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APPr"ed for Release: 2019/10/23 C0317567 TO-P-SEGRE, CURRENT INTELLIGENCE 4 BULLETIN //4 rif). 3.3(h)(2) 22 July 1956 / SS. Copy No, 105 DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CL ' DECLASSIFIED CHANGED TO: A t VIEW DATE: TS 4�IILVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY / e1/4 TOP SECRET w ix/FA, Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 r '71 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 Nee CONTENTS 1. INITIAL EGYPTIAN REACTION TO US STATEMENT ON HIGH DAM (page 3). 2. COMMUNISTS CONTROL TWO POSTS IN NEW ICELANDIC GOVERNMENT (page 4). 3. BRITISH FOREIGN OFFICE FAVORS CONTINUING MORA- TORIUM ON CHINESE UN REPRESENTATION (page 5). 4. JAPANESE FOREIGN MINISTER REQUESTS INFORMATION rON_UST PHILIPPINES BASES ARRANGEMENT (page 6). 5. NEW ARMS SHIPMENTS TO ALGERIA (page 7). 6, MOSCOW ALLEGEDLY CONSIDERS GRANTING SATEL- � LITES GREATER INDEPENDENCE (page 8). THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 9) 22 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 riaf=1-0--Cr-nr1 E' Pr Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 \id 1. INITIAL EGYPTIAN REACTION TO US STATEMENT ON HIGH DAM Comment on: Egyptian spokesmen in Cairo state that replies to the American and British withdrawal of offers on the dam will be made after the government studies reports from its ambassadors in Washing- ton and London. The Egyptian press, which will be followed by the Arab press generally, has taken a bitter line toward the US and Britain over the withdrawal of the offer to help build the dam and asserts that the dam will be built whether the "imperial- ists" help or not. Radio Cairo, meanwhile, is broadcasting re- ports that Soviet news releases are commenting favorably on Egypt's "new and independent policy" and quoting Soviet press criticism of the American action. 22 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 %um, SteRET See 2. COMMUNISTS CONTROL TWO POSTS IN NEW ICELANDIC GOVERNMENT The new six-man Icelandic govern- ment as reported on 21 July gives the Communist-dominated Labor Alliance two important cabinet posts, but does not immediately threaten the American-manned NATO base at Keflavik or Iceland's continued adherence to NATO. The new government will, however, probably press for some face-saving revisions in the status of the base along the lines of the parliamentary resolution of 28 March calling for the withdrawal of Ameri- can troops. The Progressives (agrarians), the Social Democrats and the Labor Alliance each received two seats in the cabinet. The ministries going to the Labor. Alliance, which consists of dissident left-wing Socialists and Commu- nists, reportedly include Commerce, Fisheries and Social Welfare. Through their administration of these ministries the Communists hope to acquire a stranglehold on the nation's economy and build up a strong political machine. The new prime minister is the oppor- tunistic chairman of the Progressive Party, Herman Jonasson. The Foreign Ministry went to Gudmundur Gudmundsson, a strong right-wing Social Democrat who was reportedly opposed for this post by the Labor Alliance. The Labor. Alliance also presumably accepted the Social Democrats' condition that the new government issue a declaration of Iceland's continued adherence to NATO. 22 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 �SECRET� Nome No? 3. BRITISH FOREIGN OFFICE FAVORS CONTINUING MORATORIUM ON CHINESE UN REPRESENTATION The British Foreign Office has recommended to the cabinet a con- tinuation through the next session of the General Assembly of the moratorium on discussion of seating the Chinese Communists in the UN. He hoped for a cabinet decision within the next few days, but pointed out that the cabinet may wish to support the moratorium only until the end of the calendar year. Comment During his talks in Washington last January, Prime Minister Eden was noncommittal on the question of continuing the moratorium for the duration of the General Assembly session, which opens 12 November and continues until about March. The line he took at the Commonwealth prime ministers conference in late June, however, suggests that he may now be ready to agree to further postponement of the China question. 22 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 Page 5 rrnD cr2i-nrrl Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 ' 4 JAPANESE FOREIGN MINISTER REQUESTS INFORMATION ON US-PHILIPPINES BASES ARRANGEMENT Comment The details of the transfer of American ownership of bases in the Philippines have yet to be negotiated. The Japanese may be expected to follow these negotiations closely and to use any agreement as a precedent in the future for opposing American ownership of bases on Okinawa. 22 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP-sEen T Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 Page 6 TrV, CFCRPT Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 'fire `..01 5. NEW ARMS SHIPMENTS TO ALGERIA REPORTED Ten loads of arms, possibly light antitank guns, destined for the Algerian rebels were to be shipped from Belgium to Libya by a Belgian airline beginning 12 July, Moroccan government now supplying the Algerians with small arms being turned over to the Moroccans by the Spanish army as part of the general transfer of authority in the northern zone. arrangements have been made with Spain to understate in official records the number of arms turned over and that weapons "lost" in this fashion have already been channeled to the Algerian re- sistance. the Moroccans have also made a deal with Spain to purchase other arms ostensibly for their own army but actually for the Algerians who have already made the money available for this transaction. Comment The direct complicity of the Moroccan government in the traffic had been suspected but not previously confirmed. This complicity, probably encouraged by Spain, may be expected to increase in the light of the avowed determ- ination of the sultan's government to support Algerian independ- ence "to the limit P The Algerian nationalists continue to stiffer from a general shortage of weapons and munitions. 22 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 jowl' 6. MOSCOW ALLEGEDLY CONSIDERS GRANTING SATELLITES GREATER INDEPENDENCE the USSR intends at an unspecified date to request a summit conference with the United States to discuss granting "Titoist" type independence to the Eastern European Satellites. East Germany would be excluded from the negotiations because there is no solu- tion for the German reunification problem, and that Poland would also be excluded because it borders on divided Ger= �many. Comment Moscow may have passed such informa- tion to in an effort to appeal to the Socialists and others who would view it as an indication the USSR aims ultimately at loosening its control over the Satellites. It is highly unlikely, however, that the USSR-- if it decided to give the Satellites greater independence--would request a summit conference to deal with a matter Moscow has insisted concerns only itself and the Satellite governments. 22 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin SECRETApproved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567 SECRET %or THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 22 July) UN secretary general Hammarskj old made an unexpected change in his itinerary to include a stop in Amman on 21 July for discussions with Jordanian officials before proceeding as planned to Cairo. American officials in Jerusalem suggest that discussions between Hammarskjold and Israeli officials may have included other issues besides cease- fire arrangements on the Israeli-Arab borders. The presence of the president of the Bank of Israel at one of the functions given for Hammarskjold is considered an indication that in- demnity for the Palestine rpfnweps who lost nronertv in Israel might have been discussed. The American army attache in Tel Aviv reports a reshuffling of high Israeli army officers, including replacement of the chief of the Israeli armored forces. The attache believes these changes indicate the armored forces. may be having organizational and operational difficulties and that the new chief has been assigned as a trouble shooter. The attache also has received unconfirmed reports that armored exercises will be held for four days next week in the Negev area. Recent maneuvers in Israel's northern command have apparently been concluded and the roads have been opened to the public. The attache believes, however, that a new cycle of training, probably the 30-day annual training of reserves, has started. If this fol- lows last years' pattern, it will end in mid-August with field ex- ercises in the northern command. The American navy attach�n London has received information that Egypt is getting or has ordered four regular submarines and has already received three midget sub:- marine4 which will have the primary mission of blockading Israeli ports. Egypt reportedly is to receive submarines as part of the Soviet bloc arms deal but there is no firm information that any have been delivered. 22 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03166567