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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
May 13, 1955
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ro, , _Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03192932, TOP SECRET - 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 13 May 1955 Copy No. 9 4 &al) CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. -72. NO QHANGE IN CLASS. 0 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: 8 0/ 0 AUTH: HR 70-2 REVIEWER: Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03192932 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03192932 Ngoil Nee SUMMARY SOUTHEAST ASIA 1. Change of Indonesian army chief of staff may affect September elections (page 3). SOUTH ASIA 2. India concerned over continuing Afghan-Pakistani dispute (page 3). 3. Pakistan reportedly agrees to negotiation of dispute with Afghan- istan (page 4). EASTERN EUROPE 4, 'Yugoslays submit agenda for proposed "technical talks" with Western powers (page 5). * * * * 1.3 May 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03192932 _rv.� ev ev Fri Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03192932 veov SOUTHEAST ASIA 1. Change of Indonesian army chief of staff may affect September elections: It appears likely that Colonel Utoyo, who is the army commander in South Sumatra, will be appointed to replace General Sugeng, Indonesia's army chief of staff, whose res- ignation the government has just accepted, His appointment would mark a further step in the progressive weakening of anti- Communist factions in the army and may have an effect on the September elections. Sugeng has been opposed to Iwa, the pro- Communist defense minister, and sympathetic toward the anti- Communist army factions. Utoyo leans politically toward the Na- tional Party, which heads the present government. Although he is termed a neutralist with respect to army factions, he may be ex- pected to support Iwa so long as Iwa has the backing of the rest of the cabinet. Four of Indonesia's seven territorial cc.n- manders are strongly anti-Communist. They have been fairly suc- cessful in acting independently of Iwa and had been largely counted on by opposition political groups to ensure honest elections. With- out a sympathetic army chief of staff in, Djakarta, these command- ers probably will have less influence on the elections. SOUTH ASIA 2. India concerned over continuing Afghan-Pakistani dispute: 13 May 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 ri nu In an 1"1 rIFT. Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03192932 Pf D C C-Prer Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03192932 Ntiv, NNW Comment: India has in the past supported Afghanistan, and immediately following the 30 March incidents in Kabul, Indian propaganda. had a pro-Afghan slant. Since that time, however, India has become increasingly alarmed over the course of events and is almost certainly not supporting Afghanistan. The Indian government has no desire to see an armed clash between Pakistan and Afghanistan or the development of a situation that is conducive to Soviet intervention. 3. Pakistan reportedly agrees to negotiation of dispute with Afghan- istan: 13 May 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 71-1D CAI'l