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pproved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 1-1.1- z CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 3.3(h)(2) 12 May 1957 3.5(c) Copy No. DOCINEN1' NO. 4ANGE IN CLASS. NO Ck CLASS. 0 CI-IANG`EID 'TO: 'TS S C IDECLASSIFISD NEWT cIENIV4 DATE: OileNtER OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 134 TOP SECRET fir#107/4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 0Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 Noe -11-4 I. -ILI 41111.' CONTENTS 0 AGAIN CALLS FOR NUCLEAR TEST BAN (page 3). 112. BONN DEFENSE MINISTER STICKS TO STRONG LINE ON NUCLEAR ARMS (page 5). . ISRAELI-SYRIAN BORDER TENSION DISCOUNTED (page 6). T)Iff: MOLLET GOVERNMENT FORTHCOMING DEBATE TO WEATHER (page 7). oN. COLOMBIAN MILITARY JUNTA ANNOUNCES ITS PROGRAM (page 8). A. BRITAIN TO BUILD LARGE FACTORY IN USSR (page 9). 06. JAPANESE GOVERNMENT AND LABOR IN TEST OF STRENGTH OVER ILLEGAL STRIKES 12 May 57 page 10). Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 -SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 'NNW 1. GROMYKO AGAIN CALLS FOR NUCLEAR TEST BAN Comment onz Foreign Minister Gromyko, in a speech to the Supreme Soviet summarizing the now familiar Soviet arguments for ban- ning nuclear weapons tests, has re-em- phasized the separability of the test ban issue from other aspects of the current London disarmament talks. Gromyko said that it was premature to draw con- clusions regarding the results of the cur- rent negotiations. However, his flat state ment that the Soviet government expects the US and UK to achieve a rapprochement with the USSR on a nuclear test ban emphasizes that the USSR considers agreement on this issue a prerequisite for negotiating other agenda items. His fail- ure to repeat the familiar Soviet demand for a "pledge" by the great powers not to use nuclear weapons suggests that this point may be negotiable. Gromyko presented Soviet rebuttals to Western arguments for test registration, the interrelation- ship of test bans and nuclear disarmament, and the fallibility of test detection systems. Gromyko stated that "there has not been a single case when atomic or hydrogen bomb explosions were not detected with the aid of scientific and technical de eps Gromyko's speech, one of the strongest official Soviet statements on this issue, coincides With the com- pletion of the latest series of Soviet nuclear tests, while new US and UK testing programs are still pending. Throughout the 12 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 -SECRET -- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 4.- .11-411-411,11-1.4 Nese current London disarmament conferences, it has been evi- dent that the Soviet position on nuclear test bans has been aimed most immediately at obstructing the UK weapons de- velopment program. The USSR also views a ban on nuclear testing as a barrier to the development by "fniirfh nintries" of a native nuclear weapons capability, 12 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 -SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 OICAA/ILW� Nese 2. BONN DEFENSE MINISTER STICKS TO STRONG LINE ON NUCLEAR ARMS Comment on: West German defense minister Strauss, at a background press meeting on 6 May, reportedly attacked Chancellor Adenauer and Foreign Minister Brentano for lack- ng tne courage to adopt a clear position in the current con- troversy over nuclear armaments. Speaking in a vitriolic manner to the correspondents,he charged that the recent re- nunciation of atom arms work by 18 leading nuclear scien- tists was arranged by the Soviet and East German governments. Asked whether he agreed that under the Paris agreements Bonn had renounced not only the manufac- ture but also the use of atomic, bacteriological and chemical weapons, Strauss flared up and called this interpretation "non- sensical" and "defeatist:" He said that the present arrange- ment, whereby the United States has the final decision on the use of nuclear weapons available to NATO, was satisfactory as long as NATO remains intact and pledges for assistance are completely fulfilled. Should NATO disintegrate further, Strauss added, then the European countries could together or individ- ually build their own atomic bombs. He stated that in such a case, Bonn would no longer be committed to refrain from pro- duction. Strauss reportedly had split with Adenauer and Brentano on this question at a cabinet meeting At the Bundestag debate on 10 May, in which Adenauer stressea Bonn's efforts to bring about world-wide controlled disarmament and called for a temporary suspension to nuclear bomb tests, Strauss said it was not yet time to decide whether West Germany should have atomic weapons. He also warned that the NATO de- fense shield would collapse if West Germany refused to permit the stationing of nuclear-equipped units on its territory. 12 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 -SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 ludt_attau Now 3. ISRAELI-SYRIAN BORDER TENSION DISCOUNTED Reference: The American embassy in Tel Aviv feels that local frictions are the cause of re- cent Israeli and Syrian activities along the armistice line. These include: in-. creased Israeli engineering activity on the east bank of Lake Hula; increased Israeli fishing activity in the north- east shallows of Lake Tiberias; the Syrian resumption of its former position overlooking Lake Tiberias; and Israeli patrol activity due to spring training exercises and as a response to the presence of Syrian units. Israel's official reaction appears sim- ilar to that noted in the past under comparable situations, Although some Israeli officials have suggested Soviet and Egyptian instigation of the Syrian activities, Ambassador Lawson comments that the present Israeli attitude is in line with Foreign Minister Meir's earlier statement that Israel would not be provoked into violent reaction over trivial in- cidents, but would not overlook any serious threat to its security.. 12 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 ��7111777-17[15.11LL V 1 1.ZILLi vane 4. MOLLET GOVERNMENT SEEN LIKELY TO WEATHER FORTHCOMING DEBATE The American embassy in Paris expects Premier Mollet to win National Assembly support for increased taxes, despite gen- eral opposition in the assembly to his economic and tiscal policies. A confidence vote is expected about 24 May. The lack of a practical alternative to Mollet still restrains his opponents and thus favors the government's chance of survival. A majority of the deputies approve his Algerian and European integration policies, and would prob- ably be reluctant to precipitate a crisis immediately prior to President Coty's departure for the United States. Comment Mollet won his last confidence vote on 29 March largely because his rightist op- ponents were unwilling to cause a crisis at that time. There has been considerable speculation that the right has been wait- ing for an economic issue to launch an attack on the govern- ment, with the intention of replacing Mollet by an interim, short-lived cabinet which would in turn give way to a govern- ment headed by a conservative premier. 12 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page? -CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 A. ALP' .1EJ_L � A. .1.-C-1.1-4 5. COLOMBIAN MILITARY JUNTA ANNOUNCES ITS PROGRAM Comment on: The five-man milifa,ty junta, hAded by the former war minister, which exiled and replaced president Rojas on 10 May, announced a fourteen-point program late the same day after conferring with the opposition. It calls for the junta to rule until the end of the current presidential term in August 1958; popular elections in 1958; a cabinet with the participation of the traditional Liberal and Conservative parties; and restoration of freedom of the press. Key opposition leaders, including the joint presidential candidate of the two major parties, urged the people to support the program and the junta. In addition, the cardinal primate apparently gave Catholic Church en- dorsement to the interim regime and appealed to the nation for restraint. Civilian participation in the junta may be essential to the restoration and maintenance of order. Some popular demand for immediate return to civilian government was voiced in Bogota and particularly in Cali. 12 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 N A A A.Jr JR. JL.4 JI-111-1 NNW 6. BRITAIN TO BUILD LARGE FACTORY IN USSR The USSR has placed a contract with a consortium of five British firms for con- struction of a tire plant in the Ukraine, according to the American embassy in London. Details are still unknown, al- though reports in the British press described the proposed plant as "larger than any tire factory outside the United States." Comment This is the most substantial result to date of the trade offers made by Bulganin and Khrushchev during their visit to the UK in April 1956. Its im- plementation would mark the first time in more than 20 years that the USSR has permitted construction under foreign super- vision within its borders. Such a departure from past policies suggest the beginning of a new stage in the USSR's program to profit from specific Western technical capabilities. 12 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 _CONFIDENT-Mt- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451 -ISITAP.-7-1/77M7YL /29 Nome 7. JAPANESE GOVERNMENT AND LABOR IN TEST OF STRENGTH OVER ILLEGAL STRIKES Comment on: More than 1,0009000 public enterprise workers in Japan participated in a series of walkouts and shop rallies on 11 and 12 May. The nationwide walkouts are in retaliation for government action in firing, suspending or otherwise punishing some 1,000 government union leaders responsible for illegal activities during the recent spring labor offensive for higher wages. The basic issue at stake is the ability of the Kishi government to restrict labor ac- tivities to legal limits. Japanese law denies public corpora- tion employees the right to strike. The disruptions were led by the National Railway Workers Union and supported by postal, telecommu- nications and other public workers unions, which are under the strong influence of Sohyo, Japan's 3,000,000-strong leftist labor federation. The Socialist Party has endorsed the labor action and reportedly plans to introduce a no confidence motion against the government during Diet delib- erations this week. Business, the press, and the general public welcomed the government's punitive measures. Con- tinued support from these quarters may result in even bolder government action, including new legislation to curb Sohyo's power. 12 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 -CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160451