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July 20, 1958
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Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 C03172426 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) \or' 20 July 1958 Copy No. C 57 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. le NO CHANGE IN CLASS. , CrCLASSED LASS. CHAT,IGED TO: TS S NEXf 11EViEW DATE: ADT VIEWER: ppje -TOP-SECRET va� Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 C03172426 Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 C03172426 -T-O-P-SEeRET- Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 C03172426 Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 C03172426 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 20 July 1958 DAILY BRIEF L THE COMMUNIST BLOC *Soviet political moves: The immediate purpose of Khrushchev's urgent call for a 22 July summit meeting is probably to deter any Anglo-American action against Iraq or the UAR. The note is also probably intended to create the maximum possible international alarm by references to a world "on the brink of catastrophe" and to Soviet pos- session of "ballistic rockets of all types including ICBM's," In the hope that this alarm will be translated into heavy pressure on the US and Britain to withdraw their forces from Lebanon and Jordan. Khrushchev's letters continue the USSR's cautious approach to the Middle East crisis by continuing to avoid commitments to any specific course of action. Meanwhile the Communist campaign to build up world pressure against the Western moves is being expanded. In Potsdam, violent demonstrations were conducted against the US and British military missions. In Bucharest, an or- derly 15-minute demonstration took place, marked by visible disinterest on the part of the 400 to 500 participants. In Warsaw, the government issued a comparatively mild decla- ration that the British and American "armed aggression" in the Middle East iws. a menace to world peace. In Prague, the government issued a formal statement urging UN action to force withdrawal of the "aggressors," but the US Embassy received only a nominal volume of protest letters and tele- grams from worker groups. In Peiping, an official protest against intervention in Jordan was handed the British charge, and PeipingXaclio of- fered volunteers from Chinese army units to fight in the Middle TOP SECRET �, Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 C03172426 Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 C03172426 TOP iF srwr Nor //' East "if necessary." In Indonesia, a veterans' organization offered 3,500 volunteers to fight against US and British troops in the Middle East. In Tehran, Soviet Ambassador Pegov is reported to have told the Shah on 19 July that if US or UK troops enter Iran to stage an attack on Iraq, the USSR will immediately invade Iran. *Soviet military reaction to Middle East developments: general increase in Soviet military activity developed This was particularly evident In the advertised maneuver areas--Bulgaria, Black Sea, Trans- caucasu�, and Turkestan, Except for Bulgaria, the exercise- type activity appeared to be that and nothing more. An excep- tional number of Soviet transport aircraft have flown into Bul- garia, however, together with one tactical air division which has light bomber units trained and equipped for special weap- ons work. This movement probably is intended to intimidate Turkey and forestall any Middle East actions by Ankara. The number of transports involved represents a logistic or airlift capability beyond that believed necessary for the exercises. Some Soviet forces elsewhere also have been taking defensive readiness measures, the most notable being a move out to sea of some Northern Fleet submarines. On the other hand, Long Range Air Force activity has been normal, and the air defense system, while more sensitive in the last two days, is mucp 1Pgs so ihatit was during the Hungarian and Suez emergencies. II. ASIA-AFRICA *Middle East (as of 0100 EDT, 20 July): Shooting in down- town Beirut on 19 July did not involve American forces. There Is still no sign that the Lebanese/army intends to act more vig- orously against the rebels, More serious splits in 'the" army, , 20 July 58 DAILY BRIEF ii Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 C03172426 ,M7/70, 4Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO3172426 TOP SECRET %le Niale IA and possibly the air force, seem likely. President Chamoun again intends to prod the army into action, but he appears physically and mentally very tired. There has been a sharp increase in the number of vehicles at Syrian military installations near the Lebanese border. Preparations are continuing throughout the UAR against the possibility of hostil- ities. King Husayn's public statements that he expects American troops to join the British forces in Jordan are intended as an additional form of pressure to gain the psychological support Husayn feels American units would give him. He has broken relations with the UAR. E The Iraqi-UAR treaty of al- liance signed 19 July in Damascus s already being implemented. Iraq has asked the UAR to supply ammunition by air, and a mil- itary mission appears to have gone from Damascus to Baghdad. Iraqi units are being alerted to possible air attack and parachute landing. Authorities in Damascus have promised, at Iraq's re- uest to protect oil pipelines and pumping stations. Israeli military activity is normal, A *Baghdad Pact - Iraq: Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan, as members of the Baghdad Pact, have received an appeal from King Husayn of Jordan for military and other assistance in a concerted effort to "liberate" Iraq as soon as possible. In Turkey, in addition to recent redeployMentsin'the southern area, the Fifth Armored Brigade is now "moving" from its present garrison in the southwest. Its destination has not been deter- mined, but it is probably placing itself in an advantageous posi- tion for possible action against Iraq, Senior Pakistani army officers have recommended to their government that Pakistan participate in a joint action against Iraq. The Shah of Iran, however, appears to favor a subversive campaign designed to -insrP_r_t_hrinnuAlleA hire_senie without direct ilitary am ction. 20 July 58 DAILY BRIEF lii TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 C03172426 7 V 'Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 C03172426 � 1 VI Ll-11 Noe ff *Cambodia: Cambodia has agreed to extend full diplo- matic recognition, including an exchange of ambassadors, to Communibt China. The decision will be made public within a few days. This will give a strong boost to the pro-Peiping Chinese community in Cambodia, and probably force the with- drawal of the unaccredited Chinese Nationalist consul. It will reinforce Saigon's strong distrust of Prince Sihanouk and de- feat any hor.. inr an in1111PdintP ICambodian4South Vietnam con- ciliation. 20 July 58 DAILY BRIEF iv / TOP SECRET 4 Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 C03172426