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Publication Date: 
March 13, 1957
/7/74 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO3162008 jt,r ii 'cm. 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 13 March 1957 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Copy No. 131 t_ t.)0CLIMENT NO. t NO CHANGE IN CLAGS. lc '1_, 1- )!,:;,(1:L AS j EL) 1,IF>,..:1�REVIEW DATE: . CHANGED -10:.:�kkip AUTH: HR 701 DATAM-g-n--- REVIEWER: _ OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET 7/ /so rzA Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 401%, Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 Tie CONTENTS 1� GAZA STRIP SITUATION (page 3)� 2. FRENCH AND BRITISH AGREE TO MAINTAIN COMMON POSITION ON SUEZ (page 5). 3. FRENCH-BRITISH SPLIT OVER BRITISH FORCES CUTS RE:PORTED (page 6). t;) 4. BRITAIN MAY RESUME ARMS SHIPMENTS TO ISRAEL (page 8). 5. ALGERIAN REBELS MAY RECEIVE BLOC ARMS (page 9). 6. SOVIET-YUGOSLAV DISPUTE SHARPENS (page 10). 7. SHAH REPORTEDLY CALLS FOR NEW GOVERNMENT IN IRAN (page 11)� 4-8. SOVIET ADVISERS IN EAST GERMAN GOVERNMENT AGENCIES TO BE WITHDRAWN (paga 12). 13 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 4.'L JE A' A-41 JL.I.4 1. GAZA STRIP SITUATION Comment on: Israel's reaction to Egypt's assertion of its right to administer the Gaza strip has been confined so far to warnings that Egypt and the UN will bear the responsi- bility if fedayeen terrorist operations are renewed while the strip is u.idar their con- trol, and that the Egyptian aztion "violates the agreement" under which the Israelis withdrew. The Israeli security guard along the border of the strip reportedly is being further tightened, while the press and radio re-echo charges that Egyptian feda- yeen terrorism has already been renewed in the form of mine laying and theft of equipment from Israeli settlements near the border. On her return to Israel from New York on 10 March, Foreign Minister Meir repeated to Ambassa- dor Lawson a dramatic warning she said she gave the UN secretary general that "if the Egyptians return to Gaza, it means war!" Mrs. Meir also said she told Hammarskjold she was "confident" Israel would have support in such ac- tion, since the "French have made it clear in specific terms and I believe the United States assumes that we would take ac- tion under certain conditions." Egypt meanwhile has begun issuing ad- ministrative orders, including one for the export of Gaza's entire citrus crop to Egypt. It is not clear, however, that any genuine representative of Egyptian authority has yet en- tered the strip; prior to Cairo's appointment of an "admin- istrative governor" the Egyptians had asked that six or seven Egyptian officers be received in Gaza to act as liaison offi- cers. An Egyptian government spokesman has played down the 1.3 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 IF60FEEREAT_H_A* Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 WA� possibility that Egypt might send troops to Gaza, arguing that logistical difficulties would prevent such a movement. According to present information, Egypt has not moved any significant army strength into Sinai. The UN force now in the strip is estimated to have a total strength of 2,445 men in four battalions�one Indian, one Swedish, one Colombian and one Danish-Norwegian. The whereabouts of the Yugoslav company which entered Gaza with the Danish- Norwegian battalion is not precisely known. 13 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 -CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 oc,k,rcr, I 2. FRENCH AND BRITISH AGREE TO MAINTAIN COMMON POSITION ON SUEZ Comment on: British prime minister Macmillan and French premier Mollet reached "com- plete agreement" on the Suez question in their 8 March talks, according to the secretary general of the French Foreign Ministry. The French official told the American charg�n Paris that both gov- ernments will insist that the six prin- ciples agreed on in October be observed; that half the tolls be paid to Egypt and hall to an international agency; and that Egyptian funds continue to be blocked until a Suez agreement along these lines is concluded., Paris and London plan to appeal to the United Nations if Nasr refuses to accept these terms. France, however, according to the British Foreign Office, account of the conversation, took a stronger stand and insisted that serious consideration also be given to boycotting the canal. It was emphasized that both countries intend to consult the United States fully on all these matters. The French believe that if Nasr actually attempts to establish an Egyptian administration in the Gaza strip at this time, Israel "will of course react." According to the British account, Macmillan and Mollet agreed that every effort should be made to dissuade Israel from forcing passage of the canal or the Strait of Tiran with naval escorts. 13 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 Approved faror7lierease7 E1972704-003162008 lew 3. FRENCH-BRITISH SPLIT OVER BRITISH FORCES CUTS REPORTED France has notified Britain that it will offer a resolution rejecting the proposed British forces cut at the Western Euro- ean Union (WE U) meeting later this week, ccording to the US representative to ATO. The resolution results from the 'mpasse in the Mollet-Macmillan talks on 8 March in which France reportedly insisted that enough British troops be left on the Continent to maintain four "thinned-down" divisions. The British held that financial considerations made the cuts necessary. The British representative to NATO, in conversation with SACE UR on 11 March, held out no hope of his government's accepting SACEUR's recommendation for stationing part of the British strategic reserve on the Conti- nent. He threatened that London might ask some searching questions about its WEU partners' contributions to NATO if these countries did not show more understanding of the British position. Ambassador Perkins, however, believes the French will go through with the resolution unless the British offer some compromise in the meantime. Comment France's opposition to the cuts is an indi- cation of its alarm over a possible British drift away from the Continent at a time when much of French policy, including its advocacy of EURATOM, the Common Market, and Eurafrica, is based on closer cross-channel ties. French officials may also fear that .a sharp and publicized cut in British troops in Germany will reawaken the French pub- lic's apprehensions over German predominance on the Continent. Although the other members of WE U prob- ably have doubts as to the advisability of pushing Britain to the 13 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 Auk point of disavowing its treaty commitments, most of them share French concern over the political and psychological impact of a troop reduction. 13 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Pf r C Eil"1/10 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 4. BRITAIN MAY RESUME ARMS SHIPMENTS TO ISRAEL A British Foreign Office official on 11 March indicated that London is con- sidering resuming arms shipments to Israel. In the Foreign Office's prelim- inary view, the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and Sharm al- Shaikh renders inapplicable the UN ban on arms shipments to the area of hostilities. The official said that most of the pending orders from Israel are for auxiliary equipment and spare parts which have already been paid for. Comment Now that Israel has complied with UN resolutions, London is probably seeking means to demonstrate its support of Israel publicly. Britain apparently intends to use the 1950 tripartite declaration to justify deliveries of arms to ][srael to balance Soviet aid to Egypt and Syria and the equipment Britain will turn over to Jordan upon termination of the Anglo-Jordanian treaty. Lon- don earlier had refused Israeli requests for fulfillment of arms orders. Israel has a long-standing order in Britain for Centurion tanks, and a January request included a destroyer. 13 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 Ask, 5. ALGERIAN REBELS MAY RECEIVE BLOC ARMS Comment on: On 4 March, Major Fathi al-Dib, the Egyptian army officer identified with the procurement of arms for the Al- gerian rebels, authorized the Egyptian military attach�n Prague to conclude the "entire deal!' Algerian nationalists have reversed an earlier decision not to pur- chase arms from the Soviet bloc. difficulty in financing the operation because the "sum is frozen in Switzerland" and he feared "lest the operation be exposed" and attributed to Egypt. an attempt would be made to transfer funds to the Egyptian ambassador in Bern to pay for "a third of the deal;' and inquired regarding Czech re- action to an Egyptian guarantee of payment pending the es- tablishment of credit so that the shipment could be made from Poland, apparently on 20 March. 13 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 TOP F:PCITT Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 Approved lor�Rel-e7s�e72-6,-;-6./76-4 653162008 NisiS mar' 6. SOVIET-YUGOSLAV DISPUTE SHARPENS Comment on: The increasing sharpness in public ex- changes between Moscow and Belgrade demonstrates that the USSR's attitude toward any deviation in the Communist world is as inflexible today as it was during Stalin's regime. In a strongly worded response to Yugo- slav foreign minister Popovic's February speech, Pravda on 11 March denied the possibility of a position between socialism and capitalism and made clear that a "true social- ist state" submits unquestioningly to the USSR. Belgrade papers, in a swift reply the next day, pointed out that the USSR was reviving the methods of Stalinism by refusing to tolerate differing views, and strongly criticized Moscow's attempts to split the Tito regime by singling out individual Yugoslav leaders for attack. Moscow has apparently felt compelled to attack every aspect of Tito's policy, and Belgrade's refusal to let the criticism go unanswered has added to the intensity of the exchanges. The Soviet onslaught on the basic Yugoslav "antibloc" position will probably lessen considerably Bel- grade's customary support of Soviet foreign policy, and shift Yugoslav criticism more from West to East. 13 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 _ 7. SHAH REPORTEDLY CALLS FOR NEW GOVERNMENT IN IRAN Comment on: Prime Minister Ala is being replaced because of "lethargy," which is slowing develop- ment and -reform Programs. The Shah said he had requested Minister of Court Eqbal to form a new government and a new political party, and Interior Minister Alam to organize an opposition party. Eqbal would have full responsibility in all fields except the military, justice, which "should be above politics;' and foreign policy, which was "irrevocably set" when Iran aligned itself with the free world. The Shah said he had "learned the hard way" who could be trusted among those around him and feels strongly now that he can begin to become a statesman seeking ways to improve his country. Eqbal has stated privately he would not ac- cept the premiership unless given more authority than the present prime minister, who is only a figurehead. Unless the Shah has decided to withdraw from personal participation in government operations, which seems unlikely, he and Eqbal would probably soon come into conflict. 13 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 -S-E,C�RET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 f-� "Nr% Pry Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008 8, SOVIET ADVISERS IN EAST GERMAN GOVERNMENT AGENCIES TO BE WITHDRAWN The Soviet embassy in East Berlin has ordered all Soviet advisers to be re- called from East German ministries by 15 March, No replacements for the advisers are contemplated and their German staffs are to be assigned to other jobs. control functions are to be ssu e officials of the Soviet embassy in East Berlin. Comment The reported withdrawal of Soviet ad- visers is probably intended to enhance the appearance of East German sovereignty and give the re- gime greater public acceptance by eliminating this overt evidence of Soviet control over East German government operations. Soviet controls can be exercised in a less ob- trusive manner by embassy officials through liaison and party channels. The status of forces agreement, signed on 12 March, probably provides for Soviet advisers with East German military and security forces. The adviser system is standard practice in Satellite armed forces, and the intermediate stage of development of East Germany's armed forces would make the retention of advisers likely. 13 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162008