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December 7, 1967
PDF icon THE SITUATION IN VIETNAM[15602439].pdf419.94 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 *rasi DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE (*) MEMORANDUM The Situation in Vietnam 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 7 December 1967 Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 *NO 10P�Segrer WARNING This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, US Code Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798. Jap-StrEr-vit Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 %we "XI!, I4 4 3.5(c) Information as of 1600 7 December 1967 HIGHLIGHTS 3.5(c) The Communists have mounted their heaviest mortar attack against US Marine outposts near the Demilitarized Zone since September. The commanders of South Vietnam's four corps areas object to gov- ernment reorganization plans which would diminish their power. I. Military Situation in South Vietnam: Nearly 300 mortar and artillery rounds were fired at US posi- tions in the Con Thien area on 6 December in what may be a prelude to larger attacks in Ouana Tri Prov- ince (Paras 1-7). / Two sharp clashes took place in Binh Dinh Province on 6-7 December (Paras. 9-10). II. Political Developments in South Vietn m � Two groups in the Lower House are trying to organize themselves as blocs, while a third group appears to have slowed down in its efforts at both organizing and recruit- ing (Paras. 3-8). III. Military Developments in North Vietnam: There is nothing of significance to report. IV. Other Communist Military Developments: There is nothing of significance to report. 31.P-SRET Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 I 3.5(c) 7 December 1967 TOP RET Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 003024592 Dis osition of NVA Units in the Con Thien Area STATUTE MILES 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 003024592 Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 iU.-e--0 E.l."1�.11, , I *mile I. MILITARY SITUATION IN SOUTH VIETNAM 3.5(c) 1. Nearly 300 enemy artillery and mortar shells were fired at US Marine positions near Con Thien on 6 December, the firing was the heaviest since the with- drawal of many of the enemy in late September. 2. The enemy shelling included 60-mm., 82-mm., and 120-mm. mortars and 85-mm. artillery. Seven Americans were killed and 75 wounded. The number of enemy soldiers killed by our counterf ire is unknown. 3. At the same time, units of the 4th Marine Regi- ment some two-and-a-half miles northeast of Con Thien were hit by an estimated North Vietnamese company which attacked with small arms, machine guns, and bazooka-type B-40 rockets. Six Marines were killed and 32 wounded. A Medevac helicopter was hit by enemy fire and disabled. 5. Two subordinates of the 90th Regiment--the 8th and 9th battalions--have been extremely active near Con Thien. These units recently engaged an American battalion northeast of the stronghold and also been involved in numerous small-unit actions. Additionally, these units have performed extensive reconnaissance activities in the area. Combat ele- ments of the 90th Regiment have had considerable mor- tar, artillery, and rocket fire in support of their activities./ have 7 December 1967 I-1 CRET Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592- 101' kRI1' 3.5(c) 7. The renewed enemy activity, coupled with the recent movements of enemy troops back into the Con Thien area, suggest that the North Vietnamese may have decided to begin another round in this area, possibly in conjunction with an offensive near Khe Sanh in western Quang Tri Province. This threat comes at the peak of the monsoon season in the northern provinces. Most major allied land supply routes are closed and tactical air support is hampered. 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 7 December 1967 1-2 1 0 ET Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 %of THAILAND N CAMB ODI DAC CHU QuOC LE OF PH NO PENH � NORTH VIETNAM Demilitarized Zone QJIJANG TRI .....r.,.,. ---, Hue' 10104 THIE-N'Y'' .. L, 1 .\--.. _..,�........, a Nang ...) \., (r) (. OUANG NAM i\1 CORPS } \ QUANG TIN _.--- /- QUANG NIGAI KONTUM PHU BON PHLI YEN nARLAC CO P KHANH'L, HOA UANG DUG c: , _SLONC LN Y NINH PHIJOG LONG LAM !JONG TUYEN Da Lat. DUC M RANH NINH THUANiS 13INH L,IONC LONG ISHA NH BINH TUY BINH HUAN ,EN". KILN TU ON G DINH Timni PH HOC TU Vungiiu 1.1AN N'HON DINH FAIANCy VINH H !JONG HA X LIYE\N LiAc LIEU N V -OR - , XL:YEN SOUTH VIETNAM 7 DECEMBER o 2.5 50 7.5 100 Kies 0. 'A 7c. lap Kllometers 68886 1247 CIA Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/2-9 C03024592 3.5(c) Step-up in Binh Dinh 9. Two sharp clashes in Binh Dinh Province on 6-7 December resulted in ten US and South Korean soldiers killed compared with 77 enemy killed. In addition, 25 South Vietnamese civilians were wounded on 5 December when enemy forces attacked a Revolu- tionary Development training center in Binh Dinh. 10. The heaviest fighting occurred in the US 1st Cavalry Division's Operation PERSHING in north- ern Binh Dinh. During the morning of 6 December two companies of the 1st Cavalry fought an estimated reinforced enemy company in bunkers and trenches. Sporadic fighting continued throughout the day and the US troops held down the enemy during the night with artillery and tactical air strikes. Ground action began again on the 7th and was continuing at last report. Enemy losses in this action are 43 dead. 1-3 TO' :CRET Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 -.4000 P 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) Activities of Lower House Blocs 3. Members of the Lower House have been active recently in consolidating blocs, forming alliances, and lining up candidates for the house officers. 4. the largely 3.3(h)(2) Catholic Independence Bloc formally organized itself as a political group after receiving written pledges of adherence from 28 deputies during a meeting on 2 Decem- ber. They elected officers and gave the chairmanship to Gia Dinh deputy Nguyen Quang Luyen, a Buddhist, in an effort to defuse charges that the bloc is solely Catholic. It was further agreed that the bloc would seek the election of several of its number to Lower House offices. These include the positions of deputy chairman, secretary general, and deputy secretary general, as well as the chairmanships of several committees. 7 December 1967 114-e-SEC RET Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592- 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 4 KM 1 I 3.5(c) 5. Bloc leaders, have tentatively decided to seek an alliance with the pro- government Democratic Bloc and have extended in- formal feelers to test the Democratic Bloc's re- action. The leaders reportedly believe their pro- posal will be accepted since an alliance of the Independence Bloc's 28 members and the Democratic Bloc's 51 members would give the two a working majority in the house. 6. As for the Independence Bloc's attitude toward the government, it will support government programs which it deems worthwhile, but does not want to become a rubber stamp. The bloc has reportedly decided against an earlier plan to form a loose alliance with the largely Buddhist, antigovern- ment Progressive Bloc. Independence Bloc leaders now believe that the Progressives are too anti- government and that such an alliance would hurt the bloc. 7. The All Vietnam Bloc, a group originally formed to support Vice President Ky's presidential candidacy, is also attempting to organize itself as a formal bloc in the Lower House, but is re- portedly having difficulty. bloc members, including seven Lower House deputies, were unable to agree during a meeting on 4 December whether the bloc's Lower House branch should be overt or covert. As a result, the group made no progress. Bloc chair- man Tran Van An is reportedly confident, however, that the bloc can muster the support of 18 to 20 deputies in the Lower House and claims firm com- mitments from 17. These include Cao Dai, Hoa Hao, and Nationalist Party (VNQDD) deputies. 8. The Farmer-Worker-Soldier Bloc is having even more difficulty in organizing its Lower House contingent. The bloc's liaison man NA7ith the Lower House has not been attending meetings of the working committee, �and the bloc has apparently done little to its strength. a bloc member recently that some 20 Catholic deputies would like to cooperate. Nothing has yet been done to follow this up, and bloc leaders do not even know the deputies' names. group's increase 7 December 1967 11-2 TO AP. 4 Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019703%29 C03024592 Ylib-of kir-a-nt..Jr1/4..c, 3.5(c) III. MILITARY DEVELOPMENTS IN NORTH VIETNAM IV. OTHER COMMUNIST MILITARY DEVELOPMENTS 1. There is nothing of significance to report. 7 December 1967 III-IV - 1 Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 %noI r1/4.1-1. V. COMMUNIST POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS 3.5(c) Liberation Front Propaganda 1. Spokesmen for the Vietnamese Communists are presenting a studiously non-Communist picture of the kind of settlement for South Vietnam en- visaged in the Liberation Front's new political program. They try to make the program as appeal- ing as they can and to soft-pedal the principal objective--a US withdrawal and a Communist polit- ical take-over. 7 December 1967 Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 (IV N411 K II. I I 3.5(c) 7 December 1967 VI-1 Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592 JOWEie 7v4.1 Nes Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03024592