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March 2, 1957
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;47/07.7 , / / e i/ �0#/ 0 500/ / 0 7' ,�// LL LL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 eAr It...ex- L.1.4Cilail.L.'e I. 704P10// 3.5(c) 2 March 1957 Copy No, DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANCE IN CLASS. DE.;;LASST::ED CLi.S.S. CI iANCED TO: TS S NEXT REVIEW DATE: inTAH�1 pA .1, 1EVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TO SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 4Mks Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 -rr� r tr' iMIDILT" -V*H Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 CONTENTS . HATTA FORESEES CONTINUED STRIFE IN INDONESIA (page 3). 2. INDONESIAN MOSLEMS ALERT NON-JAVANESE AREAS FOR ACTION IN EARLY MARCH (page 4). t )3. SOVIET MISSION TO REORGANIZE SYRIAN ARMY (page 5). 1140 EGYPTIAN ASSISTANCE TO OMANI EXILES MAY PRESAGE NEW DRIVE AGAINST BRITISH IN PERSIAN GULF (page 6). 5. CESSATION OF KREMLIN'S ANTI-POLISH CAMPAIGN (page 8) . ti) 6. BRITAIN DISTURBED OVER INDEPENDENT EUROPEAN NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGI page 9)0 7. U NU REAPPOINTED BURMESE P I E MINISTER ,(page 10). 8. RESIGNATION OF FINNISH GOVE ENT (page 11). 2 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET' Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 AIM Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 �tifti f Are 16 AL, al 1. HATTA FORESEES CONTINUED STRIFE IN 1 I ONESIA Former vice president Hatta expects turmoil in Indonesia to continue for approximately two months, by which time he believes President Sukarno will become aware of the sizable oppo- sition to rus plan for a "guided democracy" and of the ex- tent to which the Communists are using his proposal for their own purposes. When Sukarno becomes aware that his plan is moving the country toward civil war, Hatta told the American ambassador, a formula will have to be devised to save face for him and "compel the Communists into ac- quiescence." Hatta said, however, he had "absolutely no idea" what such a formula could be. Hatta believes that unless events take this turn, civil war will come sooner or later. Meanwhile, he plans to work with the Moslem parties, certain army circles, the civil service, and various organizations at the village level to encourage unity among all these ele- ments and keep alive resistance to Communism. He will also work "as effectively as political discretion permits" to improve conditions in strongly anti-Communist Sumatra. Comment Hatta resigned as vice president on 1 December largely as the result of in- creasing disagreement with Sukarno over Communist ac- tivity in Indonesia. Sumatra-born, he has widespread sup- port in all non-Javanese areas, and, as the foremost revolu- tionary leader next to Sukarno, is known and respected throughout Indonesia. As such he is potentially the most effective antagonist to Sukarno among Indonesian leaders. Hatta has long been a primary target of the Communists, whose present mass campaign to support Sukarno's concept specifically demands that Hatta not be in- cluded in the reorganized government. 2 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 vgi 2. IN oNESIAN MOSLEMS ALERT NON-JAVANESE AREAS FOR ACTION IN EARLY MARCH Top Indonegian Moslem leaders have in- formed Moslems in the Atjeh area of North Sumatra and in Celebes, as well as Colonels Hussein and Simbolon, the anti- government army leaders in Central Sumatra, that Communist participation in the government under Sukarno's new concept will not be tolerated, These groups were told that they should be "pre- pared for action" between 1 and 10 March if Sukarno insists on including Communists in the government. Comment The Moslem leaders referred to in this re- port may be connected with the Darul Islam, a fanatical Moslem organization centered in Java which seeks to establish a theocratic state by force throughout Indonesia and maintains liaison with Moslem dissident groups in Atjeh and Celebes. It would be natural for them to contact Colonels Hus- sein and Simbolon who are anti-Communist and are already ac- tively opposing the government. 2 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 � mlikA 3. SOVIET MISSION TO REORGANIZE SYRIAN ARMY Comment on: The Syrian arms negotiator in Moscow informed Damascus on 20 February that "the committee of experts to organize the army will leave soon for Damascus," This group, composed of "six high-ranking Soviet officers expert in organizing and training," was requested by Damascus on 4 February. The USSR has also agreed to furnish 160 military technicians to train Syrians in the assembly, maintenance and use of military equipment which the Soviet Union is pro- viding under the arms agreement of November 1956. More than half of these technicians are believed to have arrived in Syria. Syria appears to be attempting to standardize its equipment on Soviet models, and the quanti- ties of Soviet arms entering Syria do not appear to exceed re-equipment needs. The varied types of old Western equip- ment thus replaced, including medium tanks and artillery, are being transferred to the Jordanian army and to the Saudis. Syria is reported, meanwhile, to have reduced its army strength from about 65,000 to about 57,000 and released more than half of the reserve officers called up during the emergency last fall. On 25 February two and possibly three Soviet-type jet fighters were observed at Hama airfield _ indicating that some of the crated MIG-17's delivered from the USSR in December are now assembled. The Syrians are not qualified to operate these d have been forced to borrow six Egyptian pilots. 2 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for�ReVa's-e:-20-19/12/04 C03162004 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 4, EGYPTIAN ASSISTANCE TO OMANI EXILES MAY PRESAGE NEW DRIVE AGAINST BRITISH IN PERSIAN GULF All Sabri, Nasr's chief of cabinet, has authorized Saleh ibn Isa, an Amir of Oman to send groups of refugee Omani tribesmen to Egypt from Saudi Arabia, UNCLASSIFIED CM* AHREIN'-9 A MILES MARCH 1'957 61'13IYADH SAUDI ARABIA KAMAkAN cf YEMEN ISLAND "sc, (us) �.SANA do a U L ADEN ADEN COLONY 0 (11,0 0 Tau' et: Buraimi Oasis INNER OMAN c� A4' SOCOTRA IADEN MOTECTORATE, N A ARABIAN SEA The Omanis were to assemble in Cairo under the care of an Egyptian intelligence officer. the Amir maintain constant contact with the Saudi government after the return of King Saud to Saudi Arabia, and assured the Amir that the question of Oman was being discussed at the conference of the Arab chiefs of state, 2 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Feie3s7:-2019/12/04 C03162004 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 Comment Egyptian assistance to the Omani tribes- men may include arms and fedayeen- type training. Cairo radio charged recently that Britain's ally, the Sultan of Muscat, had illegally annexed the terri- tory of Oman. Since this charge is not new, its coincidence with the above evidence of Egyptian interest suggests that Cairo has decided to step up agitation and subversion against the Sultan. The Sultan's forces, led and supported by the British, in late 1955 asserted control over Buraimi Oasis and the Imamate of Inner Oman--a region in southeast Arabia whose ruler did not recognize the Sultan's authority and had become a protege of Saudi Arabia. Egyptian support of dissidents in Muscat and Oman would not only increase unrest in the Persian Gulf area, but encourage the Saudis to greater anti-British efforts as well. By such maneuvers, Nasr probably hopes to limit an inclination Saud may have to draw closer to the West. 2 Mar 57 i Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 5� CESSATION OF MLIN'S ANTI-POLISH C PAIGN Comment on: Reports that the Kremlin had assured Warsaw "prior to 21 February" that the anti-Polish press campaign in the Soviet Union and the Satellites would cease im- be supported by the lack of such polemics since that date. There has been no rebuttal of the 9 February articles of the principal government and party papers in Poland which defended the Polish concept of "democratization" and committed the Gomulka regime itself to the debate. the Kremlin also promised that Soviet propagandists will stop attacking Polish leaders at closed meetings in the USSR. These assur- ances followed a Polish protest against the anti- Gomulka campaign in the Soviet, Czechoslovak, Bulgarian and East German press. The recently reported replacement of the liberal editor of the principal party organ Trybuna Ludu by Leon Kasman, who had edited the paper during the Stalinist Bierut regime, suggests a reciprocal Polish promise to curb the outspoken journalism in Poland that has been the basis of much of the Kremlin's irritation. 2 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 6. BRITAIN DISTURBED OVER INDEPENDENT EUROPEAN NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM Comment on: Recent statements from several high British officials show concern over the possible emergence of an independent French-German nuclear weapons pro- gram. The most recent indication of this concern is a statement made on 27 February by a member of the Atomic Energy Authority that the British government regrets that the EURATOM treaty allows members to develop their own nuclear weapons programs. Present moves for closer col- laboration between Paris and Bonn in research, develop- ment, and production of new weapons--particularly mis- siles--might allow West Germany eventually to get around treaty limitations on its own nuclear program, the official said. Apart from general concern about other nations developing nuclear weapons capability, British mis- givings seem to stem from two causes. There are widespread doubts both inside and outside the government of the future po- litical reliability of France and Germany. Secondly, any nu- clear weapons production on the continent would end Britain's own present unique position among Western European nations and impede its campaign to extend its influence among them. In an effort to deal with the-problem of French-German collaboration, Britain in mid-February set up with France a "steering group" on weapons production, and has been urging a more active role in this regard for the Western European Union's Standing Armaments Committee. 2 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 7. U NU REAPPOINTED BURMESE P Comment on: I I MINISTER The Burmese Chamber of Deputies on 28 February unanimously reappointed U Nu as Burmese prime minister. Nu had turned over his office to Socialist Ba Swe last June, citing a desire to devote his full atten- tion to the reorganization and "purification" of the Anti- Fascist People's Freedom League, the government coali- tion. For the past three months, however, Nu has been maneuvering intensively, against the opposition of the strong Socialist Party faction of the League, to regain the prime ministership. While Nu's return probably foreshadows no basic foreign policy changes, he is apt to be more easily manipulated by Communist leaders such as Chou En-lai than the more calculating Ba Swe. Recent reports have indicated that in domestic policy, Nu may be amenable to a new effort to reach a settlement with the insurgent Communists. The outgoing prime minister will still be a powerful figure. He is to become one of four de su prime ministers, and retain the portfolio for defense. 2 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 la -7" irrirrirr lit rrirrr AT Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004 Nage NNW 8. RESIGNATION OF FINNISH GOVERNMENT Social Democratic prime minister Fager- holm's coalition cabinet resigned on 1 March following the withdrawal of the six Agrarian Party members. This cli- maxes a prolonged dispute over means of combating Finland's growing inflation. Socialist insistence on a proposal to re- duce the prices of some farm products in order to keep or- ganized labor's demands for wage hikes within bounds brought on the Agrarian resignations. It seems unlikely that any effective govern- ment can be formed without Agrarian participation, although many Socialists feel that labor has more in common with the parties representing business interests than with the farmers. The Communist-front Finnish People's Democratic League, which controls about one fifth of the seats in parliament, is unlikely to secure representation in any new government. Social Democratic finance minister Simonen, a strong party leader, is regarded as a possible successor to Fagerholm, who had previously announced his willingness to retire. Failing a new parliamentary coali- tion, however, a "nonpolitical" cabinet of civil servants might be formed to deal with the country's pressing economic problems on an emergency basis. 2 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 4,11 ..0,1.7111TTITTILT, Timmer T Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162004