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March 21, 1959
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ZZA,Z/Z/ZZ/ZZZZZ/ZZZZ44. ///////1 VZ/Z V.7/1 WZZrf Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 1 qh, r amikatz ,_, e__Y//rP 21 March 1959 Copy No. C 63 CENTRAL IYTELLIGENCE BULLETI\ DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. hye" I OCCLASSIrlE,D CHANGED TO: TA DAAUTTlyetly _4/PREVIEWER: L.L1 NEXT REVIEW DATE: _rtroi. g �TO-P�SECRE-T� /17 /Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 CO3160624_77 //, eizz, A Approved for 7leaTe7-2327/72724 CO3160624 Ton CreCOCT Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 M./NT% 11Tt.INIMTIITI �Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 144.0i %1001 21 MARCH 1959 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR replaces top economic planner. Soviet Union apparently moving addi- tional missiles into East Germany. Polish party congress shows Gomulka undisputed master. II. ASIA-AFRICA Cairo fears cessation of Soviet aid. UAR seizes Israeli cargoes from Israeli-chartered foreign vessels in Suez Canal. Libya's proposal would double US pay- ments for base. Omani rebel leaders flee to Saudi Arabia. 0 Indonesia - Government preparing major action against North Celebes dissidents; rebels receiving aid from Taipei. 0 Singapore - British now fear pro-Com- munists may take over People's Action party. LATE ITEM Peiping employing force to quell Tibetan unrest. trilD err.Drrr Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 VIM Ay, f, 1.1.11 Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 %we CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 21 March 1959 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC *USSR-Gosplan: L I. Kuzmin has been removed from the USSR's top planning post (Gosplan) apparently in some dis- favor. However, his assignment to the new State Science and Economic Council indicates that his technical experience is still valued. A. N. Kosygin, a candidate member of the party presidium, was chosen to succeed Kuzmin as chief of Gosplan, probably because of his prior experience there. Be- fore his assignment as USSR deputy premier in July 1957; Kosygin had been Kuzmin's first deputy. The change does not appear to reflect on the Seven-Year Plan, approved by the party congress in February, nor does it presage any ehancre in 'basic economic. nriorities USSR - East Germany: a Soviet military train, prob- ably carrying missiles and associated equipment, was ob- served southeast of Berlin on 18 March. A similar observa- tion was made last October. Numerous unconfirmed reports have indicated the presence of tactical missiles in East Ger- many. An increasing number of missile mock-up sightings indicates that missile training of some kind is being conducted in Soviet units in East nermanv 7 I roiana: - rars c mcretary uomunca nas emergea Ix-0m me party congress as undisputed master of the Polish Communist party. Not only has Gomulka created a party leadership of his own loyal supporters and eliminated opponents from im- ortant positions, but he has also succeeded in having the congress annul the charges he himself had accepted in Septem- ber 1948branding him and his adherents as "right-wing na- tionalist deviationists." Congress actions also reflected Gomulka's determination to follow a moderate course in do- mistic matters while supporting the USSR on foreign policy. A4 proved for Release: 2020/ / 02/24 CO31606247 / TOP s R T A VA Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 kkool *le IL ASIA-AFRICA UAR-USSR: KNficial concern is growing in Cairo that the USSR may halt economic and military assistance in re- taliation to Nasir's anti-Communist campaign. Nasir is apparently being used to convey this feeling to American officials, probably in the hope that assurances of support can be obtained from the United States in the event of Soviet sanctions. Despite the continuing hostile exchanges between Cairo and Moscow, hnth are annarentiv still trvimy 1-n nvnicl a complete breakl (Page 1) Israel-UAR: Erhe UAR has seized cargoes of Israeli or- igin from Liberian and West German merchant ships prepar- ing to transit the Suez Canal. the ships are chartered by Israel, and therefore in effect are operating as enemy ships. "Innocent" Israeli cargoes aboard neutral ships have heretofore not been seized despi e the technical state of war that still exists between the two countries. Israel contends, in a note to the UN Security Coun- cil, that the action contravenes Security Council resolutions, and Prime Minister Ben-Gurion has reiterated Israel's de- termination to secure its "freedom of navi7ationfl (Page 2) Libya: The Libyan Government has formally proposed terms for the revision of the agreement on American base rights. Under these terms the US would guarantee an "an- nual rent" payment of at least $45,000,000 for the duration of the agreement�through 1970. This proposal more than doubles the present level of US aid and removes all restric- tions on its use. *The violent and large-scale rioting which took place in Tripoli on 20 March does not appear related to US-Libyan relations. It was sparked by well-organized students demon- strating in favor of Nasir and against Qasim and the Commu- nists. The 20 March disorder was the third, and most violent, 21 Mar 59 DAILY BRIEF ii TOP SECRET AApproved for Release: 2020/612/24 C03160624 PA. 71i6 1/0 .�� A �Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 %Iry of a series of ro- asir demonstrations in Libyathis week. Oman - Saudi Arabia: The night ot the three top oma,m rebel leaders and their sons to Dammam in eastern Saudi Arabia about 16 March has removed from Oman all effective leaders in the rebellion against the British-backed Sultan of Muscat. Any current rebel effort will be hampered by the leaders absence from the dissident area; however, Saudi Arabia and the UAR will probably attempt to train and, equip ,1 nl-sn 1 �C,-n,nno Indonesia: ff..tie government is apparently planning "tun- scale operations" against the North Celebes dissidents early this summer. As part of its plan, it is preparing to move sev- eral more battalions from East Java to its Celebes operational command. Meanwhile, government forces on North Celebes are being hard pressed by aggressive dissident units. The capabilities of the dissident units have recently been enhanced by material aid from Taiwan, and negotiations with Taipei for ' quipment are continuing-.3 (Page 3) Singapore: e British Colonial Office, in an apparent change of attitude, is becoming increasingly apprehensive over the prospects of a left-wing extremist take-over in the People' Action party after the party's anticipated victory in the general elections expected on 30 May. The British, who have stated that they can work with the party's moderate leader Lee Kuan Yew, now fear that he may lose control to its strong pro- Communist elements.] (Page 4) 21 Mar 59 DAILY BRIEF iii --TOP-SECRE-T ' AApproved for Release: 2020/6/24 CO3160624 A A ree Nme Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 NIS LATE ITEM *Tibet: Peiping is adopting forceful measures to end the Tibetan unrest. Indian Foreign Secretary Dutt on 20 March confirmed that fighting had occurred around Lhasa and a "strong Chinese punitive force" is en route to the Tibetan capital. New Delhi continues to be apprehensive over the possibility of serious clashes in the event Chinese troops pursue dissident forces into Indian ter- ritory, and has instructed frontier checkposts to deny admis- sion to any rebels fleeing Tibet. Nehru probably would make an exception, however, in the case of the Dalai Lama, who is reported to have fled Lhasa on 17 March and to have re- ylum in India (Page 5) 21 Mar 59 DAILY BRIEF iv SECRET ;krip-ri3Ved""for /r7 A et � Iry # T 1TPr! Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 stir' Concern Growin I. THE COMMUNIST BLOtsi (No Back-up Material) II. ASIA-AFRICA etaliation the United States "prepare itself for action" in the event Nasiris anti-Communist campaign leads to Soviet retaliation. probably designed to elicit some American assurance of support, but may also reflect genuine concern in Cairo that Moscow will cut off economic and mili- tary ai.cr4 .I1here have been no reports that the current conflict has caused any Soviet economic sanctions, but UAR-USSR rela- tions are rapidly deteriorating and the possibility of retalia- tory moves by Moscow is increasing. The Cairo regime has maintained that sufficient military replacements and spare parts are on hand to last about five years, but the already shaky UAR economy would face bankruptcy if the USSR and the Soviet bloc stopped their substantial cotton purchases and ended economic and technical alai JAR army officers are con- vmcea it is "inevitable that the USSR will stop its assistance if Nasir continues his attacks. These officers were alleged to believe that Nasir's position at home would then become inse- cure and an army coup d'etat in the Egyptian region could oc- cur. both army and civilian circles doubted that America could compensate for the loss of Soviet aid, on the ground that the West will "never" help the Arabs plaut�only the IsraelisD �SECRET-- 21 Mar 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 Approved faR;l7;e7-2-010.1.6212.4-003160624 -try Nkipi UAR Explains Seizure of Israeli Cargoes agyaeli cargoes destined for Ceylon and Malaya have been seized from Liberian and West German merchant ships by the UAR because the two ships were under Israeli charter, accord- ing to a Cairo Foreign Ministry official. They therefore are regarded as enemy ships subject to confiscation. The ships themselves were not confiscated, the UAR official said, out of deference to Liberia and West Germany, and because the status of chartered vessels is still under consideration by the UN:1 Capetan Manolis is under outright Israeli charter and the Lealoft is chartered by Maritime Agencies, a New York firm controlled by the Zim Israel Navigation Company Ltd. The official stated that this is the first time Israel has resorted to the practice of chartering foreign ships to circumvent UAR canal restrictions since Egypt seized the canal in 1956. Other reports, however, indicate that some Israeli-chartered ships have since then transited the canal without difficulty. The UAR prohibits Israeli-flag ships from the canal, and some neutral vessels bound for Israel have been detained, but cargoes of Israeli origin on foreign ships heretofore have not been seized despite the technical state of war that still exists between the two countriesR iNp..sir may have adopted this tactic toward Israeli shipping at this time partly to counter Iraqi charges that he has not firmly opposed the Israelis. Israel contends, in a note to the UN Security Council, that the seizures violate Security Coun- cil resolutions, and Prime Minister Ben-Gurion has recently reiterated Israel's determination to secure its "freedom of navigation.' CONFIDENTIAL 21 Mar 59 rPKITD Al 114.1Trl I IntIPKIrr RI HI FT11�1 Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 Page 2 .9111% VIET, Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 Indonesian Government to Intensify Operations Against North Celebes Dissidents ale Indonesian Government.. is preparing iu semi upwards of three additional battalions to North Celebes by the end of May as part of its "full-scale-operations plan" for that area, according to a 14 March military message. In additions govern- ment troops that have been fighting in North Celebes for the past year are being replaced by fresh battalions. The government now has approximately 8,000 troops in the are; and the rein- forcements will probably add a minimum of 29500 men. Rebel strength is estimated at approximately 59000,] aovernment units in North Celebes have been hard pressed since early February. The area commander estimated last Jan- uary that with fresh troops and reinforcements he could crush the rebels by summer if they received no outside support. They were resupplied from Taiwan in Decembers howevers and the Chinese Nationalists are reportedly planning a resupply efforA he government meanwhile is checking on reports that the Sumatran rebels have found a commercial source of arms in Thailand, to be delivered by way of small islands off the Thai and Malayan coasts. The Sumatran dissidents although suffer- ing an arms shortages are still able to harass wide ar as in- cludina the important rubber estates south of Meda2 TOP SECRE'll 21 Mar 59 rFKITDAI II\ITFI I trzFkirF RI III FTIN Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 wimp' Political Moderates in Singapore Hurt by Scandal rOfficials of the British Colonial 0 iiceieei tnat the rent scandal in Singapore, which led to the resignation of Education Minister Chew Swee Kee, may seriously damage the influence of moderates in Singapore's two largest parties. According to the British, the disclosures concerning Chew's large account in a New York bank--of funds allegedly furnished by Americans, but in fact supplied by Nationalist China--have assured a victory by the Communist-infiltrated People's Action party (PAP) in the Legislative Assembly elections now expected on 30 May. More- over, Legislative Assembly debates concerning the scandal re- sulted in serious countercharges by Chief Minister Lim Yew Hock against the moderate PAP secretary general, Lee Kum YeJ these countercharges brand Lee as pro-British and as a conspirator against the left wing of his own party. They are likely to impair Lee's influence in his own party and, conse- quently, to enhance the already good prospects of the pro-Com- munists for taking over the party's executive committee follow- ing the elections. This situation jeopardizes British hopes for political stability in Singapore which appear to be largely based on the belief that Lee will be willing to work with the British and able to maintain control of the partiD aLleanwhile, hopes that Chief Minister Lim Yew Hock's Singapore People's Alliance (SPA) can elect a sizable minority of moderates to act as a counterweight to the PAP have declined. The Chew scandal has made other moderate parties reluctant to accept SPA terms for an election understanding and has, consequently, increased the prospects that the moderate votes will be split in many districts:1 21 Mar 59 CPKITDAI IKITPI I inrkirr RI III FTIKI Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 Nair LATE ITEM Peiping and New Delhi Act on Tibetan Situation Peiping is adopting forceful measures to end the Tibetan unrest. Indian Foreign Secretary Dutt on 20 March confirmed that fighting had occurred around Lhasa and "strong Chinese punitive force" is en route to the Tibetan capital. Additional evidence of (Peiping's intent to use force was , a military build- up over the past few weeks with "urgent" requests for supplies, personnel and weapons. The Indian Government has instructed its consul general in Lhasa to avoid involvement in rebel activities, although it sent a note to Communist China stressing the seriousness of the situation and implying that Peiping should respect Tibetan "autonomy." Indian officials on 20 March, reversing their pol- icy of playing down rebel reports, issued a statement detail- ing anti-government activities in Lhasa. Peiping is likely to protest New Delhi's actions as "interference in internal affairs." Nehru continues to be apprehensive over the possibility of serious clashes in the event Chinese troops pursue dissi- dent forces into Indian territory. He has instructed frontier checkposts to deny admission to any rebels fleeing Tibet. How- ever, if the Dalai Lama, who reportedly fled Lhasa on 17 March after requesting asylum from New Delhi, attempts to enter India, Nehru probably would grant him at least temporary asylum� %nation). TOP SECRET 21 Mar 59 CFNITRAI INTFILIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 Nur THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Office of Defense and Civilian Mobilization Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff Commandant, United States Marine Corps The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of the Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of the Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of the Interior The Secretary of the Interior The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director United States Information Agency The Director CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2020/02/24 C03160624 r'r 'Approved for Release' �