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December 9, 1967
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 %el Nadi DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Central Intelligence Bulletin 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 ecret 206 9 December 1967 ginApproved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 - Ire 4 uniled Ditenz H'tic PATRAL IATELLIGENCE BULLETIN is produced by the )ii:'etor of Central Intelligence to meet his responsibilities for providing ut intelligence bearing on issues ot national security to the President, iNanonal Security (.;ouncil, and other senior government officials. It 'utineed in consultation with the Departments of State and Defense. Oecause of th time factor, adequate consultation with the depart- :nen,: oi primary conetirn is not feasible, items or portions thereof are pro- by CIA and mnrked with an asterisk. uit'ffpretations of innAligence information in this publication represent ediate and preliminary views which are subject to modification in the :Jinn of further information and more complete analysis. ,-iain intelligence items in this publication may Ix designated specifically i;;io luither dissemmation. Other intelligence iteras may be disseminated iter. Out only on need-to-know basis. WARNING document contains classified 'lamination altecting the national security ite Luiited States within the meaning of the espionage laws, US Code -FiCi! DI, Sections 793. 794, and 198. Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 3.5(c) UKT, Ivery 9 December 1967 Central Intelligence Bulletin CONTENTS Vietnam: Situation report. (Page 1) Jordan-Iraq-France: Arms deal may cover transfer of aircraft to Jordan. (Page 3) Turkey: Government is under fire for its handling of the Cyprus crisis. (Page 5) USSR - West Germany: Moscow makes it clear that the price is high for better relations. (Page 7) Cyprus: Relaxation moves (Page 8) Czechoslovakia-USSR: Brezhnev visit France: Another nuclear sub (Page 9) (Page 8) 3.3(h)(2) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 484pproved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 THAILAND A NORTH VIETNAM Demilitarized Zane I4NG TRI 11 of' Hue. Ak\- 0 IHIJA -11EN rd 7 PHNOM , PENH�,:,' VAN '451 Nang (f) Q1.� NG NAM (WANG TIN QUANG NGA KONTU M .1 QuANG 131i D .(N P Spe I F I-1-1130C cI. p LEIN ".�=1 7-1 j� FL.1,IKU / LIAR LAC prig'Son BINH DIN14",' PHU BON TUYEN rces Da Lat� DU C GONG , - /111i A H BINH tUY I� :�,/ ITvr-i'> ����., .1E N7kI HO. PH !JOG TUT .., PIM 015N f KIEN \Prion,-; IAN /if HIRING -.7>.� THlIN. Bt iN �,d YEN VINH BIN N HOA _.���� ViacTrag PHU YEN KHANH"( RA I-1 NINH THUAN BINH II SOUTH VIETNAM o Y., � 2.5 50 75 100 M les Sr 75 inn KIMEnnIP, 68899 12-67 CIA 9 Dec 67 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Map Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 3.5(c) I t )1' *Vietnam: South Vietnam: The fighting continued on 7-8 De- cember near Bong Son between US forces and appar- ently revitalized elements of the North Vietnamese 3rd Division,. Enemy losses after three days of combat total more than 210 dead. American losses are reported to be 16 killed, The tenacity of the Communist forces may be explained by the fact.that the battleground is near one of South Vietnam's major rice-producing areas. Communist forces also attacked allied units in the Bu Do!) area along the Cambodian border. In an abortive ground attack against a 1st Division installa- tion near the Bu Dop Special Forces camp on 8 De- 3.3(h)(2) cember, the Communists lost 48 men. 9 Dec 67 TOP 1 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 3.5(c) c 9909L1.�00 6Z/�0/61.0Z :aseaia JOI pancuddV c 4.111%.Am* T U-NT r-vas.-.4-Prr � 9909L1.�00 6Z/�0/61.0Z :aseaia JOI pancuddV Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 3.5(c) Jordan-Iraq-France: The arms deal being nego- tiated between Iraq and France may in part be a cover for the eventual transfer of jet fighters to Jordan. Such a transfer could involve either some of the Mirage jet fighters said to be included in the proposed Iraqi package or Iraqi Hawker Hunters which the Mi- rages would replace. King Husayn explored with De Gaulle the possi- bility of getting Mirages directly from France last October. De Gaulle reportedly indicated that there was elasticity in the French embargo on arms ship- ments to the Middle East and that he would explore the possibility of supplying weapons to Jordan indi- rectly through some other Arab state. The Iraqis may be willing to serve as middlemen; they already have supplied Jordan withr4311Centurion tanks from their own inventory. They presumably also are interested in obtaining Mirages for their own use, however, and the Iraqis may plan to replace their British-made Hawker Hunters with Mirages and to transfer the Hunters to Jordan. This would relieve Jordan, which presently has eight Hunters, of the ne- cessity of training pilots to fly Mirages. This possible alternative for re-equipping the Jordanian Air Force with Hawker Hunters was dis- cussed in an Israeli radio broadcast on 28 November. The broadcast added that its correspondent in Paris had learned that Jordan would later receive Mir through Pakistan. 3.5(c) 9 Dec 67 3 Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 4-44tL-5rV_)KE1 3.5(c) 3.5(c) TQP-stcRET Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 K li 1 Turkey: There has been strong criticism of the Demirel government in the wake of the Cyprus crisis. This is an outgrowth of the expectations created by the war fever in Turkey, which peaked in late No- vember. Members of the ruling Justice Party and some high- and middle-grade military officers have been reproached bitterly for not invading Cyprus. 3.5(c) A combination of extreme leftists and nationalists in parliament failed in an attempt to censure the Demirel government for its handling of the crisis. Dissension over the question will plague the government, however, especially during the upcoming annual budget debate. The most serious threat to Demirel comes from the dissatisfaction within the military establishment 9 Dec 67 5 T-QP-RECIZET Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 1,11.1:�trnv.Is r4 i New, 3.5(c) 9 Dec 67 6 TSW--ISECKET Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 -1.---11-Y-1-jrU�K.1-.!, 1 3.5(c) USSR - West Germany: A Soviet broadside about the "rebirth of fascism" in West Germany makes clear that the price to Bonn for better relations with the So- viet Union remains high. According to the Soviet declaration, there is "no other way" for Bonn to gain better relations than to accept the existence of two German states, the sepa- rate identity of West Berlin, and the permanence of Germany's borders. These conditions also apply to an exchange of agreements on the renunciation of force, which is a focal point of the conversations between Foreign Minister Brandt and Soviet Ambassador Tsa- rapkin. Yesterday's attack ostensibly was occasioned by the recent convention activities of the rightwing Na- tional Democratic Party. As in a similar statement last January, Moscow accused Bonn of nurturing neo- Nazism by refusing to accept the results of World War II. A government statement blackening Bonn is also useful to Moscow at this time in other connections. It publicly reassures East Germany by dampening its concern over the Brandt-Tsarapkin dialogue and gets a warning against West German "militarism" on the record before next week's meeting of NATO foreign ministers. 3.5(c) 9 Dec 67 7 1:02-ErEelrET Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 3.5(c) .0.4-r---0-EA_}.rc.r., NOTES Cyprus: The first 400 Greek troops and some equipment were evacuated from Cyprus by ship from Famagusta yesterday. The Turks have begun to com- ply with their part of the recent accord. Some of the invasion forces massed in southern Turkey have re- grouped at points farther from the coast, and antiair- craft protection around a ma'or oil refi Mersin has been reduced. Czechoslovakia-USSR: Brezhnev arrived suddenly in Prague yesterday for a first-hand look at the situa- tion. His aim may well be to help shore up party boss Novotny, whose authority has been challenged in recent months. The regime has serious problems on its hands and is divided on how to handle them. 9 Dec 67 8 1-8EettET Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 3.5(c) France: iParis reportedly has decided to move ahead on a long-standing proposal to increase the strength of the nuclear submarine fleet being built for the force de dissuasion. The initial construction program called for three Polaris-type submarines, each carrying 16 ballistic missiles. A fourth 'subma- rine has now been authorized, with construction to begin in the 1970s, and the French Government is studying a plan to expand the force to five. The cost of the first submarine, without its missiles, will be about $140 million. 9 Dec 67 9 1_2_02--SECTET Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 3.5(c) 3.5(c) _lop-Secrer Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065 Approved for Release: 2019/03/29 C03175065