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July 18, 1960
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Approved for Uease: 2020/03/13 C03185140 tmri CE TE BU 18 July 1960 ) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5 Copy No. C 73 LLETIN DOCUMENT NO. /5. NO OHANGE IN CLASS.A. DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHAGED TO: TS S NEXT L.VI-W OM; 010/0 AUTH: NH 16-2 DATIt9 JUN 10" ' REVIEWIll /17, prTroVjd for Release: a-se7 1010703/13 C0-31-86.1,107 aft Min Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 Nolo" � -----TOP-SFCRET Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 -*OW_ 18 JULY 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR central committee plenum reports indicate good economic progress but ad- mit problems in introducing new technolo- gy, and improving quality of goods. V.) II. ASIA-AFRICA Indonesian president may soon replace Army Chief of Staff Nasution with army's next-ranking officer, Lt. Gen. Gatot Su- broto. Lebanese president planning to send emissaries to Cairo and Damascus to ascertain UAR attitude in event of neces- sity to install military regime in Lebanon.� Republic of Congo--Tension in Leopold- ville complicated by signs of resentment of local Belgians toward initial contin- gents of UN force. III. THE WEST �West Berlin official alleges Adenauer advocates avoidance of any acts in Ber- lin which would provoke USSR. OItaly--Negotiations for new government proceeding as result of growing clamor to replace Tambroni's neo-Fascist - supported regime. �Haitian police chief arrested in attempt to suppress what may be widespread conspiracy against Duvalier administra- tion. rr Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 -07 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 `40arl Ntkof CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 18 July 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR: Soviet accounts of the party central committee plenum on industry and transport indicate progress in mod- ernizing Soviet industry and continued good results in ful- filling plan goals, but admit that serious problems still exist in introducing new technology and improving quality. The TABS summary of the plenum resolution contrasts sharply with the June 1959 plenum resolution which set up a compre- hensive program for promoting industrial modernization and outlined numerous specific tasks to be completed by govern- ment and party organizations by the end of last year. However, the plenum just ended made scant reference to these tasks, sug- gesting unsatisfactory performance on the part of the organiza- tions held responsible for their completion. The plenum also formalized the release of the new Soviet President, Leonid Brezhnev, from the central committee secretariat and accepted the resignation of aged former President Voroshilov from the party presidium. (Page 1) IL ASIA-AFRICA Indonesia: President Sukarno may soon replace Army Chief of Staff Nasution by Lieutenant General Gatot Subroto, the ar- my's next�ranking officer. Nasution would retain his defense and security, post in the cabinet. Although he lacks Nasution's polit- ical acumen, Gatot Subroto is firmly anti-Communist. Sukarno might regard such an appointment as temporary while he maneuvers to reduce further the power of Nasution and strongly anti-Commu- nist officers in the army command. AApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C0318514(c /A 7 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 fr C Lebanon: Lebanese President Shihab reportedly plans to send emissaries to Cairo and Damascus to ascertain the UARs attitude "in the hypothetical event it is necessary to install a military regime in Lebanon." Establishment of the proposed military government is said to be dependent on whether the newly elected parliament becomes a source of communal strife. This information supplements earlier re- ports of Shihab's disgust with Lebanese politics and of dis- satisfaction among senior Lebanese army officers who want him. the former army commander, to head a military regime. (Page 2) � Congo: Tension remains high in Leopoldville, where the continuing danger of a major incident between Belgian troops or civilians and Congolese elements has been complicated by signs of resentment on the part of local Belgians toward the initial contingents of the UN force. At the same time, Belgium's continuing reinforcement and tactical deployment of its forces and its apparent determination to butress the separatist 'regime In Katanga Province are further widening the breach between Brussels and the Lumurnba government. Lumumba may, as a result, soon direct a more specific second appeal to the USSR for aid against Belgian "agression." At the UN Security Council meeting which has been set, on Soviet initiative, for 19 July, Moscow can be expected to press strongly for the speedy and complete evacuation of Belgian forces from the Congo-- a position which will almost certainly win wide support among the independent African states. (Page 3) III. THE WEST West Berlin: The West Berlin city official responsible for liaison with the West German Government alleged that during the cabinet session of 8 July, Chancellor Adenauer took the posi- / tion that any acts in Berlin which would constitute provocation L, to the USSR should lbe avoided. Discussing the proposal to lo- cate the headquarters of the German radio in Berlin, alleged that the chancellor did not distinguish between normal 18 July 60 !TR Y412 7/ DAILY BRIEF ii 7 / A .w, . � ' ' Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 ,.-I�g: . 54, , k mi iio liod P 3, .... II A � ;,y/, II , 15./ "////AApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140r events and the initiation of new acts. He said West Berlin Mayor Brandt was sending the chancellor a letter presenting the tr n objections a the city government to Adenauer's attitu.de0 repeated familiar arguments in favor of avoiding any steps which could be interpre ed as yielding to Soviet pressure and threats against Berlin Italy: Negotiations or the formation of a new Italian govern- ment are the result of growing clamor for replacement of Tam- bronit neo-Fascist - supported regime before the fall local elec- tions. The small center parties apprehensive over the polariza= IL �tion of Italian politics= have been anxious to compose their dif- ferences in order to support a new all - Christian Democratic minority cabinet which could serve as a transition to a more rep- resentative government. Socialist leader Pietro Nenni said he would not vote against it. To avoid isolation, the Communists, in whose interest it would be to retain the present regime, have been careful to say they would support any government dedicated to the principles of the constitution. Tambroni himself had previously suggested that his government was indispensable as the defender of Italy against the Communists. (Page 5) Haiti: The arrest on 15 July of Clement Barbot, secret po- lice ma- and presidential secretary, was an attempt to suppress what may be a widespread conspiracy against the corrupt Duvalier administration. Only a few hours before his arrest, Barbdtt told the American ambassador that he had discussed the political situ- ation with army leaders and they agree with his view that President Duvalier's policies are plunging Haiti toward a new period of polit- ical chaos and "the situation cannot continue much longer." They are also disturbed at the growing influence of pro-Communist presidential aides. (Page 6) 18 July 60 DAILY BRIEF ill Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 ���� II 4% Md.' /Y. � Soviet Central Committee Plenum Soviet accounts of the central committee plenum on indus- try and transportation which ended on 15 July indicate that, despite progress toward industrial modernization and contin- ued good results in fulfilling plan goals, serious problems still exist which have resulted in failures to make use of new gains in science and technology, cut production costs, and improve the quality of goods produced. The TASS summary of the final res- olution failed to indicate what measures may be undertaken to overcome deficiencies. This is in marked contrast to last year's industrial plenum, which launched an ambitious modernization program and as- signed specific tasks to governmental and party agencies in an attempt to facilitate the introduction of new technology. Com- pletion dates have already passed for all the tasks for which there were specific time limits, but there have been only slight indications of progress in the Soviet press. Possible remedial action by the regime might include personnel shifts or organiza- tional changes. Progress in improving technology is especially important If the ambitious gains in industrial productivity envisaged dur- ing the Seven-Year Plan period (1959-65) are to be achieved. Despite criticisms of failures in technological advances,. Soviet industry continues to show good progress. The economic report for the first six months of this year indicates slightly higher gains in industrial labor productivity and the gross value of in- dustrial production than are called for annually by the Seven-Year Plan. The plenum routinely released Leonid Brezhnev from the central party secretariat and accepted the resignation of Kliment Voroshilov from the party presidium. Brezhnev gave up his secretarial responsibilities last May, when the Supreme Soviet elected him president of the USSR to succeed the aged Voroshilov. 18 July 60 CFNTDAI INTFI I ICZFNICF RUH FTIN Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 Page' Approved for Release: 2026/03/13 C03185140 1441 [Possible Plans for Military Regime in Lebanon {Lebanese President Shihab, who apparently remains dubious about prospects for political stability in Lebanon following the re- cently concluded parliamentary elections, may be considering the establishment of a military regime. LNadim Dirnechkie., Lebanese ambassador to the United States who is visiting Lebanon, reportedly said Shihab, former com- mander in .chief of the army, is planning to send emissaries to Cairo and Damascus to ascertain the *UR% attitude "in the hypo= thetical event it is necessary" to install such a regime. Dimechkie Is said to have expressed the opinion that Shihab would set up a military government within six months if the newly elected parlia- ment became a source of communal strife. The new parliament Is scheduled to convene on 18 July. "\ senior. Lebanese arniy- officers, fearing the election of pro- and anti-UAR extrem- ists will lead to conflicts between Moslem and Christiim elements In Lebanon, intended to ask Shihab to head a military regime. The president, who has expressed disgust with Lebanese politics and stated "the Lebanese cannot govern themselves�they must be gov- erned," may have b een receptive to this overture. The senior of- ficer group was believed to be composed largely of Christi s and to be in contact with disgruntled Christian politicians. ETLR.F.�T_ 18 July 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 liwor 'very Situation in the Congo Tension remains high in the Congo, especially in Leo- poldville and other important urban centers where there is a continuing danger of major incidents between Belgian troops or civilians and Congolese elements. The situation is further complicated by signs of resentment on the part of some Bel- gians, especially military personnel, toward the initial UN con- tingents which so far have come only from African states. Belgium's continuing reinforcement and tactical deploy- ment of its military forces, despite the relatively rapid build- up of the UN force and Congolese Premier Lumumba's demand that Belgian troops be withdrawn entirely from the Congo, has widened the breach between Brussels and the Lumumba govern- ment. Brussels' position--which seems to be hardening in response to rightist pressures in Belgium�is that its troops will not be withdrawn until the UN forces are clearly in con- trol of the situation and then only to the Belgian bases at Kamina and Kitona. The Belgians' apparent determination to buttress the sep- aratist regime in Katanga Province while withholding, at least for the present, formal recognition also stands in the way of any possible reconciliation with Lumumba. In a communique issued on 16 July, Brussels took official "note" of Katanga Premier Tshombe's independence proclamation and pledged Belgium's "cooperation" with Katanga. Subsequently, a spe- cial Belgian emissary arrived in Elisabethville to facilitate direct contact between Tshombe and the Belgian government, which is_probably also working to align ogler provinces with Tshombe and against Lumumba. Tshombe claimed on 16 July that leaders in neighboring Kivu and Kasai provinces and in the Belgian trust territory of Ruanda-Urundi want to federate with Katanga. Lumumba, who flew to his personal political stronghold in Stanleyville on 16 July amid speculation he might be about to switch Congo's capital to that city, may react with a second, 18 July 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 Approved for Release: -2-02703/13 603185140 'Neer more specific appeal for Soviet aid against Belgian "aggres- sion." The reported resignations on 17 July of four moderate members of his government�including Foreign Minister Bomboko and Economic Affairs Minister Yava-- would increase the likelihood of such an appeal. At the UN Security Council meeting which has been set, on Soviet initiative, for 19 July, Moscow can be expected to demand speedy implementation of the paragraph in the resolution adopted last week which calls for the evacuation of Belgian forces from the Congo. This position appears certain to win wide support among independent African states where there is a strong tend- ency--openly proclaimed in the case of Guinea-4o view Belgium's action in the Congo as an attempt by "imperialism" to restore control over a former colony. Brussels, meanwhile, has rejected the Soviet note accusing Belgium and other western powers of "aggression" against the new Congo state and is charging Communist bloc agitators with responsibility for the chaotic situation. The Belgian radio re- ported on 17 July that a Polish ship was about to deliver "300 tons of armament" to the Congo. However, there is no other informa- tion available on this alleged shipment. 71,ENZIAL 18 July 60 e'CkITItt Al IkITCI I letCkle"C DI II I CTIA.I Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13C03185140 VlowerA VA {VA AAA A.4 *howl The Italian Political Situation Negotiations for the formation of a new Italian govern- ment were inspired by the widespread anti-Fascist demon- strations in late June and early July. The ruling Christian Democrats feared facing nationwide local elections, now scheduled for 23 October, under the stigma of their present parliamentary alliance with the neo-Fascists. Although right-wing Christian Democrats have urged that the government should not resign under Communist fire, left- wing Christian Democrats and the parties of the center-left have insisted that a new cabinet which could lead to a govern- ment of the center-left is necessary to halt the drift toward polarization of Italian politics. The conservative Liberals, similarly apprehensive over this trend and anxious to regain the position they lost when they withdrew support of the Segni government last winter, have agreed to join the others in supporting an all - Christian Dem- ocratic government disengaged from the neo-Fascists. Some of them have been given pause, however, by the fact that Social- ist leader Pietro Nenni has said he would not oppose such a government if it is headed by former Premier Fanfani. Presumably to avoid isolation, Communist chief Togliatti, whose interests would best be served by continuance of the present unpopular regime, now has gone Nenni one better by offering to support a government which would "respect the con- stitution." While there was some talk of returning former Premier Scelba to his old post as interior minister, with either Tam- broni or Segni in the foreign affairs post, Tambroni himself was making a strong effort to retain the premiership through attempts to exchange neo- Fascist for monarchist parliamentary support. 18 July 6n r'CkITD A I IkITCI I Ir�Eklr`C DI II I ETlkl Page 5 � Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 Arrest of Key Haitian Official Reveals Dissension In Duvalier Regime The arrest on 15 July of Clement Barbot, secret police chief and presidential secretary, was an attempt to suppress what may be a widespread conspiracy against the Duvalier ad- ministration. Only a few hours before his arrest, Barbot told the American ambassador he had been discussing the political situation with key army officers and they agree with his view that President Duvalier's policies are plunging Haiti toward a new period of political chaos and that "the situation cannot con- tinue much longer." Although Barbot's claim of armed forces support against Duvalier cannot be confirmed, he is known to have been on close personal terms with Army Chief of Staff General Merceron and other key officers, who probably share his concern over, recent trends in the Duvalier administration. Duvalier for the past several months has been increasingly influenced by a clique of bitterly anti-US aides, including at least one probable Communist. This group is apparently at least par- tially responsible for the bitter attacks Duvalier has recently made on US economic aid to Haiti, which he maintains is both inadequate and granted under conditions inconsistent with Haitian sovereignty. He has promoted public anti-US demonstrations and hinted that 3:aiti may seek aid from the Soviet bloc. His use of the existing aid programs for political patronage has already crippled the desperately needed projects. 18 July 60 rckyrD A I IkITCI I inckirc RI II I =TIM Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 Page 6 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 �...e '..J1 'V 1 � I L71.4.3 'Igoe *ft1111 THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director Ca TIAL Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140 Noe I 1 0 -TOP-SECRET-- / /// jr/Ar7proved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185140/ZWWWWWM,VZ0.