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Publication Date: 
December 14, 1955
PDF icon CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULL[15722079].pdf180.16 KB
zd(/ /ir;;vie for Release: TOP 2019/09/16 C03020462 RE�T- 3.3(h)(2) 14 December 1955 Copy No. 103 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE IN CLAES. El CtECLASSIFIED CLASS, CHANGED TO: TS $ NEXT REVIEW DATE: 20/0 AUTH: HR 70-2 x, DATE:4 ti sio\qkEVIEWER: Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 100// io1/2774for 3.5(c) TOP SECRET Release: 2019/09/16 C03020462 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020462 ***01 `Nrot Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020462 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020462 � NOY CONTENTS 1. THE SOVIET-INDIAN DECLARATION AND TRADE AGREEMENT (page 3). 2. USSR MAKES ARMS OFFER TO ECUADOR (page 4). 3. RHEE AVOIDS NEGOTIATIONS WITH JAPAN (page 5). * * * * THE ARAB--ISRAELI SITUATION (page 6) 14 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 FT, ....14.etra, riot. Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020462 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020462 *aro 1. THE SOVIET-INDIAN DECLARATION AND TRADE AGREEMENT The Soviet-Indian declaration, issued In New Delhi on 13 December at the end of the Bulganin and Khrushchev visit, was made use of by Moscow to place Nehru on record once more as agreeing with Moscow on a number of points with reference to international affairs. The familiar "five prin- ciples," are reaffirmed and UN membership and possession of Taiwan are urged for Communist China. The absence of anticolonial statements probably is the result of the restrain- ing influence of Prime Minister Nehru. Some reports had indicated that the Soviet lea,ders were pressing to include statements on such issues as Goa and Kashmir. The declaration takes cognizance of a number of international events since the issuance of the Bulganin-Nehru declaration in Moscow last June. It con- demns the establishment of military blocs--a point not in- cluded in the June statement and apparently aimed primarily at the Baghdad pact. The talks between the United States and Communist China in Geneva are favorably noted and hope is expressed that talks on broader subjects will be held at a higher level. Along with the communiqu�a new trade agreement was announced committing Moscow to supply India with 1,000,000 tons of sfeel over the next three years. Mos- cow's intention to alleviate the severe Indian steel shortage at the expense of Soviet domestic steel requirements underlines the Kremlin's desire for India's good will. The USSR also agreed to sell India oil, mining and other equipment and to increase Soviet purchases of raw materials and manufactured goods. The oil and mining equipment purchases are probably the result of negotiations prior to the visit. 7,1oncurred in by ORR) 14 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 01-1 A in ry ti.frt mit, Jo*, Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 003020462 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020462 Nee 2. USSR MAKES ARMS OFFER TO ECUADOR Comment Whether or not the Velasco government intends to accept these offers at this time is not known. Ecuador is now engaged in an arms race with its neighbor Peru, with which it has a long-standing boundary dispute. During the past year the Velasco regime has been negotiating with Czechoslovakia for arms. It now appears, however, that Quito may sever relations with Prague because of Velasco's strong belief that the Czech legation was deeply involved in the recent student riots, which for a period threatened the stability of his government. Ecuador has ordered its dip- lomatic and consular offices abroad to suspend the granting of visas to Czech diplomatic couriers, oncurred in by ORR) 14 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 _."r ArN rrt Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020462 _ Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020462 Nor' Nise 3. RHEE AVOIDS NEGOTIATIONS WITH JAPAN Comment South Korean propaganda in the last few days has closely followed the line reported ordered by Rhee. The Japanese government has expressed the hope that the United States will mediate in the fisheries dispute. Rhee's primary objective is to undermine Japan's special position in Asia. Ambassador Allison notes that previous conciliatory efforts by Japan have been contemptu- ously dismissed by Rhee as "tricks," and that strong pres- sures would be necessary to induce Rhee to negotiate with Japan on reasonable terms. 14 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 ivy r.s. re v-, AnArt rr� Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020462 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020462 Noe 4 N." 11 4.4 N... 4 .11.8.4 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 13 December) No significafiriniti ry activity has been reported, and there are no indications of imminent Arab retaliation for the Israeli raid against Syria on 11 Decem- ber. Syria has formally requested a meeting of the UN Security Council to hear complaints on the incident. Pop- ular demonstrations have occurred in Syria protesting the Israeli action and the "lenience of the West." No official statement has yet been made in either Damascus or Cairo. The American charg�n Tel Aviv suggests that Israel may have wanted to test the new Syro-Egyptian military pact, either to prove to Syria and the other Arab states that the Egyptians cannot be relied on for assistance, or to provoke Egyptian forces into overreaching themselves In the south. UN truce chief General Burns, who con- ferred with Israeli prime minister Ben-Gurion on 11 Decem- ber, thinks the Israelis will not wait indefinitely for agree- ment on the UN proposals for the El Auja demilitarized zone and believes that they may soon engage in some new act of retaliation. An additional Soviet freighter, the Admiral Ushakov, docked at Alexandria This makes three Soviet vessels which apparently delivered military equipment to Egypt at that time. The other two were the freighter Alexander Nevsky and the tanker Gregory Vakulentchuk. The size of crates observed on the Nevsky and Ushakov suggests that they carried disassembled jet aircraft as well as other types of arms. The Vakulentchuk evidently carried a limited amount of military equipment as deck cargo. On 10 December the US air attach�aw 12 BEAGLES (IL-28jet light bombers) at Cairo West military air- field. He had seen only five BEAGLES there on 8 December and believes the others must have been flown in from the assem- bly airfield at Dikheila west of Alexandria. 14 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 +14,N tv tyiS If-014 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020462