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-4 r �Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO3015171/ g OP SECRET, CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 30 June 1956 � Copy No. 103 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE IN CLASS. ! DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S OW. NEXT REVIEW DATE. AUTIOM DA IREVIEVVER. OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET r X?, Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 eliApproved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 �Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 woe *wait CONTENTS 1. THE POZNAN RIOTS (page 3). 2. SOVIET OFFICIAL OUTLINES VIEWS ON NEAR EAST TO ISRAELI OFFICIAL (page 4). 3. FOUR BURMESE OPPOSITION LEADERS ASSASSINATED (page 5). 4. "LIBERATION" CELEBRATION MAY BRING NEW DISORDERS IN GUATEMALA (page 6). 5. PLOTTING TO ASSASSINATE VENEZUELAN PRESIDENT (page 7). 6. PERUVIAN LABOR LEADERS ORDER COUNTRY-WIDE STRIKES (page 8). 7. SOVIET OFFICIAL CLAIMS SOLUTION OF NUCLEAR AIR- CRAFT PROPULSION (page 9). 30 June 56 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 �tow ,CONFIDENTIAL 1. THE POZNAN RIOTS The Poznan riots of 28 June, which probably involved 15,000 persons, ap- pear to have been brought under con- trol,but conditions have not returned to "normal". as claimed by the regime. A dusk-to-dawn curfew has been im- posed. Reports that riots occurred in other cities remain unconfirmed. The Polish government's admission of 29 June that as many as 38 were killed and 270 wounded in- dicates the severity of the suppressive measures. By com- parison, the East German riots of 1953 resulted in casualties of 16 dead and 100 wounded in East Berlin and 40 dead and 250 wounded in Rostock and Warnem'uende. Although the riots appear to have spread spontaneously, some planning and organization probably pre- ceded them. There had been rumors that a demonstration or strike was to occur at Poznan's Stalin Locomotive Works, ac- cording to an official of the American embassy in Warsaw who returned from Poznan late on 27 June. Some of the demonstra- tors carried arms and banners, and were prompt in blocking the main streets into the city with trucks. The regime has implied in a party newspaper editorial of 29 June that the liberalization campaign will con-, tinue. However, the riots may result in a slowing of the proc- ess and a weakening of the position of liberal elements who were reportedly gaining strength in opposition to the stricter policies of party first secretary Ochab. Several Polish sources in Warsaw have told the American erassy that the riots oc- curred "too soon." 30 June 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 TOP SEefiEZ Nwe 2. SOVIET OFFICIAL OUTLINES VIEWS ON NEAR EAST TO ISRAELI OFFICIAL Comment Mosdowls policy of playing down the Arab- Israeli dispute and its unwillingness to commit itself publicly to the Arab viewpoint on this issue was evi- denced during Shepiloves tour of the Near East. In public, he avoided the question entirely and, in private, reportedly urged the Arabs to let time take care of the Palestine problem and ex- pressed Soviet support for any UN move toward a peaceful settle- men,t. 30 June 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin ---T-014�SErirET Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 --x?rh-tirE7 Nraff// 3, FOUR BURMESE 'OPPOSITION LEADERS ASSASSINATED Four leaders of the pro-Communist National United Front were shot and killed by unknown assassins while en route by motor vehicle to a town 80 miles north of Rangoon on 27 June, ac- cording to a Rangoon broadcast. They were in the com- pany of Thakin Lwin, believed to be the Front's top leader, who apparently escaped death. While the ambush may have been staged by Karen or Communist insurgents, it seems likely that it � was arranged by the government in an effort to demoralize the Front before it could follow up the gains it registered in the recent elections. Prime Minister Ba Swe and Deputy Prime Minister Kyaw Nyein reportedly were involved in the murder some years ago of Burma's Foreign Minister U Tin Tut. Whether the government is implicated or not, the National United Front will almost certainly ac- cuse it of being responsible. The Front ma attem t to retaliate against members of the cabinet. � 30 June 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin -SECRET- Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 Nor' 4. "LIBERATION" CELEBRATION MAY BRING NEW DISORDERS IN GUATEMALA --ivevvdisorders may develop in Guatemala in view of the decision of President Castillo Armas to hold the "Liberation" celebration about 1-3 July. Castillo told the American ambassador on 28 June that failure to, hold the celebration would be detrimental because of the celebration's special significance for his supporters. Following so closely the student disorders of 24-25 June, the celebration would seem particularly susceptible to exploitation by agitators and discontented students, and some of Castillo's advisers are reported to have recommended against having the celebration. Castillo plans to request a "moment of silence" during the celebration for the innocent students who died as a result of "a Communist maneuver" on 25 June. There are signs that the student strike against the government may be losing strength; no new serious disturbances have been reported. However, Castillo told the ambassador he had refused to discuss any conciliatory meas- ures with students until they have denounced the agitators re- sponsible for the disorders earlier this week. The students have been warned that prompt army action will break up new demonstrations. 30 June 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin �SECRET - Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 t:Kt ',kw* 5. PLOTTING TO ASSASSINATE VENEZUELAN PRESIDENT Comment the Venezuelan un- derground of the outlawed Democratic Action Party is co-operat- ing with exiled members of the party to assassinate President Perez Jimenez, security chief Estrada, and other top govern- ment officials as a means of setting off a popular revolution. The objective may be to effect a return to power of the Democratic Action Party under, its exiled leader Romulo Betancourt, a close friend of President Figueres. Figueres is believed to be granting not only moral support to the movement, but probably is aware of and condones the covert operations of Venezuelan exiles in Costa Rica, and may be supplying financial aid to support the revolutionary plans. 30 June 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Approved - Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 CONFIDE/1,11AL Now, 6. PERUVIAN LABOR LEADERS ORDER COUNTRY- WIDE STRIKES abor unions are infuriated by govern- ent arrests of leaders of the leftist, on-Communist APRA party and have rdered strikes throughout the country, according to a joint telegram of 28 June from the American armed forces attaches in Lima. Expecting a strike on 1 July, officials of the American-owned copper mines have asked for troops to protect the mines. President Odria has resigned and that a military junta will be formed by Saldias and Generals Mendoza and Villacorta. Comment APRA gained control of Peru's national - labor confederation when the confedera- tion was re-established in May after six years of inactivity, and is believed to control about half the country's unions. APRA probably also has sufficient appeal among student groups to foment further unrest. Reports vary on the composition of the junta. While the senior Peruvian military are generally re- puted to oppose APRA, General Mendoza, who is included in all lists of the prospective junta, is reported to have a follow- ing among APRA members. 30 June 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 CONFIDEN Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 5LCItE,I. 7. SOVIET OFFICIAL CLAIMS SOLUTION OF NUCLEAR AIRCRAFT PROPULSION During the visit of the American air force delegation to the USSR for Air Force Day ceremonies, Khrushchev made the statement that "when we have atom -powered planes we will show you that too." First Deputy Minister of Defense Sokolovski, standing nearby, then said, "the problem of atomic power for aircraft has been solved, it only remains to build it:' Comment It is not possible from this statement to determine whether work has progressed beyond feasibility studies or whether specific design fea- tures of a propulsion unit have been completed. However, it has been estimated that the USSR's nuclear-powered air- craft program will remain in the research phase for several years. Soviet development of a nuclear-powered aircraft with useful military characteristics would be a major effort and is unlikely to be completed until several years after the end of the research phase. Aircraft, such as the BISON are suitable for use as flight test vehicles, though not adequate in their present design for military use as atomic-powered aircraft. 30 June 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 29 June) Egypt has protested the flight of an Israeli plane over the Sinai Peninsula and the El Auja demilitarized zone. According to one press report, Egyptian antiaircraft batteries fired on the plane. (Press) Israeli prime minister Ben-Gurion reportedly has told UN truce chief Burns that Israel cannot accept "continued aggressions" by Jordan. Ben-Gurion also asked Burns to require Jordan to comply with a provision of the armistice agreement which allows Israelis access to the Wailing Wall in the Old City of Jeru- salem, now controlled by Jordan, and normal use of Hadassah Hos- pital and Hebrew University on Mount Scopus outside the city. These subjects have not been brought up formally by the Israelis for sev- eral years. Israel also has complained again to the UN Security Council about Egyptian interference with Israel-bound ship- ping passing through the Suez Canal. This interference was the subject of a Security Council resolution in 1951, which stated that the canal should be free to the vessels of all countries. The new protest, together with the one Ben-Gurion reportedly has made about Jordan, is further evidence that the Israeli government intends to insist on what it regards as its rights even more vigorously than it has in the recent past. This attitude is in large part a further re- flection of Israeli disappointment with the council resolution of 4 June, from which the clause urging a "mutually acceptable set- tlement" was dropped at Soviet and Arab insistence. (Press) Egyptian naval officers are undergoing submarine training in Poland, a previous report that in mid-March two Soviet submarines, two Skoryy-class destroyers and four T-43-class mine sweepers had 30 June 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin SECREiT Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171 Nvi been observed berthed in the harbor of Gdynia. It is possible that these submarines, like de- rovers and minerraft before them are to be transferred to Egypt. The American embassy in Damascus has been reliably informed that Jordanian chief of staff Nuwar visited Syria during the Shepilov visit there for talks with Syrian chief of staff Shuqayr. The two staff chiefs may have discussed the possibility of Jordan's acquiring Soviet bloc arms. 30 June 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03015171