbacks, Cairo will continue to depend heav- ily on Soviet economic aid, although it may attempt to focus Com- munist assistance on the more general basic projects such as the Aswan High Dam and Syrian river development. Egypt, in line with Nasir's current policy of actively encouraging large-scale Western participation, probably will increasingly contract with the West for its needs for factories with modern industrial equip- ment and technology. TOP 31 Mar 60 CENTApProved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 s.J %La I III. THE WEST Cyprus Negotiations as a result of the recent hardening in the attitude of Archbishop Makarios, an imminent breakdown is possible in the British-Cypriot negotiations designed to remove dif- ferences which have prevented establishment of the Cypriot Republic. Makarios apparently is relying on his "intuition" that the British will eventually capitulate in the current test of strengthj /While Governor Foot has stated that London is prepared to be "flexible," there is no evidence that the British will significantly reduce their previous demand for British bases covering 120 square miles. Makarios has refused to consid- er more than 80 square miles and has stated that further meetings are useless until his demands are met C_A British warning that unless the problem is resolved soon a new five-party conference--Britain, Greece, Turkey, and Turkish and Greek Cypriots--will be called elicited a reply from Makarios that he would not attend unless assured that his minimum demands would be accepted. Failure of such a conference could lead to denunciation of the 1959 Zurich-London agreements by one or more of the signatories7 Greek officials in Nicosia, who have expressed consider- able support for the British position on the bases, have empha- sized fear that Makarios will not budge from his present posi- tion and may suddenly resign from the transitional government-- possibly on 1 April, fifth anniversary of the start of EOKA terrorism. His resignation would be followed by that of other Greek Cypriot members of the transitional cabinet and would lead to confusion--if not chaos--in the government) durkish Cypriots, aware that the repudiation of the Zurich- London Accords would almost certainly not be to their ad- vantage, are continuing to seek a solution on almost any basi2) ET 31 Mar 60 CENT; Ap rioved7O7 Release: 2020/�/13 C03007373 Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 I �nripe /Turkish Cypriot leader Kuchuk has attempted to act as media- tor in the past and may try again to secure an agreement on 100 square miles. A breakdown of the negotiations, followed by failure of a new conference, would have serious repercus- sions on intercommunal relations3 31 Mar 60 CENTDAI IMTCI I !etc mec ni eriLI Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 Page 6 .0.% a IIri r yr% 1.11 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 %my, Nate THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce � The Secretary of Commerce � Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director CO Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 zzz.e4zzffir-s, Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373 ...IL....�"�&----*���� min � TO ET for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007373W/////dWZ/7/1