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National Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Foreign Assessment Center International Terrorism in 1979 A Research Paper PA 80-10072U April 1980 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 This publication is prepared for the use of US Government officials, and the format, coverage, and content are designed to meet their specific requirements. US Government officials may obtain additional copies of this document directly or through liaison channels from the Central Intelligence Agency. Requesters outside the US Government may obtain subscriptions to CIA publications similar to this one by addressing inquiries to: Document Expediting (DOCEX) Project Exchange and Gift Division Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 20540 or: National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 Requesters outside the US Government not interested in subscription service may purchase specific publications either in paper copy or microform from: Photoduplication Service Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 20540 or: National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (To expedite service call the NTIS Order Desk (703) 557-4650) Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 National Foreign Assessment Center Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 International Terrorism in 1979 A Research Paper Research for this report was completed on 6 January 1980. Comments and queries on this unclassified report are welcome and may be directed to: Director of Public Affairs Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 (703) 351-7676 For information on obtaining additional copies, see the inside of front cover. PA 80-10072U April 1980 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Overview Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 International Terrorism in 1979 Most patterns of international terrorist behavior recorded in 1978 continued into 1979: attacks on diplomatic and business facilities, simplicity in operations, and a preference for targets in industrialized democracies. The number of attacks declined worldwide, however, as did the number and proportion of attacks against US citizens. Several terrorist groups stepped up their operations, however, to publicize their respective causes. Intergovernmental cooperation in combating terror- ism was spearheaded by a West European agreement on extradition and prosecution and by the passage of a UN convention against the taking of hostages. 111 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Deaths and Injuries Due to International Terrorist Attacks* 1968-79 Figure 1 1,200 1,000 ^ Wounded Total: 5,955 EKilled Total: 2,689 800 600 400 200 1968 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 "Casualty figures are particularly susceptible to fluctuations due to inclusion of especially bloody incidents. Unclassified 77 78 79 581493 2.80 iv Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 International Terrorism in 1979 Trends For the year as a whole, there was a decrease in the number of international terrorist incidents (see table 1, page 14 and figure 2). There has been, however, no noncommitant decrease in casualties from interna- tional terrorist attacks (see figure 1). These attacks caused more deaths and more casualties in 1979 than during any previous year since we began keeping statistics in 1968. The proportion of terrorist incidents apparently aimed at causing casualties�most notably assassination attempts�increased, while incendiary bombings, which generally involve only property damage, fell from second to sixth place in frequency among terrorist attacks. This change in targeting patterns accounts in part for the rise in casualties and deaths. As has been noted in our previous surveys, most terrorist incidents are not intended to cause casualties, and only one- fourth of all attacks between 1968 and 1979 resulted in casualties.' Terrorists continue to prefer operations in the industri- alized democracies of Western Europe and North America (see figure 3). Nearly half of all incidents were recorded in Western Europe alone, both by indigenous organizations and by groups that have chosen to export their grievances. Perhaps due in part to increased governmental countermeasures, terrorism in Latin America and the Middle East has lagged far below the levels recorded in 1978. There have been fewer attacks than the previous year (see table 2, page 14) on US citizens and property in both relative and absolute terms, but many more Americans were killed this year than before. At least 12 Americans�including an ambassador�represent- 'Of the 353 international terrorist incidents recorded in 1978,62 incidents (17.1 percent) involved deaths and 57 (16.1 percent) involved injuries. Of the 293 incidents recorded in 1979, 64 (21.8 percent) involved deaths and 71(24.2 percent) involved injuries. While these proportions are slightly up over 1978 figures, the dramatic increase in total casualties appears to be accounted for by more casualties per incident than in 1978. 1 International Terrorist Incidents, Figure 2 1968-79 Total Incidents: 3,336 1968 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Unclassified 581494 2-80 ing diplomatic, military, business, and private interest (in Afghanistan, Rhodesia, Pakistan, Iran, and Tur- key), were victims of anti-US attacks.' Infrequent though deadly operations appear to have replaced the formerly more common firebombings of American vehicles. Officials and businessmen�especially individuals who are symbols of Western power and wealth�are still the primary targets (see figure 4). Tourists and other private citizens are victimized only incidentally (for example, as passengers on a hijacked airliner). West 2 This figure does not include political violence by domestic groups within the United States against American citizens. Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Geographic Distribution of International Terrorist Attacks, 1968-79 Total: 3,336 Oceania 19 Sub-Saharan Africa 124 izTransregional 4 Figure 3 USSR/Eastern Europe 15 North America 318 Asia Latin America /-861 Middle East and North Africa 531 Unclassified 581539 2-80 Geographic Distribution of International Terrorist Attacks Directed Against US Targets, 1968-79 Total: 1,348 Sub-Saharan Africa 32 North America 99\ Asia 105 USSR/Eastern Europe 7 Oceania 3 Figure 4 Latin America 492 Middle East Western Europe and North Africa 1,267 244 European nationals were victimized in 47 percent of all reported incidents; North Americans were the second most frequent targets. Among US victims, business- men continued to be the most numerous, although the absolute number of attacks against corporations has dramatically decreased. Attacks against American diplomatic installations�fueled by false rumors of US orchestration of the attack on the Grand Mosque in Mecca�increased at year's end. Despite the publicity given to occasional sophisticated operations, most terrorist attacks continue to be simple in conception and operation (see table 6, page 16). Bombings remained by far the most preferred type of attacks, accounting for nearly 40 percent of all terrorist operations. Despite preboarding security pre- cautions that made the smuggling of weapons on board airliners highly improbable, aerial hijackers have discovered that pilots generally assume that their claims of being armed are true and have thus acquiesced to their demands. Hence, although few Unclassified 581495 2-80 Western Europe 366 hijackers have been armed, hijackings�by terrorists and nonterrorists�have increased somewhat over 1978 totals. Fortunes of Major Groups Western Europe. The Provisional Wing of the Irish Republican Army, as well as the Irish National Liberation Army, has generated substantial interna- tional publicity with several major operations during the year, particularly those aimed at symbols of the British Government and the Crown. They assassinated Airey Neave, would-be Conserva- tive Secretary for Northern Ireland; Sir Richard Sykes, Ambassador to the Netherlands; and Lord Mountbatten, a member of the British royal family. The IRA also continued to inflict mass casualties, injuring 18 persons in a bombing in Brussels and killing at least 18 soldiers and wounding another eight in an ambush near the Irish border at Warrenpoint. ' Coverage of this topic necessarily touches on acts of domestic as well as international terrorism involving these groups. 2 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 According to a recent British Army assessment of the IRA, the group has adopted a more clandestine cellular structure, making it much more difficulty to combat. While this reorganization has increased the clandestine security of IRA units and thus permitted successful major operations without leaks to the authorities, compartmentation may lead to operational errors. Many observers believed the IRA's successful assassination of a Belgian banker and the near- successful assassination attempt on SHAPE Com- mander Alexander Haig were both cases of mistaken identity. The IRA's Christmas letterbombing cam- paign against prominent Britons failed when the group mailed their deadly packages to the wrong addresses. Despite popular outcry in the wake of these attacks, and a papal plea for a cease-fire, IRA operations are expected to continue to be successful in the near term. On the European continent, the ETA, a Marxist- Leninist-oriented Basque separatist organization in Spain, met with successes similar to those of the IRA. Factions of the group assassinated several important military officials, leading to increased pressures on the government to adopt repressive measures that the ETA believes would result in increased popular support for an independent Basque state. Hoping to combat French-Spanish cooperation against Basque terrorists who slip across the border, the ETA temporarily declared war on French business and tourist interests in Spain. They conducted a vigorous bombing campaign which in one weekend claimed five deaths and 113 injuries at an airport and two rail stations. Spanish rightists, despairing of a firm govern- mental response to this wave of terrorism, conducted a series of vigilante raids against Basque leaders in France. Despite the positive outcome of the 25 October referendum on Basque autonomy, some members of the ETA have vowed to continue to use terrorism to press for complete independence. Spanish authorities suffered a setback when five members of Spain's other major terrorist group, the Anti-Fascist Resistance Group of October 1 (GRAPO), tunneled to freedom from a prison in Zamora. Earlier in the year the group was apparently planning to kidnap a high-ranking US military official. 3 Nationality of Victims of International Terrorist Attacks,* 1968-79 Transregional Oceania Sub-Saharan Africa Asia USSR/ Eastern Europe Latin America Middle East and North Africa Western Europe North America Unclassified Total Incidents: 3,336 Figure 5 The percentage of the total number of incidents around the world appears under the total num- ber of incidents involving victims from that region. Percentages sum to move than 100 due to incidents in which victims were from several regions. 1979 proporlions are represented by red sections of bars. 581496 2-80 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 West German terrorists had a second consecutive unsuccessful year, failing to carry out any major actions and presumably conducting only some support activities, such as robbing banks and maintaining hideouts. The Red Army Faction was one of several groups that claimed responsibility for the assassination attempt against General Haig. Police discovered sev- eral terrorist safe houses and arrested several well- known terrorist leaders, which will significantly ham- per terrorist planning and operational capabilities. Terrorism by both the left and the right in Turkey resulted in an average of four deaths per day, despite the imposition of martial law in several provinces and increased pressure by the military on the new govern- ment for more effective measures. The leftist Turkish People's Liberation Party/Front was responsible for most of the seven assassinations of US citizens in Turkey last year. On the international front, Armenian exiles, still seeking revenge for Turkish massacres in 1915, expanded the range of their targets. Whereas they had previously attacked only Turkish personnel and facilities, numerous non-Turkish airline offices were bombed throughout Western Europe by individ- uals claiming to belong to Armenian organizations. In Italy, there were some noteworthy police successes against the major groups. Individuals believed respon- sible for the kidnaping and murder of Aldo Moro in 1978 were arrested in Italy and France. Other individuals responsible for major rightwing terrorist attacks were detained in Latin America during the year. Fissures within the Red Brigade, Italy's well- known leftist terrorist group, appeared to be growing, as its factions carried an ideological battle of words in the country's newpapers. Despite such reverses, Italian terrorists do not seem to have been operationally hampered, and terrorist at- tacks continue at their record-setting rate. Some operations showed particular daring; the Front Line's seizure of 200 hostages at a Turin business school ended with 10 of the victims being shot in the leg. Such raids led the Italian Government to institute several stern measures to aid antiterrorist efforts. Middle East. Anti-US sentiment in Iran reached a peak in 1979 with the second takeover of the US Embassy in Tehran. Beyond its unique political ramifications this takeover also differed operationally from previous barricade and hostage episodes in several ways. Usually, the environment around the site is hostile to the terrorist; in Tehran, the captors had the support of the host government in defiance of all rules of customary and codified international legal practice. After the takeover, security forces, acting in concert with the terrorists, guarded the hostages and restricted communications. Rather than actively negotiating for the release of the hostages, government authorities reinforced the demands of the terrorists. Outside Iran, the few planned terrorist attacks in support of this operation were thwarted by police. The seizure of the Grand Mosque at Mecca led Saudi Government officials to reexamine the extent of the threat posed by domestic dissidents, including their foreign contacts and organizational capabilities. Sev- eral attacks on US facilities were made by Muslims who believed the charges of US involvement in the Mecca attack. These incidents do not appear to have been orchestrated by any government or organization as part of a coordinated campaign. Disunity continues to beleaguer the Palestinian move- ment. Several radical Arab governments have taken advantage of these differences by sponsoring guerrilla organizations to further their own ends. Bickering within and among organizations has thus in part prevented Arab terrorist attacks from reaching the levels of the early 1970s. Moreover, radical Arab governments have realized that their previous exten- sive support of Palestinian terrorism often proved counterproductive in their dealings with the West. At least for the time being, there has been a notable decline in government patronage of international terrorist attacks. Fatah held off international terrorist activity pending the outcome of Yasir Arafat's diplomatic offensive to obtain Western recognition of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Moreover, Fatah's ability to conduct international terrorist exploits was restricted by the assassination in Beirut in January of Ali Hassan Salameh, reputed planner of Black September's attack on the 1972 Munich Olympics. 4 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Saiqa, a Syrian-sponsored Palestinian group that had not conducted any international terrorist attacks since 1973, made headlines through a series of attacks under the name of the Eagles of the Palestinian Revolution, a fictitious name used to mask Saiqa's attacks against Egyptian interests in Europe and the Middle East. Its most spectacular operation was the takeover of the Egyptian Embassy in Ankara, Turkey. After the takeover ended, Turkish authorities granted permis- sion for the opening of a PLO office in Ankara, reputedly in return for PLO mediation with the terrorists. Saiqa's terrorist activities were halted, if only temporarily, with the assassination in France of its leader, Zuhayr Muhsin. Other Palestinian groups met with similar mixed success. The Black March Organization, believed by some observers to be either the Black September Organization or a cover name for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), underscored its opposition to the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty with a bloody attack on the Brussels airport.' West German authorities thwarted possible similar operations by arresting several would-be Palestinian terrorists enter- ing West Germany in late April. Latin America. Several Salvadoran leftist formations conducted the most noteworthy international terrorist operations in Latin America. They seized several foreign embassies and private installations, assassi- nated several diplomats and businessmen and kid- naped others, including Americans, Britons, and the South African Ambassador to El Salvador. These organizations hope to be as successful as the Sandinistas in Nicaragua in toppling the government. Terrorism farther south has been virtually halted in some countries because of aggressive crackdowns by police forces. Although Argentine terrorists have The PFLP has decreased its international terrorist operations since the 1978 death of its foreign operations chief, Wadi Haddad. The organization has apparently been unable to replace him with an individual with similar organizational and governmental contacts or terrorist planning skills. However, one of the PFLP's most infamous operatives, Venezuelan-born Carlos, recently surfaced for the first time since he led the 1975 raid on an OPEC summit to tell the press that he would return to prominence. 5 suffered massive losses, the Montoneros showed a continued capability for at least sporadically mounting dramatic incidents. And there were continuing indica- tions that bilateral cooperative arrangements exist among some Latin American terrorists. Antiterrorist Countermeasures Businesses continue to search for defensive methods tailored to their own needs. Several multinational corporations preferred to comply with terrorist ransom and publicity demands rather than cooperate in government-declared "no concessions" policies. Many consultative organizations were formed solely to advise executives on how to cope with political violence. Others conduct ransom negotiations and payoffs as part of the services offered to their kidnap insurance customers. The growing popularity of these insurance policies increases the likelihood that terrorist kidnapers will achieve their monetary goals. These ransoms will, in turn, fund further terrorist operations. Hence, while kidnap insurance increases the chances of a victim being freed safely, its existence is counterproductive in the long run, defeating deterrence policies. Regional cooperation against terrorism was especially evident among European countries. In May, police chiefs of 17 major West European cities met to discuss means to combat terrorism and other violent crimes. In December, members of the European Community signed a convention designed to resolve some technical legal difficulties in implementing the Council of Europe's Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism. The latest convention calls for extradition or prosecu- tion of individuals suspected of certain offenses� including hijacking, kidnaping, use of bombs and automatic firearms, and attacks on diplomats�what- ever the motivation. The agreement will come into effect when all nine members of the EC have passed necessary ratification legislation. Cross-regional antiterrorist cooperation�most nota- bly between Western Europe and Israel�nearly back- fired. Palestinians charged that West Germany permitted an Israeli intelligence officer to question an Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Arab guerrilla arrested trying to smuggle explosives into West Germany last April. The PLO claimed that Israel later forced the guerrilla to attempt to assassi- nate a prominent Fatah leader, but that the Arab committed suicide instead. The PLO threatened to scuttle its quiet working relationship with West Germany, while more radical Palestinians vowed to take more drastic retaliatory measures. These threats�as well as those directed against the United States for initially granting Israel's request for the extradition of an Arab accused of bombing an Israeli marketplace�did not result in terrorist attacks. Even certain Communist regimes expressed some interest in cooperating with the West in combating terrorism. China, for example, supported the UN convention on hostages, and Cuba renewed its antihijacking agreements with Canada and Venezuela for another five years. After all, Communist states were not entirely immune to terrorist threats. The Soviets abroad continued to be attacked by militant Jewish groups and anti-Communist Cuban exiles. Soviet official and commercial facilities more recently have been bombed by Ukrainian exiles and individuals protesting the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. The most notable attempt to combat terrorism on a global scale was the UN General Assembly's adoption by consensus of an international convention against the taking of hostages. The convention, which had been in various UN committees for three years, calls for states to prosecute or extradite hostage-takers without exception whatsoever. Language on the rights of national liberation movements, the right of asylum, and the Geneva conventions and protocols on the law of war was included to allow for greater support of the final document. The convention was opened for signa- ture on 18 Decmber and will come into effect when 22 states have ratified it. Several nations joined the three international conven- tions on crimes against aviation, as well as the UN convention on internationally protected persons. The new round of demarches by the supporters of these agreements is likely to add further to the list of adherents. Outlook Although individual terrorist attacks rely heavily upon the element of surprise, general patterns of terrorist behavior have proven to be predictable. Although there will be several discontinuities, we expect that a number of trends from the 1970s will carry over into the next year: � While the statistical decreases in the number of terrorist incidents that we have noted are at first impression encouraging, the decline may be only temporary. Terrorist incidents have shown a two- year cyclic pattern during the 1970s, with 1979 predicted as a valley. Several terrorist groups may have been improving operational security and sophis- tication, recruiting and training new members, and merely waiting out government dragnets. This would allow them to better adapt to government counter- measures, thus increasing the likelihood of more frequent�and occasionally more sophisticated� attacks in the future. � The increase in casualties and casualty-producing incidents�particularly in light of the notable rise of assassinations�is especially alarming. Although op- erations deliberately intended to result in mass casualties have been rare, terrorists may believe that a larger number of casualties are now necessary to generate the amount of publicity formerly evoked by less bloody operations. � The vast majority of incidents will continue to be simple in conception and implementation, posing little risk to the perpetrators. Although added security precautions at sensitive facilities, a business exodus from unstable areas, and paramilitary rescue squads may deter spectacular attacks, these meas- ures clearly cannot protect all potential�if less sensitive�targets from simple hit-and-run opera- tions. � Regional patterns of victimization and location of operations are likely to remain virtually unchanged. Representatives of affluent countries, particularly government officials and business executives, will remain attractive targets. Western Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East again are likely to be 6 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 the main trouble spots. Americans and US property will continue to be attacked on occasion, although improvements in US official and corporate security should deter many potential attacks by small bands. New developments expected in the coming year include the following: � Terrorists will try to adapt their tactics to neutralize the countermeasures adopted by government and private security services. They probably will change target selection, improve planning and trade craft, and, possibly, increase their technological sophisti- cation. � West German terrorists, having suffered reverses during the past two years, are likely to feel greater pressure to renew their revolutionary credentials by engaging in operations at home or overseas. As has been the case with the PFLP, however, losses of major leaders�through arrest, death, or retire- ment has severely cut back their operational capabilities. � New groups, motivated by hitherto unpublicized goals, are likely to emerge. One such movement may already have come to light in Syria, where Soviets have been attacked for their actions in Afghanistan. Other groups may be formed due to the recent upsurge in nationalism and ethnic consciousness. Improvements in the general level of education and affluence had generally been believed to vitiate parochialism. In several areas, however, such im- provements are generating a historical consciousness that results in the pursuit of narrower and more traditional loyalties, such as ethnic and religious ties. Often that pursuit will produce violence both within and across state boundaries. 7 � The support of terrorists by patron states has become more selective than it had been in previous years, due to almost uniformly unfavorable publicity, diplo- matic repercussions, and the inability to control such operations. The recent unwillingness to provide overt aid may be reversed if states do not perceive that their interests are being served by more conventional means; nonetheless, it is more likely that cost- effectiveness will become the determinant of whether to support terrorists. Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 International Terrorist Incidents by Category, 1968-79 Total: 3,336 Letter Bombing 100 Total: 186 75 50 25 Assassination 100 Total: 246 75 50 25 Explosive Bombing Kidnaping Incendiary Bombing Theft, Break-in Total: 78 Aff Armed Attack Total: 188 Sniping Figure 6 Barricade and Hostage Hijackingl Total: 100 04,,apit Other Action2 Total: 87 401,40 1968 69 71 73 75 77 79 1968 69 71 73 75 77 79 1968 69 71 73 75 77 79 1968 69 71 73 75 77 79 1. Includes hijacking of modes of transportation for air, sea, or land, but excludes numerous non-terrorist hijackings. 2. Includes occupation of facilities without hostage seizure, shootouts with police, and sabotage. Unclassified 581497 2-80 8 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Appendix A Interpreting Statistics on International Terrorism This study uses computerized data based solely on unclassified material published since 1968. While this technique promotes a historical and comparative perspective, the tallies should be treated with caution. This appendix explains the conceptual and analytical issues involved in the development and maintenance of the data set upon which these statistics are based. Competing Research Methods Several research approaches have been used in at- tempts to examine forms of terrorism systematically. One technique is to review the literature of terrorism, focusing on the philosophies of guerrilla theorists and practitioners. While this may yield an idea of possible motivations, such an inquiry is limited only to those groups that have chosen to leave a printed legacy. We might attempt to solve this difficulty by interviewing practicing, jailed, or retired terrorists.' Problems of access, as well as reliability of testimony, cast doubt on the utility and practicability of such an approach. Additionally, the terrorist may be unaware of why he really behaves as he does, and interviewing could become an exercise in mutual distortion. Our research has attempted to deal with these prob- lems by supplementing these methods with an events data approach, which has been employed more gener- ally in academic studies of the structure of the international system. Rather than focusing on individ- ual actors or terrorist groups, such an approach deals with the discrete incident as the unit of analysis. This approach allows us to examine actual behavior, rather than statements by observers and practitioners about such behavior. ' The clandestine nature of terrorism, personal predispositions and institutional affiliations of most researchers will continue to limit this area of inquiry to the domain of the courageous handful. Other researchers, however, may profitably attempt to use such data in constructing long-range secondary psychiatric profiles of specific individuals. Care must always be taken, however, to ensure that the terrorist is not using the researcher as another medium of propaganda transmission. 9 Although the data are collected on individual incidents, descriptive statistics allow us to aggregate these events and investigate long-term trends in terrorist campaigns. This leads to general conclusions about what terrorists do, how they go about it, and where they are most likely to strike. Furthermore, noting the structural characteristics of the incident provides us with an indication of the boundaries within which terrorists operate. Physical, temporal, and self- imposed constraints upon terrorist behavior establish the parameters of their activities. From observing the choices terrorists make within these limits, we can attempt to infer motivations and compare the terror- ists' stated rationale for their actions with their target selection. Ideally, knowledge of the range of options open to the terrorists, as well as their most likely choices, can lead to potentially effective counter- measures. Structural Characteristics of Terrorist Incidents We have found that intelligence analysis plays several roles in aiding policymakers charged with coping with specific incidents of terrorism. For example, establish- ing general patterns of terrorist behavior from overt data, while useful in planning protective strategies, must be supplemented with specific tactical data regarding the terrorist group conducting the operation, evidence of what terrorists in similar situations have done, and estimates concerning how this group is likely to react to several possible government responses. To organize our information to meet these needs, we break down our data into a number of categories, related generally to a sequence of phases through which most incidents proceed. The first phase, common to all incidents, is the preincident period, in which the terrorist is planning the operation. This period may include acquisition of operational intelligence through surveillance, in- formants, and penetrations of the target by agents of Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 the group. The group is simultaneously obtaining operational paraphernalia, such as arms, documents, disguises, transportation, and other equipment. After planning the operation, training often takes place. This is followed by movement to the scene of the attack. During this period, those aiming at countering the terrorists will concentrate their resources on intelli- gence operations designed to detect and thereby thwart the group's plans. The second phase, again common to all incidents, is the initiation of the attack, which varies from emplacing a bomb to taking hostages. Compared to the first phase, which can last for months, this phase is measured in seconds or minutes. Those needing intelligence support are the security forces at the scene. The negotiation phase, which is limited to incidents involving the seizure of symbols (usually human) deemed of value to a third party, can range from a matter of hours in most barricade-and-hostage scenar- ios to years in some marathon kidnapings. Here the intelligence analyst serves the negotiator, who may be a trained psychologist/psychiatrist, government offi- cial, individual of symbolic value to the terrorists, or a third-party intermediary. The climax signals the ending of the incident. In some cases, it may be nearly identical in time to the initiation of the incident (for example, a thrown bomb explodes). Those who depend upon intelligence now can include the intermediary from the previous phase, the security forces from phase two, or an armed rescue squad formed to secure the release of the hostages in case negotiations break down. The postincident period closes the description of an event and often brings us full circle to the planning phase for the next incident. Those requiring data and analysis include hospitals and psychiatrists who care for the victims, as well as court systems to handle the proper disposition of the offenders. In this phase, as well as all of the others, government/business policymakers are involved in developing a comprehen- 10 sive response plan. The news media, as well as educators, are similarly involved at every step of the incident. During this sequence, we are most interested in understanding the dynamic relationships between actors and how these interactions can be manipulated to lead to a favorable resolution of the crisis. Our definition of terrorism allows us to identify five major types of actors according to their type and extent of involvement in the incident: terrorists, victims, hosts, targets, and audiences. In many incidents, a given nation-state may assume several of these roles. For example, a country could be a terrorist "breeder"(that is, the home country of the terrorist), as well as provide the location of the attack (host) and be the target of the demands forwarded by the terrorist. Figure 7 sketches a few of the relationships between these actors which might be manipulated, and for which data are readily available. Further complicating the situation�although allow- ing additional opportunities for intervention leading to the episode's resolution�are secondary actors. Three subtypes of ancillary actors can be established accord- ing to their attitudes toward the nonterrorist actors: malevolent, neutral, or benign. Figure 8 depicts the types of relationships between primary and secondary actors for which we collect information. Malevolent ancillaries may be other terrorist groups or sympathetic patron states, who provide varying de- grees of aid to the terrorist groups before, during, and/or after the event. Such actors may also direct propaganda to specified audiences in support of the terrorists' actions. Some events have also included a third party adding demands to those forwarded by the perpetrator of the incident. The neutral third party most often mediates between the terrorist and the target. The target may also request the neutral's aid in implementing various face- saving solutions to the incident, such as granting safe Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Relationships Between Primary Participants in a Terrorist Incident Figure 7 Security Environment Pressures for Protection Unclassified 581498 2-80 haven to the perpetrators at the conclusion of an incident or publishing a terrorist manifesto. The neutral, as well as benign ancillaries, may also choose to grant humanitarian assistance to victims. In addi- tion, the benign ancillary may provide technical assistance to the target in the form of intelligence and security information, equipment, or manpower for dealing with the crisis. Data Collection and Cataloguing To construct the categories for our data set, we surveyed academic literature and government policy- makers to identify variables considered relevant to the description of each incident phase and actor. To establish the feasibility of treating incidents quantita- tively, this list was treated as preliminary, and only a few sources were employed. Among the difficulties we initially encountered were the issue of defining terrorism, its international variants, and what constitutes a separate incident. How one emerges from these definitional complexities will affect what is included in the data compilation and, therefore, the substantive conclusions. For exam- ple, Risks International's mixing of international and domestic incidents yields a once-interrupted constant rise in terrorism during the 1970s, whereas our 11 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C03291989 Relationships Between Primary and Ancillary Participants in a Terrorist Incident Figure 8 mart\