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August 4, 1957
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�Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C0169411, O'NAP(/' i OF � � 4 August 1957 up y IN 11 . CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 1.3fi 3.3(h)(2) This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, US Code Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an un- authorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detri- ment of the United States. TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 3.5(c) Pr 4/ C03169411 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169411 Astik �ow Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169411 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169411 CONTENTS ANIAN ULTIMATUM TO SYRIA (page 3). tip 2. THE OMANI REBELLION (page 5). AID 3. TURKEY REPORTEDLY MODIFYING ATTITUDE TOWARD CYPRUS SETTLEMENT (page 7). tit) 4. OPPORTUNITY SEEN FOR SOVIET EXPLOITATION OF SUDANESE COTTON SLUMP (page 8). ())50 BULGANIN DROPPED FROM SOVIET DELEGATION TO EAST GERMANY (page 9). /16) 6. SOVIET PARTY SHAKE-UP UNDER WAY IN LOWER NI 7 ECHELONS (page 11). KHRUSHCHEV- TITO MEETING IN RUMANIA (page 12). 0/4,r 8. OUSTER OF CUBAN PRESIDENT PLANNED 4 Aug 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin (page 13)0 Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169411 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169411 TOP SECRET 1. JORDANIAN ULTIMATUM TO SYRIA if Syrian press attacks against King Hussain and the Jordanian government did not cease, Jordan would break diplomatic relations and use armed force against Syri4 The Damas- cus radio made the ultimatum public on 3 August and declared that it had been rejected. Comment Jordan has become increasingly sensitive to the threat of isolation posed by signs of rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Syria, and by rising Egyptian and Syrian prop- aganda attacks coincidental with the current trials of antimon- archical Jordanian officers. Hussain may be fearful because Nasr has ignored his recent attempt to seek reconciliation and has in- creased his attacks on Jordan. 4 Aug 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169411 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169411 *it Egypt and Syria continue to engage actively in covert political action against Jordan in cooperation with refugee Jordanian leftists and Palestinian groups. One recent report suggests that the wave of prop- aganda attacks on King Hussain may culminate in his assassi- nation. Hussain is also disturbed by reports that Egypt is preparing to support revolutionaries in West Jordan who would declare their independence and supportfor the ex-Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. The Jordanian government has increased secu- rity precautions as a result of an outbreak of sabotage and dis- tribution of leaflets in West Jordan. Cairo radio on 4 August denounced Rifai's warning as having been inspired by an American, British and French plot against the Arabs. Accusing Rifai of "high treason" against the Arab cause, the broadcast issued an exhortation to rebel, stating that by his action Rifai "has opened the way for the Jordanian free Arab people to destroy the walls of the prison." Syria on 1 August announced the recall of its charge from Jordan. The United States army attache in Damas- cus on 1 August reported evidence of above-normal military movements in the Damascus area and greatly increased secu- rity measures at Arab Joint Command Headquarters While this may be a reaction to the temporary damming last week of the Jordan River by Israel, it may also bear relation to new in- ternal political maneuvering, The Israelis may be expected to take precau- tions against contingencies which might develop from the situa- tion in Jordan and Syria. 4 Aug 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169411 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169411 Aok ..)L,C.KE I 2, THE OMANI REBELLION Comment on: me aecision m tne Macmillan government to commit British ground forces in action against the Omani rebels underlines its anx- iety to restore the Sultan of Muscat's control quickly before his difficulties have repercus- sions in other Persian Gulf states and before Saudi Arabia becomes publicly involved. RAF Operatipns to date have failed to end the rebel- lion, and London apparently believes that if the Sultan's forces were to suffer a second re- verse, liquidation of the rebellion would be long drawn out. Meanwhile aerial reconnaissance indicates that the area in revolt is enlarging and now includes three villages in Sharqiya Province which have displayed Omani colors. Detachments of the British Cameronian bat- talion are being moved to Ibri and several other points on the northern and western periphery of the dissi- dent area. The British troops will give direct support to native forces of the Sultan and the Trucial Oman Scouts in converging on the rebel-held highlands. The Cameronians will be reinforced by a small armored car force which is being brought from Aden, and by additional military specialists and weapons from Cyprus. At least one company of another British unit is being flown from East Africa to Bahrein. London's decision to employ British troops came only a day after the commander of British land forces in the Middle East arrived in the Persian Gulf to assess the situa- tion. Prime Minister Macmillan had earlier stated he was determined that British ground forces not become involved. The RAF has concentrated on efforts to para- lyze all activity on the ground within the rebel area. The inhab- itants are in the midst of gathering the date harvest, which is 4 Aug 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2.61-9712/10 C03169411 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169411 161-, NNW almost their sole source of income, and it is hoped that loss of the harvest will turn the population against the rebel leaders. Meanwhile, what appears to be the first significant oil discovery in the Sultan's territory has been pub- licly announced by the American Cities Service Oil Company. The strike was made in Dhofar Province, over 400 miles south- west of the Omani rebellion. Preliminary tests reportedly indi- cate a producing capacity of 2,000 barrels a day from a depth of 3,200 feet. The well site is said to be about 35 miles inland from Salala. If true, this would appear to be south of the bor- der area which has been in dis ute between Saudi Arabia and the Sultan of Muscat. 6ID RIYADH SAUDI ARABIA INDEFINITE BOUNDARY ? o //-- � F 4 AUGUST 1957 As 0-C CI /-�-� 0 IRAN C.