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August 30, 1952
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� 1 Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 005973604 C TOP SEcIET C SEC INFORMATION 30 August 1952 3.5(c: 3.5(c) Copy No. 5 7 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 3.5(c) DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN SS. Ar 0 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: 02.-41 y Office of Current IntelligenceAum HR702 DATE: &DAL IEVIEWER 3.5(c) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET 3.5(c) S9JTY INFC RMATION Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 005973604 Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 005973604 ET SUMMARY SOVIET UNION 1. French Communists speculate on Soviet Party Congress (page 3). 2. Twin-jet aircraft possibly identified in the 10th Air Army (page 3). 3. Comment on presence of Mongolian officials in Moscow (page 4). FAR EAST 4. Viet Minh prepares for fall offensive (page 4). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 5. EASTERN EUROPE 6. First identification of bomber unit in Hungarian Air Force (page 5). WESTERN EUROPE 7. Soviet official shows concern over reference of Austrian question to UN (page 6). 8. Schuman reportedly more flexible on Saar issue (page 7). 9. Spain indicates desire to continue negotiations on bases (page 7). * * * -2 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) TOP RET Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 005973604 3.5(c) _Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 005973604 SOVIET UNION 1. French Communists speculate on Soviet Party Congress: 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) Some French Communists and fellow-travelers reportedly interpret the forthcoming Soviet Party Congress as an indication that the Kremlin anticipates a major showdown with the United States. Consequently they believe that the war econ- omy of the Soviet-controlled world must be speeded; the Communist parties in the USSR and abroad must be purged; and the Peace Parti- sans and other "peace" agencies must be active. They conclude that the division and destruction of Atlantic economic and defense cooperation will continue as the main Communist objective in Europe. Comment: Pravda is currently emphasizing the importance of strict party discipline at all levels and hinting at the necessity of punishment for any suppression of self-criticism. 2. Twin-jet aircraft possibly identified in the 10th Air Army: Soviet Far Eastern intercepts of 11 August tentatively identified for the first time a twin-jet aircraft as being subordinate to the 10thAirArmv. The nature of he activity indicates either test flying or twin-jet transitional training. Comment: The 10th Air Army in the Far Eastern Military District is currently estimated to have 280 conven- tional light bombers. The 9th Air Army in the Maritime Military District is estimated to have a total of 30 IL-28 twin-jet aircraft, while the Soviet 5th Fleet Air Force is believed to be re-equipping with TU-14 twin-jets. -3 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 005973604 Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 005973604 RET 3. Comment on presence of Mongolian officials in Moscow: The possibility that the Sino-Soviet conference may devise a plan for integrating the economies of the Communist Far Eastern countries with the USSR is suggested by the arrival in Moscow of the Mongolian Prime Minister and his Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. They were met by a delegation headed by Mikoyan, Vice Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers and Chairman of the Coun- cil of Economic Mutual Assistance. Such a development would com- plement the Soviet-East European economic bloc. On arrival the Mongolian Premier commented that the "new grand program of the next Five-Year Plan of the Soviet Union would further promote and consolidate the economic, cultural and administrative development" of Mongolia. This, together with the fact that Mongolia's present Five-Year Plan expires this year, suggests that the USSR is formulating not only a new Five-Year Plan for Mongolia but, possibly in conjunction with the Chinese, an over-all program for the Communist Far East. A new Five-Year Plan for Mongolia would probably stress the development of natural resources, particularly mining, which would contribute to the development of the Lake Baikal economic complex centered around Irkutsk. FAR EAST 4. Viet Minh prepares for fall offensive: 3.3(h)(2) actions of Viet Minh military units in north Vietnam indicate that preparations 4 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 005973604 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 5. -�����"' Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 C05973604 TPSERET have begun for an October offensive. Although no major shifts of divisions have occurred, there has been some regrouping of smaller units, including artillery. A campaign in the "middle Tonkin area" is being planned. The source comments that there may be an offensive in the northwestern sector of the Tonkin delta, with a diversionary attack on the southern perimeter. � NEAR EAST - AFRICA EASTERN EUROPE 6. First identification of bomber unit in Hungarian Air Force: 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) provided the first identification of a bomber unit in the Hungarian Air Force. The mes- sage, sent from Mezoetur, stated that the ohna tyernmer vegimenE was moving from its home station. - 5 - 3.3(h)(2) 9EC Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 C05973604 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 005973604 ET Comment: _ Previous to this report the Hungarian Air Force was believed to have only fighter and ground- attack aircraft. The recent re-equipment of some Soviet light bomber units in Hungary with jet aircraft may have permitted the transfer of the replaced Pe-2 aircraft to the Hungarian Air Force. WESTERN EUROPE 7. Soviet official shows concern over reference of Austrian question to UN: 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) Soviet Political Adviser Kudryavtsev, at a meeting with Foreign Minister Gruber on 26 August, argued against submission of the Austrian treaty question to the UN General Assembly. He stated that the problem was beyond the competence of the United Nations and that a hearing there would only further compli- cate matters. Kudryavtsev also observed that the "Austrian Government must have known that an abbreviated treaty would be un- acceptable to Moscow." He then expressed interest in Vienna's atti- tude toward the old draft treaty. Comment: At the time the Soviet Govern- ment rejected the Western proposals for a short treaty, it also took issue with the Austrian suggestion that the old draft treaty is no longer acceptable to the Austrian Parliament. Kudryavtsev's inquiry with respect to the old treaty could reflect Russian concern over the possi- bility of losing valuable economic concessions as a result of its long stalling on an Austrian settlement. 6 T3SEC S E C Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 005973604 3.5(c) _Approved for Release 2019/05/28 005973604 RET 8. Schuman reportedly more flexible on Saar issue: 9. 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) A French official close to both Schuman and Pinay believes that failure to agree on a Saar settlement now would not threaten ratification of the EDC treaty, but that French concessions vit respec o t eir economic position in the Saar would. Stating that press accounts of the recent Schuman statements before the French National Affairs Committee were inaccurate, he asserted that some French territory might be ceded to a Europeanized Saar if "agreement really depended only on this." Comment: While the official's statements_ were ostensibly an attempt to clarify press reports attributing an un- duly nationalistic stand to Schuman, they indicate a greater flexibility in the French position than has lately been apparent. Spain indicates desire to continue negotiations on bases: 3.3(h)(2) American negotiators were told by a Spanish official on 27 August that if the United States will provide "the necessary elements" for the defense of Spain, the Franco government ivill conclude an agreement for bases. Otherwise, Spain proposes that mutual defense and economic aid agreements be signed now, without prejudice to later negotiations for base rights, as a necessary condition to receipt of the $125,000,000 already appropriated. Comment: In early July Spain insisted that it receive the $1259000,000 before signing any agreement. While still demanding a high price for the bases, Spain now clearly shows that it wants to continue negotiationsb - 7 - TOP-SECRET 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/05/28 005973604