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February 20, 1955
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/iyeZ ��i r - Approved for Release' 2019/09/17 C03174756F �,/ 3.3(h)(2) 11; 21#4/ � //.�� 20 February 1955 Copy No. 88 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DC'CUMENT NO "3 0 NO CHANGE IN CLASS tla DECLASSIFIED CLASS CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: so t o AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE O 8S/14-WV Jet" Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TO RET ,00000.00, rff*.0 ido#," Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03174756 TOP Approved for for Release: 2019/09/17 C03174756 SUMMARY SOVIET UNION 1. Comment on Soviet "disarmament proposals" (page 3). FAR EAST 2. Further indication of Chinese Communist logistical build-up in Formosa area (page 3). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 3. Iranian prime minister resents Shah's political role (page 4). WESTERN EUROPE 4. .Adenauer's altitude certain to increase bitterness of ratification debate (page 5). LATIN AMERICA 5. Communist coup allegedly scheduled for Guatemala (page 5). LATE ITEM 6. Comment on Faure's prospects as next French premier (page 6). * * * * 20 Feb 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 n cv rr Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03174756 TOP SEC-RV' Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03174756 Noe Noe SOVIET UNION 1. Comment on Soviet "disarmament proposals": The only new element in the Soviet Foreign Ministry's statement of 18 February on disarmament is the pro- posal to place a ceiling on armed forces and military budgets at the levels of 1 January 1955. The previous Soviet proposal, Vyshinsky's 30 September plan, stressed a reduction by "agreed norms" in conventional armaments and military expenditures and accepted the French-British date of 31 December 1953 as the base level from which to measure the reduction in armaments and expenditures. This statement is issued one week before the beginning of the talks in London by the UN Subcommittee on Disarmament, which were arranged on the understanding that they would be private and secret. This maneuver may foreshadow further Soviet use of the press during the course of the conference. Moscow may hope to use the meeting to dramatize propaganda on German rearmament, American bases, and allegations of American and NATO preparations for atomic war. The Foreign Ministry statement plays on the danger of atomic war for "the more densely populated parts of Europe, and not only of Europe." The appointment of Gromyko, a first deputy foreign minister, to head the Soviet delegation to London probably was partly designed to balance the designation of Ambas- sador Lodge to head the American delegation. FAR EAST 2. Further indication of Chinese Communist logistical build-up in Formosa area: Shipments of empty oil drums down the Yangtze River to Shanghai and Nanking in recent months have revealed a signif- icant shift from civil to military consignees, 20 Feb 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 TVA /3 CP Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03174756 ernP QPC//rT Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03174756 'two Noe There have also been indicatiqns that the national petroleum distributing company--which normally receives these empty drums--has been in extremely short sup- ply for upriver shipments. Comment: The East China Military District includes the Fukien coast opposite the Nationalist-held offshore islands. This area has probably had a recent increased military need for petroleum products. The East China Military District could also be stockpiling drums for future use. (Concurred in by ORR) NEAR EAST - AFRICA . Iranian prime minister resents Shah's political role: Iranian prime minister Zahedi has said he will resign unless the Shah continues to trust him and agrees to a role of "reigning instead of ruling," According to the prime minister, the Shah "has led the country into a swamp of confusion" during the last 12 years. Comment: Zahedi's suggestion that the Shah should reign but notiiire-5- reminiscent of former prime minister Mossadeq's viewpoint, one which nearly cost the Shah his throne. While this report may have been planted by Zahedi's enemies to influence the Shah, there have been increasing signs in recent weeks that the Shah would remove Zahedi on his return to Tehran in early March. With any succeeding prime minister, it may be anticipated that the Shah will participate more actively in the day-to-day operations of the government. 20 Feb 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03174756 TOP-SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03174756 Nape Noe WESTERN EUROPE Adenauer's attitude certain to increase bitterness of ratification debate: American officials in Bonn believe the Bundestag debate on the ratification of the Paris accords will be made more bitter by Chancellor Adenauer's refusal to accept a Socialist resolution on reunification which has been presented to the parliamentary foreign affairs committee. The resolution calls for the West German government to take steps toward German reunification through free elections. At Adenauer's request, it was rejected by the Christian Democratic (CD'U) major- ity on the committee because it did not give an all-German govern- ment freedom of action in foreign affairs. The chancellor consid- ers this necessary to his pro-Western orientation. The Socialists are reported bitter at the CDU action and Christian Democratic deputies are said to be dis- appointed at the chancellor's refusal to make a gesture which they believe would have cost him nothing. The Socialists are expected to introduce a similar resolution during the ratification debate in the Bundestag beginning on 24 February. Comment: The chancellor, who has been adamantly against any con-Fel-aims toward the Socialist foreign policy position calling for a reunified, neutralized Germany, is confident that ratification of the Paris accords can be won without such concessions. Despite the increasing political tension, rati- fication appears assured by a narrow margin. LATIN AMERICA 5. Communist coup allegedly scheduled for Guatemak 20 Feb 55 A Communist coup in Guatemala is sched- uled according to Communist revolutionary circles. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 TrIP VT Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03174756 TOP_SEeRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03174756 NostO Noe The plot allegedly is to be ca-ried out by "a group of teachers" aided by "a strong group" of militant Communists and pro-Communists in Mexico which includes Mexican General Calvo Ramirez. Comment: Guatemalan Communists are not believed capable of staging a successful coup at the present time, but some attempt may be made. A clandestine Communist newssheet counseled in December, however, against violence, suggest- ing that Communist leaders were placing their hopes for a come- back in long-term political action. The estimated 200 Guatemalan Commu- nists and pro-Communists in Mexico are prohibited from en- gaging in political activity and are divided among themselves. General Calvo, a reported Communist and now head of the army's military justice section, has associated, however, with the Guatemalan exiles, as have other Mexican Communists. LATE ITEM 6. Comment on Faure's prospects as next French premier: A Radical Socialist, Acting Foreign Minister Edgar Faure, was picked on 19 February by President Coty as premier-designate. Faure, who is an economic and financial expert, will probably gain important support from the right--which was refused Pineau-- or the continuance of the moderate and successful economic pro- gram which he initiated in February 1954. Most of the deputies who supported Mendes-France will probably also rally to Faure. In addition, he is more acceptable to the Popular Republicans who broke with Mendes- France on European integration. American officials in Paris believe that Faure may follow a "soft" line toward the USSR if this should prove 20 Feb 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 TrID riDE�T Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03174756 rrnri caPriiir Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03174756 'two' *orr politically profitable. Hence, there is some doubt the he would press immediately for Council of the Republic approval of the Paris accords. Rightist opposition to a policy of autonomy for Tunisia and Morocco will handicap Faure's probable effort to carry on Mendes-France's North Africa policy. Faure would be likely to continue the policy of economic and cultural co- existence with North Vietnam. 20 Feb 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 r_rvnt.4 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03174756