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February 24, 1957
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r7,0,71M(ad for..RSIPsS,,,1.9113/..94 07/ 4/ ,,,,zozrarezza -re-p-s-peitEcr- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 3.3(h)(2) 24 February 1957 3.5(c) //; � el wzi/e/ /0/4 Copy No. 131 bO1J1:47_1\ .7 NO. � NO CH1 rs'--; To. FiEliia-W DATE- � ALIT 1' Fla 0-2 DA1 ricVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162000 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162000 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162000 mor CONTENTS 1. EGYPTIAN FOREIGN MINISTER FEARS PRESSURE ON EGYPT TO MATCH ANY CONCESSIONS BY ISRAEL (page 3). 2. SHEPILOV ADVISES EGYPT ON KEEPING THE INITIATIVE (page 5). KHRUSHCHEV COMMENTS ON EUROPEAN INTEGRATION (page 6). SPANISH CABINET SHAKE-UP 24 Feb 57 (page 7). Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162000 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162000 1..." I b.-7 L-.016-41 Sr I 411k 1. EGYPTIAN FOREIGN MINISTER FEARS PRESSURE ON EGYPT TO MATCH ANY CONCESSIONS BY ISRAEL Comment on: Egypt's Foreign Minister Fawzi and Ambassador Hussain expressed misgivings that President Eisenhower's speech on 20 February presaged increasing difficulties for Egypt and increasing pressure for concessions by Egypt, once Israel has withdrawn from occupied territory. Fawzi indicated concern that when such withdrawal had been completed "a series of pressure opera- tions are going to be started against Egypt" for the purpose of assuring unrestricted use of the Gulf of Aqaba and the Suez Canal by ships of all nations. He also foresaw efforts to in- crease the UN force in Egypt and extend its jurisdiction; to establish a special regime for the Gaza strip; to reach agree- ments on the matter of Suez Canal tolls; and to separate the canal and the area around it from Egypt. Hussain also admitted having the impres- sion that the United States had lost patience with Egypt's tac- tics of delaying settlement of the canal issue. Fawzi summed up by observing that Egypt was confronted with a more serious problem than in the past and "would have a portion of the UN that is not small" --including those now on the sidelines�work- ing against it. lie added "the battle is going to be more diffi- cult not easier!' Fawzi stated that Washington was aware its position would be easier if Egypt committed any blunders, and was watching carefully for any Egyptian mistake. He added "we can depend on ourselves to make mistakes--if we don't open our eyes we are going to get whipped!' Fawzi and Hussain are diplomats of the old school in Egypt and do not have a place in the inner circle 24 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 vrIn c lE" ri E�r Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162000 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162000 of Nasr's government. They have frequently expressed dis- approval of measures taken by the �Nasr regime. Their suspicion of American intentions, however, is probably also reflected in Cairo. 24 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162000 Approved for Release: 20191/12/04 C03162000 _ _ _ _ Ak I -et 2. SHEPILOV ADVISES EGYPT ON KEEPING THE INITIATIVE Comment on: Former Soviet foreign minister Shepilov has warned that Egypt must not lose the initiative in the Middle East. He suggested that Cairo explore pros- pects for support from "friendly Asian and Socialist coun- tries" for a conference of all canal users "to reaffirm the 1888 convention, amend it, or work out a new convention." He stated that it was up to Egypt to decide when the canal should be opened in accordance with the 1888 convention and stressed that there is no reason for compromise with the West although Egypt should act with caution. Shepilov said that "even now the ag- gressors are still hatching plans against Egyptian sovereignty and the Arab countries!' He predicted that Britain, France and the United States plan to isolate Egypt from the Arab coun- tries and then bring pressure to bear on Saudi Arabia and Jor- dan. nepuov sougni to arouse suspicion that the Western powers are attempting to use the UN Emergency Force to impose settlements of the Suez and Arab-Israeli conflicts. He noted that new functions have been devised for the UN force, "about which he always had suspicions;' which, he said, exceed its mission as originally defined by the General Assembly and which run counter to Egyptian and Arab interests. He said the West- ern proposal that Suez Canal tolls be paid to the World Bank is a "flagrant violation of Egyptian sovereignty" and rep- resents another attempt "to impose the Menzies or Dulles plan" for international control. He also told the ambassador that his new post--as one of the eight secretaries of the central com� - mittee of the Soviet party�will keep him in close touch with foreign policy, "especially Egyptian affairs!' 24 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 TTIP CFCDFT Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162000 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162000 .L JL -KA." .11-41 JL AL1 1-6-1 KHRUSHCHEV COMMENTS ON EUROPEAN INTEGRATION Soviet party boss Khrushchev told Chester Bowles on 20 February that the USSR did not like the idea of a "European federation" since Germany was certain eventually to controI such a grouping. Britain and France, Khrushchev said, could only be losers. He said that if the federation were only a loose agreement on "economic and similar problems," the USSR had no objections. Khrushchev stressed, however, that Germany could not be permitted to dominate Europe and that in order to prevent such a development, a disarmament agreement including arms control by the principal powers was needed. Comment Khrushchev's opposition to European inte- gration is in line with Moscow's long- standing claim that it would pave the way for German aggres- sion. The USSR proposed at the meeting of the Economic Com- mission for Europe last April that there should be an all- European agreement on economic co-operation and that the peaceful uses of atomic energy should be explored within the framework of ECE. In commenting on the six-nation agreement on EURATOM and the common market, reached on 20 Febru- ary, Moscow radio has emphasized the differences among the participants, and has played on French fears of Germany. Pointing out that West Germany already produces more iron and steel than France and Great Britain, Moscow predicted that the new plan will allow West German industry to manufac- ture atomic bombs with French uranium and that French mar- kets will be flooded with West German goods. 24 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 -PICW-PA1W1VT4-47= Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162000 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162000 �J1-41.....11.Li A Aft 4110, 4. THE SPANISH CABINET SHAKE-UP Comment on: Franco's present cabinet shake-up, like the last major reshuffle in mid-1951, follows a period of growing criticism of his regime and extensive transportation boycotts in Spain's major cities. The working populace has used the boycott, one of the few legal means by which it can protest, to express its dissatisfac- tion with the deteriorating economic condition of Spain. In naming a new cabinet; Franco seems to have used the device of choosing "technicians" to head a number of ministries as a way of avoiding a showdown be- tween the Falange and its opponents --the mona.rchiSts and army, church and business groups. Lodge, however, feels that the replacement of Foreign Min- ister Artajo by Fernando Maria Castiella "would not seem encouraging!' Castiella, Spanish ambassador to the Vatican since 1951, has been described as a former Falan- gist and former member of Spain's World War II Blue Divi- sion, but now a monarchist. The reported replacement of Commerce Minister Arburua suggests that the austerity measures he has favored for combatting Spain's growing in- flation will be brushed aside in favor of deficit spending for public works and other construction projects as recommended by other members of the government. 24 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Or' !,11r1 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162000