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Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN TOP SECRET 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 7/4J 21 March 1956 Copy No. 103 DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE IN CLASS E 1 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE 1O ( 0 AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: 14 1:241/4 tO REVIEWER: _ OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET z Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 Auk Ask Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 I kf _NO CONTENTS 1. PINEAU SUGGESTS TRIPARTITE APPEAL TO USSR ON NEAR EAST ARMS (page 3). 2. GEORGIAN PAPER SCORES VIOLATIONS OF SOCIALIST ORDER (page 4). 3. JAPANESE-RUSSIAN PEACE TREATY TALKS SUSPENDED INDEFINITELY page 5)� 4. USSR REPORTEDLY WILL TRY NEW APPROACH TO GREECE ON BETTERING RELATIONS (Page 6)0 5. YUGOSLAVS CONSIDER WAY CLEAR FOR RELATIONS WITH ITALIAN COMMUNISTS (page 7). 60 NEW LEBANESE GOVERNMENT 21 Mar 56 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 9) (page 8). Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 A 1. PINEAU SUGGESTS TRIPARTITE APPEAL TO USSR ON NEAR EAST ARMS French foreign minister Pineau told Ambassador Dillon on 19 March he felt there should be a French-British- American ministerial meeting in the near tuture to consider the Near East arms race. Pineau wondered if the time had not come for the three Western foreign ministers to make a joint public appeal to the Soviet Union to agree to end the arms race, although he expressed himself as opposed to discussing a Near East "settlement" with the USSR. Pineau indicated his thinking had been spurred by figures he had seen in Cairo on the size of the Soviet arms program for Egypt. He said an additional 200 MIG's were scheduled to follow the first 200 now being de- livered. Comment The need to reach some kind of agree- ment on Near Eastern matters has been a recurrent note in French diplomacy since the consumma- tion of Egypt's arms deal with the Soviet bloc last fall. Moscow probably would welcome an approach from the tri- partite powers, but it is unlikely that the USSR would agree to limit discussion to the arms problem. The Israeli ambassador to the United States told Ambassador Lodge on 19 March that Egypt had 110 MIG's And "would soon have 200 more." 21 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 SECR ET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 voi 2. GEORGIAN PAPER SCORES VIOLATIONS OF SOCIALIST ORDER The American embassy in Moscow re- ports that an editorial in the 15 March issue of the Georgian newspaper Zarya Vostoka, entitled "Strengthen Socialist Legality," contains what appears to be a vei e re erence to the recent disorders in Tbilisi. Re- garding nationalism, the editorial asserts that restrictions on privileges for Soviet citizens on the basis of their race or nationality, "as well as any preaching of racial or na- tional exclusiveness, hatreds and scorn, is punished by law." The editorial admits that some Georgian youth are guilty of "immoral acts" and calls on the public to "unmask any sort of provocateurs, hooligans and hostile elements!' The embassy comments that the editorial appears to confirm the original report of the disorders, as well as speculation that youth and nationalism were the two main ingredients. Comment The Georgians have a tradition of ex- treme nationalism, of which Stalin has become a symbol. News of Khrushchev's attack on Stalin at the 20th Party Congress appears to have produced the demonstrations by nationalistic youth. 21 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 Approved for Release,: 2019/1,0/21 C03161855 k 41 EI 3. JAPANESE-RUSSIAN PEACE TREATY TALKS SUSPENDED INDEFINITELY The Japanese-Soviet peace treaty talks in London have reportedly reached an impasse over the ques- tion of the disposition of former Japanese territories, and have been indefinitely suspended. The USSR had agreed to the un- conditional return of the Habomai and Shikotan Islands, but has consistently rejected Japan's demand that the two southernmost islands in the Kurils chain, Kunashiri and Etorufu, also be restored to Japan, with the northern Kurils and Sakhalin to be disposed of at an international conference. Continuing strong domestic support for Japan's position and greater political stability resulting from the conservative unification apparently have encouraged Tokyo to suspend the talks rather than concede vital Japa- nese interests. Soviet retaliatory moves against Japanese fishing in waters north of Japan, however, may cause Japanese fishing interests to bring considerable pressure for the concessions necessary for a settlement with Moscow. It is probable that the USSR will not re- treat from its present position but will prefer to wait in the hope that developments in the Japanese domestic scene will provide conditions favorable for the acceptance of the Soviet terms. Since the Japanese refused the major Soviet proposal in January to establish diplomatic relations, the USSR has displayed a marked indifference toward concluding the talks during this round 21 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 _SECRET_ Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 aintanr., Sof Iwo 4. USSR REPORTEDLY WILL TRY NEW APPROACH TO GREECE ON BETTERING RELATIONS Soviet ambassador Sergeyev in Athens plans a new approach to Greek prime minister Karamanlis on the subject of improving all aspects of Soviet rela- tions with Greece Sergeyev is trying to contact Karamanlis through a non- diplomatic, "direct" channel and wants the Greek govern- ment to provide a list of conditions considered necessary for improvement of relations. Comment The USSR undoubtedly believes that recent developments in the Cyprus problem and resultant deterioration of relations between Greece and the other NATO powers offer an excellent op- portunity to improve relations with Greece. Initial Greek "conditions" would prob- ably include settlement of financial claims against Bulgaria and Rumania, Soviet intervention with Albania for rectifi- cation of its border with Greece, and the cessation of Com- munist subversive activities in Greece. 21 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 --SECRET- Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 LI. J.+ 1 I 'V I I1-11.L., 411.* 5. YUGOSLAVS CONSIDER WAY CLEAR FOR RELATIONS WITH ITALIAN COMMUNISTS Yugoslav readiness to establish closer relations with other Communist parties may now extend to those in non-Orbit nations. A speech by Italian Communist Party (PCI) leader Palmiro Togliatti on 13 March to the PCI central committee is being construea by Yugoslays as an "apology" for their 1948 expulsion from the Cominform. A Yugoslav press officer commented that there would now be nothing incon- sistent in "closer" relations between the Yugoslav and Italian Communist Parties. A high Yugoslav Foreign Min- istry official called Togliatti's statement extremely inter- esting and said in some ways it "went even further than Mikoyan" Togliatti had told his central committee on 13 March that the Cominform had erred in expelling Tito in 1948 without examining the situation that existed in Yugo- slavia and taking into account the reason for Belgrade's dif- ferent attitude. Recognizing that Communist parties are traveling along different roads, he called for an exchange of experiences to develop mutual benefits. Yugoslav relations with left-wing groups in Italy have centered primarily around the dissident Com- munist Cucchi-Magnani (USI) group and, to a lesser extent, the anti-Communist Democratic Socialist Party (PSDI), with no apparent attention to the PCI. 21 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 viloW 1010' 6. NEW LEBANESE GOVERNMENT Comment on: The compoeition of Lebanon's new cabinet, headed by Abdullah Yafi, suggests that Lebanese president Chamoun has succeeded in shifting his country's policy closer to that of the Egyptian-Syrian-Saudi bloc. Four cabinet ministers, including the minister of foreign affairs, are holdovers from the pre- vious government. The other six ministers are either strong nationalists, politicians willing to follow the cur- rent political trends, or businessmen interested mainly in the benefits of political office. Yafi, a 56-year-old French-educated lawyer, has been a deputy since 1937 and a prime minister three times previously. He is said to be subsidized by Saudi Arabia and, the Saudi minister in Beirut told King Saud that Yafi is "loyal." Pres- ident Chamoun reportedly chose Yafi in order "not to excite Egypt and Saudi� Arabia." Yafi has praised Egyptian prime minis- ter Nasr's decision to obtain Soviet arms and hopes other Arab states will follow Egypt's example. He has also indi- cated he would take a tough line in Lebanon's negotiations with Western oil companies for increased pipeline transit royalties. The new prime minister opposes the Baghdad pact and the Johnston Jordan River plan. Ambassador Heath believes that with Yafi as prime minister there is little pos- sibility of any reasonable consideration by Lebanon of the problem of Israel. 21 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855 'Att, THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 20 March) On 10 March, six MIG-15 jet fighters were observed flying over Syrian territory approximately 45 uautical miles southeast of Damascus. The six aircraft were flying at 35,000 feet, and bore red and blue markings which were not further distin- guishable. In late December 1955, eighteen Syrian fighter pilots were reported to be receiving jet flying training in Egypt. Some may have completed their familiarization training and flown MIG-15's back to Syria. L noting increased military activity in the Canal Zone on 13 March, without any reports of units returning from Sinai, suggests that the Egyptian army may be forming new combat units there with personnel from Cairo training centers and with new materiel from Soviet and European sources. One of two recently acquired Israeli de- stroyers left Britain for Israel on 16 March, The departure of this destroyer re- mains unconfirmed, although both vessels are expected to de- part for Israel by the end of March, prior to the departure of two destroyers which Egypt has acquired from Britain. 21 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161855