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November 3, 1954
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Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643. TO-P-SEGRET 3 November 1954 3.3(h)(2) 004 3.5(c) � oe/ #/ ,*� 14/ 14/ e Will Orel/A Copy No. 80 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. 7 NO CHANGE IN CLASS. I DECLASSIFIED CL ASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: La AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: r///an. REVIEWER: Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643 Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643 Nome SUMMARY GENERAL 1. 2. Yoshida disappointed by his reception in Britain (page 4). FAR EAST 3. Chinese Communists may attack Ichiang Island north of Tachens (page 4). SOUTHEAST ASIA 4. Indian representative abetting Communist consolidation in north- ern Laos (page 5). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 50 Israel's new diversion of Jordan River waters called "hot potato" for Western powers (page 6)0 6. Ethiopia reported interested in financing Sudanese independence movement (page 6). EASTERN EUROPE 7. Poland seen planning "show" trial with Hermann Field as witness for prosecution (page 7). WESTERN EUROPE 8. Mendes- France reported planning Moscow trip after Washington visit (page 8). 9. Oslo may allow frequent visits by Allied air units to Norwegian bases (page 9). 3 Nov 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 r rg,rr1rr Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643 TriP qprpr'r Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643 GENERAL 3 Nov 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Inn Arm el' Ar� T rnrf Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643 -Prin crrnrT Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643 NEW 'gm"' 2. Yoshida disappointed by his reception in Britain: Prime Minister Yoshida is distressed by the general public indifference and the hostility of textile interests and of leftist members of Parliament he has encountered during his visit to Britain, Yoshida has concluded the British have little interest in Japan's future and are =prepared to make concessions designed to maintain a friendly administra- tion in power in Tokyo and to keep Japan aligned with the West. Yoshida was reported to be generally "satisfied" with the attention shown him by the queen, Prime Minister Churchill and other high British officials. Comment: Yoshida has followed a policy of close co-operation with the West at the cost of consid- erable domestic political support, and he probably did not expect the generally apathetic welcome he has received in Europe. The approach by Asakai was undoubtedly designed to encourage more tangible evidence of American sup- port for Yoshida, especially since the results of his trip may be decisive on his ability to remain in power. FAR EAST 3. Chinese Communists may attack Ichiang Island north of Tachens: The American army attach�n Taipei believes the "most likely" Chinese Communist action in the Tachens area would be a landing on Nationalist-held Ichiang Island, about eight miles north- west of Upper Tachen. Ichiang's capture would permit the Commu- nists to use long-range artillery against the Nationalist garrison on Upper Tachen. In view of the absence of reports of Communist troop or naval concentrations near the Tachens, it 3 Nov 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 -1-s-N c rrr Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643 crrnr-r Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643 is highly improbable that the Communists will attempt a landing on the main Tachen Islands in the near future, according to the attach� Comment: The Communists currently seem to be softening Ichiang's defenses prior to a landing attempt. The island, which is defended by about 850 Nationalist guerrillas, has been under frequent shellfire from Communist-held Toumen Island to the north in recent weeks. Three thousand rounds of artillery are reported to have struck Ichiang in an eight-hour period on 1 November, and on the following day, it was bombed by Communist planes. The Nationalist defense minister has urged that American Seventh Fleet carriers put in an appearance in the Tachens area. He believes that such evidence of American interest would be the best means of deterring the Communists from expanding the conflict. SOUTHEAST ASIA 4. Indian representative abetting Communist consolidation in north- ern Laos: The Indian chairman of the international commission in Laos is still unwilling to concede the royal government's right to administer the two northern provinces designated as assembly areas for Pathet Lao forces. According to the American charg�n Vientiane, the Indian has admitted that the Pathet Lao demand for exclusive jurisdiction would be weak- ened if commission teams could confirm the claim of the French and Laotians that their forces actually occupy some parts of the provinces. In any case, he has stated, he wants to avoid a show- down on the question in order to keep the commission working "as a team." India's representative, moreover, is con- vinced the Pathet Lao forces are not really Communists but in- stead good nationalists and Buddhists. He apparently is hoping that "friendly conversations" between the Laotian government and Pathet Lao representatives will "improve the atmosphere." 3 Nov 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 .r."-% ci r,r1, n t' 'r Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643 TOP SFCRET Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643 Nese Nor Comment: The Laotian government has not yet established administrative machinery in the two northern provinces, although in its declaration at Geneva it clearly asserted its right to do so. NEAR EAST - AFRICA 5. Israel's new diversion of Jordan River waters called "hot potato" for Western powers: Jordan's complaint to the Western powers on 1 November that the new Israeli move to divert water from the Jordan River is a threat to the peace is a "hot potato" with complicated legal aspects, in the view of the American, British and French chiefs of mission in Amman. Ambassador Mallory, in reporting this, observes that if the Jordanian complaint is substantially accurate, there may be an increase in Israeli-Jordanian incidents. Comment: Israel's request in September for the use of American counterpart funds for the project referred to--different from the controversial diversionary canal being built by Israel in the Israeli-Syrian demilitarized zone--was turned down by Washington as prejudicial to the negotiations on the American-sponsored Johnston plan for the unified development of the Jordan River. 6. Ethiopia reported interested in financing Sudanese independence movement: 3 Nov 54 Ethiopia is so anxious to assure the Sudan's independence that it is willing to make "substantial funds" available to the Sudanese independence movement, CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 Tnr qrri?rT Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643 Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643 Nor according to the Ethiopian liaison officer in Khartoum. He added, however, that Ethiopia had found no one reliable to deal with in the movement� Emperor Haile Selassie is reported con- vinced that union of the Sudan with Egypt would stir up trouble among the Moslems in Ethiopia and Eritrea. He is said to be- lieve that such a combined state would constitute a threat to Ethiopia. Comment: Under the terms of the Anglo- Egyptian agreement of 1952; the Sudanese are to decide between union with Egypt and independence by 1957. Egypt has clearly indicated its intention to achieve union with the Sudan. Major Salah Salim, Egyptian minister for Sudanese affairs and national guidance, told Ameri- can liaison officer Sweeney in Khartoum with unusual frankness on 4 October that the Nasr regime is determined to take over the Sudan. He emphasized that Egypt "had spent millions of pounds to achieve its objectives." Ethiopia is unlikely to match Egypt's financial efforts to win the Sudan, but any Ethiopian intervention of the sort envisaged would cause friction between Egypt and Ethiopia. The Ethiopian challenge suggests, moreover, that orderly political development in the Sudan is likely to be jeopard- ized by these maneuvers and intrigues. EASTERN EUROPE 7. Poland seen planning "show" trial with Hermann Field as witness for prosecution: The American embassy in Warsaw be- lieves that the Polish regime is prepar- ing a propaganda trial of security police officials in which Hermann Field will appear as a witness for the prosecution. The Poles would attempt to fix blame for Field's mistreatment on Jozef Swiatlo and other "American agents infiltrated into the Polish security organs." 3 Nov 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 'T�r%r cme"' r rr Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643 rri-en crrpr. Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643 Field has now informed American embassy officials that he has delayed his departure until 10 November and that the Poles have set up a special commission to investigate and prosecute persons who mistreated him during his imprisonment. Comment: A trial featuring the Field case would enable the regime to aFpict Swiatlo and other security police officials as American agents and thus use them as scape- goats for past unpopular policies. It could also be used to exon- erate previously convicted national deviationists, a trend which has already been noted in Hungary. Satellite political trials since the inaugu- ration of the new course, however, have been conducted without publicity and Polish leaders might hesitate to stage a major "show" trial which might be interpreted as a reversion to harsh Stalinist practice. WESTERN EUROPE 8. Mendes-France reported planning Moscow trip after Washington visit: French premier Mendes-France plans to reveal to American officials his inten- tion to visit Moscow immediately after leaving Washington, in order to sound out the USSR on an East-West agreement, Comment: Mendes- France is scheduled to arrive in Washington in the th-ria week of November. In view of his public rejection of talks with the USSR before ratification of the London accords on West German rearmament, it is doubt- ful that he would actually make a visit to Moscow over strong American objections. 3 Nov 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 Approved To'r"�R;le3s;: 2019/08/13 C03017643 Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643 %or 9, Oslo may allow frequent visits by Allied air units to Norwegian bases: Comment: Such assurances would represent a substantial modificaTiT5ii of past Norwegian policy and open the way for Allied pilots to gain experience in operating from Norwegian bases. The Oslo government has thus far consistently refused permanent stationing or rotation of foreign units in Norway during peacetime. The government's anxiety about the lack of air defenses for NATO's northern flank is much stronger than the public's, and has been reflected in efforts to obtain American aid for a build-up of the Norwegian air force. 3 Nov 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 9 _T_41D�r�r�o�zL,r�= Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C03017643