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Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN TOP SECRET 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 10 July 1956 Copy No. 105 DOCUMENT NO. - NO CHANGE IN CLASS.21� :! DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS S CIAO_ NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH: HB 70 DA _REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 7-Orszr-RET .3J Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 CONTENTS 1- SYRIAN ANTILEFTISTS OUST ARMY INTELLIGENCE HEAD (page 3). 2. ICELANDIC PRO-COMMUNISTS REPORTEDLY OFFERED PLACE IN NEW GOVERNMENT (page 5). 3. JAPANESE SOCIALISTS GAIN IN UPPER HOUSE ELECTION page 6). 4. SECOND BURMESE LEADER PUTS OFF VISIT TO MOSCOW (page 7). 5. NEW PLAN TO OVERTHROW GUATEMALAN GOVERNMENT REPORTED (page 8). 6. POLISH AMBASSADOR IN PARIS COMMENTS ON POLISH SITUATION (page 9). 10 July 56 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 10) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 TOP' SECRET Nfti 1. SYRIAN ANTILEFTISTS OUST ARMY INTELLIGENCE HEAD Colonel Abd al-Hamid Sarraj has been removed from his post as head of the Syrian army G-2 and replaced by Colonel Zuhayr Salih Salill is presum- ably a member of the antileftist group which has already ousted Chief of Staff Shawqat Shuqayr. Sarraj, the leader of the "little RCC" until it split recently, had been left in a strategic position for a countermove after the ouster of Shuqayr. By following through immediately with Sarraj's re- moval, the antileftists have further consolidated their position and possibly headed off such a counterstroke. Sarraj recently sought Egyptian approval for a military government in Syria but was reportedly turned down by Nasr. unnamed "Syrians" have requested the recall of the Egyptian military attach�nd are seeking the recall of the Egyptian am- bassador, because of their support of the leftist Arab Socialist Resurrection Party (ASRP). �The recall of the Egyptian diplomats would, if it can be obtained, block the main channels of Egyptian communication and support for a possible ASRP countermove. Egypt appears to have been caught off base by the antileftist action. 10 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin 7-015"--S-EERE-T Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 10 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin -PM�EeliLET Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 Noe 2. ICELANDIC PRO-COMMUNISTS REPORTEDLY OFFERED PLACE IN NEW GOVERNMENT WOUJAA give Progressive Party chairman Hermann Jonasson has been authorized by the Progressive and Social Democratic par- ties to attempt to form a cabinet which utiu.1-1 ivpresentation to the Communist-dominated Labor Alliance, The embassy comments that such a gov- ernment, if formed, would probably include the two "non- Communist" left-wing Social Democratic members elected by the Labor Alliance, with the Communists themselves remain- ing in the background. The outcome of the negotiations will depend in large part on the price the Communists are willing to pay to gain representation for the Labor Alliance in the gov- ernment The embassy adds that Communist repre- sentation under such a guise would constitute no less a danger for Western interests than outright Communist participation. Comment The alliance of these three parties, all of which campaigned for the withdrawal of American troops from the Keflavik air base, would give them 33 out of the 52 seats in the Althing. The Progressives and Social Democrats attacked the Labor Alliance in the 24 June elections, however, and there are important elements in both of these non-Communist parties which would be opposed to close working relations with the Communists. 10 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 COA11D-ElY 11AL 'roe 'lure 3. JAPANESE SOCIALISTS GAIN IN UPPER HOUSE ELECTION The Japanese Socialist Party claims that Its gains in the upper house election on 8 July are the result of the party's anti- American policy which emphasized the Okinawan land controversy and opposition to both American bases and rearmament. The Socialists have won 28 of the 75 district contests for the upper chamber of the Diet, a gain of six, while the conservative Liberal-Democratic Party won 42, the Japan Communist Party one, and Independ- ents four. The trend toward the Socialists is also likely to appear in returns for the 52 national constituency seats, there- by giving the Socialists a good chance to control one third of the upper house in conjunction with other leftist elements. This will enable them to block constitutional amendments to legal= ize rearmament for the next three years. The Liberal-Democrats, however, appear assured of a majority since they have 61 seats among the 123 not at stake in this election and are generally supported by a number of independent groups. Their prospects for winning a two-thirds majority seem remote. The government party may have suffered more than the Socialists from popular dissatisfac- tion over the violence which occurred at the last Diet session. 10 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 "Nee Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 TOP ,SECRET 4. SECOND BURMESE LEADER PUTS OFF VISIT TO MOSCOW Comment on: U Kyaw Nyein, Burma's minister for the national economy, has postponed indefinitely a long-planned visit to the USSR, Kyaw Nyein, who with Prime Minister �Ba Swe shares control of the dominant Burma Socialist Party, had been scheduled to visit Moscow and Peiping this month or next. His sudden change of plans follows closely Ba Swe's post- ponement of a similar trip. While both leaders can plead increased responsibilities in the new cabinet, their action may also re- flect a desire to back off from the increasingly close ties which characterized Burma's relations with the bloc during the last year of U Nu's premiership. Burmese leaders have been reliably re- ported as unhappy over Soviet and Chinese interference in in- ternal Burmese politics. The recently reported cancellation of visits to the bloc by a high-level Burmese trade mission- which instead will visit only Western European countries-- suggests that, in the economic realm, Burma wishes to avoid any further commitments to the Communists pending the out- come of renewed loan negotiations with the United States and reassessment of apparently improved prospects for exporting rice for cash rather than by barter. 10 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 SECItt-i 'woe Nie# 5. NEW PLAN TO OVERTHROW GUATEMALAN GOVERNMENT REPORTED Comment The Guatemalan capital remained calm after the serious student demonstrations of 24-25 June and during the 3 July anniversary celebration of "Libera- tion Dayr The 27 June prediction that a coup was planned in � Guatemala during the ensuing ten days failed to materialize. On 28 June, however, another source stated that "the big blow" to the Castillo Armas regime would come "later in July" and be supported by "high army officers." Some attempts have been made--and others reportedly planned--to sabotage the railroad lines and electric power stations. , the govern- ment is taking precautionary measures to protect the trunk line between the capital and Puerto Barrios on the Atlantic Coast. 10 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SEGRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 tUivir LLIKi *11AL Noe Nliso 6. POLISH AMBASSADOR IN PARIS COMMENTS ON POLISH SITUATION Stanislaw Gajewski, the Polish am- bassador to France, in a discussion of the Poznan riots with the American and Italian ambassadors on 5 July, statea matere are serious differences of opinion and � contests for power under way within the Polish government and Communist Party. He said that those elements in the party that believe it should evolve into a national party not subservient to Moscow have the best chance of winning out, but he fears their opponents will attempt to use the riots as an excuse to return to a harsh policy. He expressed the view that it would not be in the best interests of the West to do anything which would give ammunition to those who wish to return to a Stalinist, pro-Russian policy. Gajewski added that since the publication of the Khrushchev speech he is prepared to believe anything about the Soviets and-that he would not defend the actions of the USSR. While he is a Communist, he said, he is a Pole first with the historic feelings of a Pole toward Russia. Comment Gajewski, who first joined the Commu- nist Party after the war, is expressing views similar to those of many Polish Communists who have been pushing for more liberal policies and who have probably feared that the riots would result in a return to repression. The regime intends to punish the "ringleaders" of the riots. At the same time, it has made economic concessions to the Poznan workers and has promised that its liberalization pro- gram will continue. 10 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 1 L.11- LA�JCL Nie �,Ropi THE ARAB -ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 9 July) New violence is reported on the already tense Israeli-Jordan border. Two Israeli civilians died on 9 July in an ambush attack near the border south of the Dead Sea and a Jordan civilian was reported killed in an exchange of gunfire between Israeli and Jordan forces near Jerusalem. (Press) Saudi Arabia has installed an unspecified number of 25-pounder medium artillery pieces within easy range (8 kilometers) of the Israeli port of Eilat at the head of the Gulf of Aqaba, In- stallation of the guns was stated to have been undertaken in consul- tation with the Egyptians. They are reported to have been mounted in emplacements reinforced with corrugated sheeting, sandbags and earthworks. "armored emplacements," which have not yet been completed because of delays in the arrival of laborers. These emplacements are now under construction south of Al Brij, at Haqal, and Shaikh Hamid points on the Saudi coast of the Gulf of Aqaba. 10 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015177 Page 10