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Publication Date: 
December 4, 1957
f/(, for t,e,39.7 19/12/10 / 3.5(c) /// CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 4 December 1957 Copy No. 13 DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE IN CLASS. DECLASSIFIED CLA3S. CHANCED TO: NEXT REVIEW DATE: AI DIAT4.q.46_ REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY rrsorzio,47A Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688 NNW Nov, 27,6,1 r' CONTENTS CONTENTS 1. USSR MAY BE STIMULATING PRESSURE TO REOPEN DISARMAMENT ISSUE IN UN (page 3). 2. POSSIBLE SURFACE-TO-AIR MISSILE SITES IN SOVIET FAR EAST (page 4). 3. VIEWS OF THE SOVIET INTELLIGENTSIA ON REGIME POLICIES (page 5). 4. PARIS TAKES STEPS TO FORESTALL COUP IN ALGERIA (page 6). 5. SITUATION IN INDONESIA (page 7). 6.rR7T PLANNED AGAINST HAITIAN GOVERNMENT (page 8). 4 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688 Novi Nue 1. USSR MAY BE STIMULATING PRESSURE TO REOPEN DISARMAMENT ISSUE IN UN Comment on: The Soviet delegation to the United Nations is apparently stimulating ru- mors that the disarmament question may be reopened in the General As- sembly after the Christmas recess. Soviet Deputy For- eign Minister Kuznetsov recently stated that another move on disarmament could be made in two months. He had an appointment to discuss disarmament with General Assem- bly President Munro on 3 December. Members of the Indian delegation have expressed the opinion that there is "great pressure" to conclude some agreement during the current session of the General Assembly. Soviet stimulation of efforts to reopen the disarmament question in the UN--a move for which a two-thirds approval is needed--probably is aimed primar- ily at placing the West in the position of frustrating neutral- ist desires to overcome the Soviet boycott. An increasing number of UN members will probably be willing to accept Soviet demands for a representation on the Disarmament Commission "balanced" between the West on the one hand and neutralists and Communist states on the other. The Soviet position, as expressed most recently by Khrushchev to the French ambassador in Moscow on 30 November, is that the USSR will not participate in fur- ther sessions of the Disarmament Commission until its mem- bership is "balanced." Khrushchev has stated on several oc- casions that the Soviet Union is strong and can afford to wait out the disarmament question. Soviet officials have stated privately that the Soviet Union is ready to boycott further dis- armament talks for a year in the belief that pressure would force the West to make concessions to Moscow. 4 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688 %woe Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688 14060 2. POSSIBLE SURFACE-TO-AIR MISSILE SITES IN SOVIET FAR EAST A number of air defense exercises which may have involved surface-to-air mis- siles have been detected in the Khabarovsk/ Komsomolsk area of the Soviet Far East during 1957 During an exercise in May, all the intruders seem to have been "shot down" when 25 to 80 miles distant with no interceptor aircraft reported active. Comment The absence of Soviet interceptor aircraft in these exercises and the long range at which the invading aircraft were reported shot down indicate the use or simulated use of surface-to-air missiles. Avail- able information is not sufficient to indicate whether surface- to-air missiles are actually deployed in this area or whether such missiles have characteristics similar to those in the Mos- cow surface-to-air sites. 4 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRE'l Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688 -1 � Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688 Nape *4010 3. VIEWS OF THE SOVIET INTELLIGENTSIA ON REGIME POLICIES Members of the Soviet intelligentsia that a return to Stalinism is ssible in the USSR and that the re- gime will find it necessary graduall to permit greater freedom and democratization, Further top-level changes are not ex- pected as Khrushchev appears to be firmly in control and he is not generally thought of as "another Stalin." Malenkov is credited with post-Stalin liberalization and is still exremely popular with the technical intelligentsia. His removal was a far greater shock to this group than the downfall of Zhukov. The intelligentsia is fully aware of the low standard of living as compared to that of the West, but the re- gime's emphasis on heavy industry is not questioned. In academic fields, frank discussions oc- cur among small groups of students and instructors. There is intense interest and curiosity in things foreign, and the of- ficial campaign to increase outside contacts has been received enthusiastically. This segment of the population is generally well informed concerning life in the West and frequently holds views not in accord with the official propaganda line. 4 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 SEefig-E-T Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688 IWO 4. PARIS TAKES STEPS TO FORESTALL COUP IN ALGERIA he French government has apparently ecognized the possibility of a military oup originating in Algeria and has taken series of preventive measures. Sev- eral reported transfers of key military personnel and units in Algeria and the recent institution of close military-civilian liaison at the "departemant" level in France itself may be part of such an effort. The principal shift involved General Massu, commander of the 10th Airborne Division, who was recently relieved unobtrusively of his responsibility for security of the city of Algiers and ordered to a Sahara post, possibly because of his increasingly critical attitude toward Minister for Algeria Lacoste. Extreme rightists are a major obstacle to a satisfactory political-military settlement which would enable the army to extricate itself from the Algerian stalemate. rightist elements are continuing plans for a coup attempt to follow mid-December demonstrations against the basic statute for Algeria. Plans al- legedly include using first Massu and later Jacques Chevallier, the liberal mayor of Algiers, as leaders of an Algerian republic still dominated by Frenchmen. There have been other reports of growing military dissatisfaction with what is regarded as inept political handling of the Algerian situation, and a spokesman for Lacoste warned on 25 November of the possibility of the army getting "beyond the control of the civilian authority." Some of this dis- content has found an outlet through ultranationalist movements and plots, such as one last winter in which a general was im- plicated. It is unlikely, however, that men such as Massu and Chevallier would lend themselves to a rightist plot, and there are no reports of military disaffection in France itself, which would be essential to success of a coup in Algeria. 4 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 --SEC�REIL Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688 Nu, NNW 5. SITUATION IN INDONESIA Comment on: he Indonesian government has taken nusual security precautions since the ssassination attempt against President ukarno to forestall other incidents. uards have been increased at the homes f former Vice President Hatta, Prime mister Djuanda, and army Chief of taff Nasution, and government forces re continuing to round up suspects. Al- hough the local military commander claims to have obtained confessions to the crime, he has refused to name the group or individuals responsible. The Communists, however, have lost no time in accusing American and Dutch "imperialists" of com- plicity in the plot, and the American embassy reports "om- inous signs" that this may become the official line. The campaign of harassment against Dutch individuals and firms continues, and the severance of diplomatic relations is expected. The seizure of the offices of two large Dutch shipping companies by Communist labor union members is evidence of the Communists intention to ex- ploit the government's program of applying economic sanc- tions against the Netherlands in the dispute over Netherlands New Guinea. Although the government has denied authoriza- tion for the seizure, it is unlikely to take action against Com- munist moves which are in line with its own program and popular sentiment. 4 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 gaNglipEptin4r= Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688 '�.�#� 6. REVOLT PLANNED AGAINST HAITIAN GOVERNMENT Comment on: Ihe followers of defeated Haitian pres- idential candidate Louis Dejoie are planning a revolt against the govern- ment of President Francois Duvalier in the immediate future, Any attempted coup whether successful or not would result in serious disorders. The plotters hope to divert the army, whose support is essential to the government, by instigating mass disturbances in Port-au-Prince. They would then at- tempt to capture army headquarters. Dejoie is believed to oppose such pre- cipitous action but is probably incapable of restraining his followers. 4 Dec 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03192688