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�ci /0///'4 �c// fr/Z9Z0/47.)00, Approved Release: 2019/12/04 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 5 February 1957 Copy No. DOCUMENT NO. _ NO CHANGE IN CLASS. I flECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS NEXT REVIEW DATE- AUTH: HR 70- ID+ EVIEWE 31 � OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 Aft. 41111111k Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 Nose Nal CONTENTS 1. NASR REMAINS ADAMANT ON SUEZ ISSUES (page 3). 2. USSR APPROVES NEW EGYPTIAN ARMS REQUIREMENTS (page 4). 3. CRISIS IN JORDAN MAY FOLLOW KING'S CHALLENGE TO CABINET (page 5). 4. SOVIET MINISTER SEEKS EARLY VISIT TO YEMEN (page 6). 5. ATHENS WARNS OF ANTI-GREEK RIOTS IN TURKEY page 7). 6. FORMER OPPONENTS OF ULBRICHT ADMITTED TO EAST GERMAN PARTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE (page 8). 7. KREMLIN BACKS ANTI-GOMULKA ELEMENTS IN POLAND (page 9). 8. PROVISIONAL PRESIDENT OF HAITI REPORTEDLY RESIGNS (page 10). 5 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 -T-OP-SEeRET- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 I (ii ...ILA-AU-4 I Ai AlIlk 1. NASR REMAINS ADAMANT ON SUEZ ISSUES Comment on: President Nasr- reply to a 27 January request from UN secretary general Hammarskjold to give "positive co-operation" and to separate the canal issue from the problem of the Israeli withdrawal-- has indicated that the Egyptian position on control of the canal and on toll collection remains essentially unchanged. In regard to canal toll collections, Nasr said there is "no question that all ships which pass through the canal must pay the tolls to the Egyptian Suez Canal ad- ministration!' He stated that Egypt would welcome co-opera- tion in obtaining a settlement which would enable him to focus his efforts on raising his country's standard of living. How- ever, he emphasized that Egyptians "will not agree under any circumstances that the price of this co-operation contain any trace of international control or collective colonialism!' Nasr said that Egypt is prepared to dis- cuss Suez Canal issues "as soon as the withdrawal of Israeli forces has been completed:' Although Nasr has left little room for nego- tiations, Hammarskjold plans to go to Cairo in the near future to talk with him about a Suez settlement as well as the future deployment and legal status of UN forces. 5 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 ''11111 CI 11"/-1 1-1 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 a 4., I tL.J I /410 2, USSR APPROVES NEW EGYPTIAN ARMS REQUIREMENTS Comment on: the USSR had agreed to provide at least 50 aircraft in addi- tion to those already shipped or contracted for. New Soviet- Egyptian arms contracts for long-term requirements prob- ably will now be negotiated. Preliminary Egyptian proposals pre- sented to the USSR "as a guide" called for establishing an Egyptian air force of up to 32 squadrons, replacement and reinforcement of antiaircraft and field artillery units, re- placement of medium tanks lost in Sinai, and additional sup- plies of radar, radio equipment, submarines, subchasers and vehicles. Some military equipment is still being shipped to Egypt under the April 1956 contract. In late December and early January, Egypt called for the dispatch of tank spare parts and a step-up in truck deliveries. 5 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 MP gF.CRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 _1L4 LILj I 3� CRISIS IN JORDAN MAY FOLLOW KING'S CHALLENGE TO CABINET Comment on: A political crisis may develop in Jordan following the refusal of Prime Minister Nabulsi and his cabinet to heed King Hussain's demands for measures designed to curb anti-Western influence, the king asked the prime minister to suspend the ommunist newspaper Al-Jamahir; appoint the cabinet rep- resentative of the leftist Arab Socialist Resurrection Party, Rimawi, as minister of justice instead of minister of foreign affairs; remove both Rimawi and the representative of the Communist-front National Bloc from the delegation negotiat- ing termination of the Anglo-Jordanian ',treaty; and to agree to make no change in Jordan's election law. the majority of the cabinet was unwilling to resign and favored forcing the king to dismiss the government--a move which would be unacceptable to the public. When confronted with the cabinet's refusal to comply, the king was reported to have "laughed and stated that he did not insist on his demands and that he would consider the whole affair as not having hap- pened!' The Egyptian attach�eported that large- scale demonstrations were expected to take place if the king attempted to dismiss the government. Hussain has previously indicated his desire to replace the Nabulsi government at the earliest opportunity with more conservative and responsible leadership� By chal- lenging the cabinet and then backing away from a showdown, Hussain has alerted Jordan's anti-Western forces who may be able to rally majority support against him. 5 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 f�-� r+rri Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 Approved for Release 2019/;12/04 C7161989 NAre *me 4. SOVIET MINISTER SEEKS EARLY VISIT TO YEMEN � Soviet ambassador to Egypt Kiselev, who is accredited to Yemen, sought the Imam's permission to present his credentials during the week of 31 .Tarmary tn A Vphriiary His request Was made through the Yemeni minister in Cairo,who stated that "he would like to hear from us immediately:' the Chinese Com- munist ambassador in Cairo is also about to depart for Yemen. Kiselev sought permission to "exhibit a type of Russian plane which would be safe since it can take off and land with one motor!' Referring to Kiselev's request, the Yemeni minister advised that "perhaps he and his gov- ernment do not think it safe to ride in our planes...and perhaps there would be no risk in approving his wishes!' Comment Soviet-Yemeni contacts have become more frequent since the first arrival of Soviet arms in Yemen last October, and recently there has been increasingly close co-ordination in Cairo between Egypt, the USSR and Yemen in their campaign against the British po- sition in Aden. 5Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TnP .cFCRFT Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 AUK Alita 5. ATHENS WARNS OF ANTI-GREEK RIOTS IN TURKEY Under instructions from Prime Minis- ter Karamanlis, Greece's acting foreign minister has told Ambassador Allen that the Greek government is "greatly wor- ried" over the possibility of anti-Greek disturbances in Istanbul during the UN debate on the Cyprus issue. Athens is anxious, according to the minister, that Ankara "know in advance such disturbances are expected so that the Turkish government cannot say that the police in Istanbul were taken by surprise:' Allen comments that Karamanlis is now in an angry mood and may take some drastic anti-Turkish move if trouble recurs in Istanbul. Comment 5 Feb 57 A similar warning was given by the Greek government just before the Istanbul riots of September 1955. Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 C's lr'�,�/ T1 1r" '7' Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 'Nor' 6. FORMER OPPONENTS OF ULBRICHT ADMITTED TO EAST GERMAN PARTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE The admission to the central committee of the East German Socialist Unity (Communist) Party (SED) of three for- mer opponents of First Secretary Walter Ulbricht% policies may be designed to appease the restive intellectual ele- ment by giving it greater representation in high party circles. The most promi- nent of the three is Franz Dahlem, for- mer politburo member who was once regarded as Ulbricht's principal opponent in the party. The other two are Hans Jendretzky, former Berlin party boss, and Alexander Abusch, leading East German intellectual. All three men were pub- licly criticized by the party in 1952-53. These appointments do not necessarily presage any fundamental concessions to dissident elements demanding more freedom, as Dahlem, at least, appears to have been intimidated into supporting Ulbricht% policies. Ulbricht, in his speech to the central committee meeting last week, sharply rejected the concept of national Commu- nism, once'espoused by Dahlem, and declared that East Germany would not follow the Yugoslav pattern. The ferment among intellectuals and stu- dents and their demands for more freedom are causing the regime serious concern. One group, led by a university pro- fessor who was arrested in late November 1956, reportedly had contacts with intellectuals in Hungary and Poland and with Social Democrats in German with a view toward encouraging changes in East Germany. 5 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 crrn Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 ANL I AO4 7. KREMLIN BACKS ANTI-GOMULKA ELEMENTS IN POLAND The Russians, through their ambassa- dor in Warsaw, have been financing and organizing anti-Gomulka Stalinist ele- ments in Poland, Gomulka had not realized until recently that the Stalinists were backed by the Kremlin and "were really out to cut his throat!' Now that the elections are over, Gomulka "will go after them" and will try to get rid of those holding government and party offices and replace them with his own people. Gomulkais attitude toward his "comrades" was changing and that he "is beginning to see who are his friends and who are his enemies in the party!' Comment Gomulka will probably act to remove the Stalinists, but at the same time will prob- ably try to prevent the press from voicing anti-Soviet senti- ments and student and youth groups from making extreme de- mands, 5 Peb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Renea�se72179772/04 C03161989 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989 Nime NO' 8. PROVISIONAL PRESIDENT OF HAITI REPORTEDLY RESIGNS Comment on: Provisional President Pierre-Louis of Haiti is reported to have resigned in the face of a general strike, cabinet resig- nations, and increasing criticism of his government. A meeting of presidential candidates and army leaders reportedly decided to set up an interim revolutionary government. It is possible that a junta will assume power. The question of legal succession is unclear. The American embassy believes that Pierre-Louis, who be- came chief executive following the ouster of dictator Magloire on 12 December 1956, could be followed constitutionally by J. B. Cineas, a senior judge of the court of appeals. Cineas is reported acceptable to several presidential candidates and a majority of the interested public. Opposition to Pierre-Louis had developed over his delay in setting a date for elections and his failure to obtain enactment of electoral reform laws and laws seques- tering the assets of members of the Magloire administration. The financial and economic situation of the country is serious and political unrest can be expected to continue, 5 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 TiTflT'7TJ'Y 41 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161989