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February 9, 1957
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TELLI LLETI Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 FCRET 7/7199/21007/004 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLA Li DECLASSIFiED CLASS. CHANGED TO: T;.; S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH 2 14EVIEWEIT 9 February 1957 o/4 ; Copy No. 31 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Sif//7:06/ Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161992 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161992 *e4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161992 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO3161992 CONTENTS 1. SOVIET PROPOSAL FOR FOREIGN MINISTERS' MEETING (page 3). 2. SHOWDOWN IN JORDAN MAY FOLLOW TERMINATION OF ANGLO-JORDANIAN TREATY (page 4). 3. ISRAEL SAID TO BE DETERMINED TO HOLD OUT AGAINST ANY UN SANCTIONS (page 5). oV 4. UNREST REPORTED IN NORTHERN SYRIA (page 6). 5. CYPRUS DEBATE IN UN MAY BRING FALL OF GREEK GOVERNMENT (page 7). It") � \ 6 JAPANESE PRIME MINITER REPORTEDLY SUFFERS Li STROKE (page 8). . MOSCOW BLAMES ISRAEL FOR SOVIET "ANNULMENT" OF OIL CONTRACTS (page 9). 9 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161992 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161992 t(JUfi1iJJ1IV 1. SOVIET PROPOSAL FOR FOREIGN MINISTERS' MEETING Comment on: In agreeing to the Western proposal to convene the UN Disarmament Subcom- mittee in London on 11 March, Soviet UN delegate Kuznetsov proposed on 7 February that the meeting be held at the foreign mm- is ter level. his is mainly an attempt to create the impression that the USSR is continuing its efforts to reach a disarmament agreement and to place the onus for rejecting this initiative on the Western powers. Since the General Assembly already had voted unanimously to hold another meeting of the subcom- mittee in London, Moscow probably expects that its new pro- posal for a higher level meeting will be rejected. The suggestion was also made that the meet- ing be expanded to include military, economic and financial ex- perts, apparently to demonstrate Moscow's readiness to nego- tiate on technical details of inspection and control, including reductions in force and military expenditures. The Soviet position in the subcommittee talks will probably be based primarily on the Soviet omnibus disarm- ament proposals of 17 November 1956, which included a state- ment of Soviet readiness to discuss the use of aerial inspection in a zone of about 500 miles on either side of the line dividing East and West in Europe. 9 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: C-63161992 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161992 2. SHOWDOWN IN JORDAN MAY FOLLOW TERMINATION OF ANGLO-JORDANIAN TREATY Comment on: Jordan's political crisis remains unre- solved amid growing indications that a showdown between King Hussain and his nationalist government may take place within the next two weeks. discussions for termination of the Anglo-Jordanian treaty might be completed within that time The pro-Egyptian Nabulsi government, is consid- ering taxing positive steps to limit the power and jurisdic- tion" of King Hussain after measures for abrogation of the treaty have been completed. the government was considering at the same time "detaining or placing under house arrest" several conservative leaders, including two former prime ministers and the secretary of the Arab Constitutionalists--the party most favorable to the West. the cabi- net is supported by the major political parties and most of the army and legislature. 9 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 creprr Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161992 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161992 t4tJ1!E1LEIiV 1 3. ISRAEL SAID TO BE DETERMINED TO HOLD OUT AGAINST ANY UN SANCTIONS An official closely associated with the Israeli prime minister told an American embassy official on 6 February that the government is working overtime in an at- tempt to cut Israel's proposed 1957-58 e sy ,000 pounds (about $84,000,000) in anticipa- tion of the application of economic sanctions by the UN with American support. The Israeli official asserted such sanc- tions are already in effect de facto, and said he believes Israel could hold out against them for three to six months. He observed that there would be nothing ignominious if a small country like Israel had to buckle under to pressure from all the rest of the world, but he anticipated that be- fore this happened the justice of Israel's "modest demands" would be recognized. Even if this did not occur, Israel could never forgive itself for not trying to prevent a return to the status quo ante, and the experience of belt-tightening might not be a bad thing, as it would have the effect of forcing "stark economic reality" on the Israeli people. Comment These remarks, while designed to con- vince the United States that there is no object in pressing Israel for concessions at this time, never- theless appear to be an accurate reflection of Israeli policy. The current Israeli press campaign and the mass demonstra- tions of support for the government's intransigent stand, planned by all Israeli parties except the Communists for this week end, will make it more difficult for the government to retreat even should it decide at the last moment to do so. 9 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved GrRe-leTser:a7971-270-4 66'3161992 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161992 4. UNREST REPORTED IN NORTHERN SYRIA Comment on: Press reports of an uprising in Aleppo are partially confirmed by American of- ficials in Syria. The practically harm- less bombing of government buildings and the homes of leftist and Communist leaders suggest that the "revolt" may have been planned by leftist army ele- ments in order to justify the continuance of martial law and to further the elimi- nation of opposition elements. Aleppo, a conservative stronghold, has been a center of resistance to the leftist trend in Syria, and Damascus has recently strengthened its garrison there. There have been reports of the distribution of anti-government and anti-Communist pamphlets and the purported forma- tion of a secret rightist political movement aimed at the government. According to the American embassy in Damascus, Syria has now become practically a police state. Conservative and pro-Western political leaders are intimi- dated and the Syrian army intelligence is staging "treason" trials complete with Soviet-type confessions. High civil servants are being dismissed and transferred in large num- bers, especially those deemed "unreliable" by leftist ele- ments. The combination of army and leftist-Communist elements appears to be moving Syria toward a one-party "democratic republic:" 9 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 � Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161992 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161992 5, CYPRUS DEBATE IN UN MAY BRING FALL OF GREEK GOVERNMENT Comment on: .National positions for the UN debate over Cyprus, which will probably begin next week, appear to be shaping up in such a manner that the debate may cause the over- throw of the Karamanlis government in Greece. Ambassador Allen reported on 7 February that a UN resolution merely calling on the parties concerned to resume negotiations might result in the fall of Karamanlis and his replacement by a gov- ernment which would be slack in fulfilling its obligations to NATO. The British seem determined to fight any UN formula which might enable Karamanlis to withstand the attacks of his domestic opposition. They have long been dis- satisfied with the Karamanlis government, and Allen recently reported that the British embassy in Athens appears to be seek- ing the establishment of a coalition government of the right Britain intends to take an "uncompromising hard line" in attacking Greek interference on Cyprus, Britain considers it important that "the Greeks should not win what they consider a victory at the UN:' The Turks are also prepared to give all- out battle to the Greeks in the UN. They recently added to their UN delegation former acting foreign minister Zorlu, who vigorously presented Turkey's case on Cyprus at the London conference of 1955. 9 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 7", Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161992 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161992 6. JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER REPORTEDLY SUFFERS STROKE Comment on: , Prime Minister Ishibashi has suffered a stroke which has paralyzed half of his face and made his retirement imminent, Ishibashi has secluded himself from all except a few close associates. Ishibashi's illness, first reported as a cold and later as pneumonia, led to the appointment of Foreign Minister Kishi as acting prime minister on 31 Janu- ary. former minister of agriculture and forestry Kono, strong man of the previous cabinet, intends to reveal the nature of Ishibashi's illness if it is not made public by 20 February. Kono has promised to support former state minister Matsutaro Shoriki for prime minister if Shoriki will finance Kono's faction in the govern- ment party. The American embassy has been unable to verify rumors that Ishibashi's illness is more serious than re- ported, and notes that they stem chiefly from the prime minis- ter's political enemies. Ishibashi's physician and family have given assurances that he is recovering satisfactorily. The tenuous nature of Ishibashi's control of his party, demonstrated when he was forced to accept in- traparty opponents in his cabinet, was further shown when the party compelled him to drop a proposal to increase the consumer price of rice. These defeats reflect the rapid re- covery of Kono's influence in the party and probably have stim- ulated his manipulations and encouragement of Shoriki, who has long aspired to the premiership. 9 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161992 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161992 7. MOSCOW BLAMES ISRAEL FOR SOVIET "ANNULMENT" OF OIL CONTRACTS Comment on: A Soviet note of 6 February blaming Israel for Moscow's "annulment" of oil contracts presages a renewed Soviet propaganda and diplomatic attack on Israel. The note, which was in reply to an Israeli protest on 28 December against Soviet suspen- sion of shipments of "crude oil and pipes" in early Novem- ber, said Israel's "aggressive actions against Egypt" made it impossible for the USSR to honor these contracts. Although propaganda attacks on Israel were reduced recently, Moscow's anti-Israeli line is ap- parently to be renewed. A Soviet broadcast warned Israeli leaders on 5 February that in doing the bidding of the United States, "which now is leading the colonialists," they were "performing their shameful tricks on the brink of the abyss!' On 1 February, Syria began a weekly broadcast in Russian to Russian-born immigrants in Israel encouraging hostility toward "Zionist rulers:' 9 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 -r 1111-4. Mr7 Trstrinir .114r Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161992