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Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C05974251 The President's Daily Brief cret 30 January 1968 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C05974251 23 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C05974251 -16 -14 104 THAILAND 116 NORTH \ VIETNAM 0 108 �Demilitarized Zone 'k..QUANG TRI Hue ,THUA THIE Afekong � a Nang cf) I Q U G � I CORPS GUANG TIN Kaptcanh Kontum � BINH DIN Pleiku. 4"-! PLEIKU Tonle CAMBODIg PHU BON PHU YENS Nhon uy Hoa DAR LAC �Ban Me Thuo KHANH HOA 1QUANG DUC -12 PHNO PENH BINH LONG BINH UONG PHUOC LONG TUYEN Da 1116c LAM DONG NINH THUAN LONG KHANH KIEN TUONG HAU NOWA BINH TUY SAIG PHUOC 10 PHU OUOC � GULF OF � SIAM 104 PHONG DINH VINH LONG VINH BINH CHUONG THIEN AN XUYEN BA XUYEN BAC LIEU IV CORPS 1c% U III CORPS Capital Special Zone lys II CORPS a Trang RANH Cam Ranh Bay so SOUTH VIETNAM CO ENTIAL 75 100 Wes 16- 14 12- 10- 69442 1-68 CIA Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C05974251 ' TOP RET Approved for Release 2018/07/26 005974251 DAILY BRIEF 30 JANUARY 1968 2. South Vietnam Sharp fighting reportedly con- (as of 5:30 AM tinues in the cities of Pleiku, Kon- EST) tum, Da Nang, and Nha Trang. Informa- tion is still sketchy on what is hap- pening around the other cities and bases hit by the well-coordinated and unprecedented Communist offensive. TOP CRET Designed for maximum psychological impact, the Communists concentrated on showing they could shoot their way into major populated areas, particularly pro- vincial capitals. Hanoi is already trying to shift the blame for these blatant truce vio- lations onto the allies. A broadcast this morning charged the US and South Vietnam had cancelled the cease-fire and then launched heavy attacks on the civilian populace. So far, there are no new reports of fighting in the area around Khe Sanh. 3.5(c) NR Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251 NR 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251 NR Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251 NR Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251 FOR THE PRESIDENT'S EYES ONLY Special Daily Report on North Vietnam Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251 ret T cret 3.5(c). 16 30 January 1968 TO ECRET Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251 Special Daily Report on North Vietnam for the President's Eyes Only 30 January 1968 I.' NOTES ON THE SITUATION Hanoi Continues to Manage News Stories Sent Abroad: North Vietnam is continuing its efforts to ensure that stories filed by resident foreign corre- spondents in Hanoi stick to official guidelines when TO ECRET 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251 3.5(c) TOP Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251 discussing regime policy toward talks with the United States. A recent dispatch by Joseph Cabanes, the French news agency correspondent in Hanoi, com- menting that the US had not yet responded to Foreign Minister Trinh's statement, was inspired and cleared by the North Vietnamese, according to the French Foreign Office. Cabanes was told by North Vietnamese officials that no story which has come out of Hanoi since the Trinh statement should be interpreted as a hardening of Hanoi's position. The officials also requested that he delete a refer- ence to a recent statement on the question of talks by the North Vietnamese representative in Rangoon because it might be erroneously interpreted as a � hardening of Hanoi's position. Hanoitg sensitivity to interpretation of the Trinh statement, which has also affected the Czech correspondent there, may be partially responsible for the regime's refusal during the last several weeks to allow any new correspondents into the country. Even Wilfred Burchett, a frequent apolo- gist for Hanoi, and often a vehicle for Communist propaganda, has been unsuccessful in a recent at- tempt to get into North Vietnam to obtain material on the issue of talks with the US. Other Western correspondents who have sought visas or information about the Trinh statement have been referred to the 29 December formulation or to a 16 January state- ment by the North Vietnamese mission in Paris, both of which Hanoi has authorized as official. * * * Liberation Front Comments on Pueblo: In a broadcast on 26 January the Liberation Front offered its initial comment on the seizure of the Pueblo. The broadcast praised the North Koreans for striking "punitive blows against the US" in defending their sovereignty. In keeping with Hanoi propaganda, the broadcast claimed that the Pueblo incident was only the latest in a series of US violations of North Ko- rean territory and voiced the Front's full support for the Korean position. The broadcast also stated that the Front and the North Koreatis share the same battlefront againstthe "US imperialists." It claimed TOP ET Approved for for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251 3.5(c) 3.5(c) TOP CRET Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251 that the "US imperialists will be completely defeated more rapidly in Vietnam if they dare lay a hand on North Korea" but made no direct connection between the Pueblo incident and the US involvement in Vietnam. * * * II. .NORTH VIETNAMESE REFLECTIONS OF US POLITICAL ATTITUDES ON THE WAR Hanoi Asks US Peace Activist to Receive Freed US Pilots: Dave Dellinger, editor of the magazine,Libera� TURT�issued a statement in Boston yesterday saTTET-- he had been asked by Hanoi to send .a representative to North Vietnam for "discussion and reception" of the three pilots the North Vietnamese claimed on 27 Janu- ary would be released. Dellinger, who has been in- volved in antiwar activity in the US and who has twice traveled to North Vietnam, was involved in the release of three US prisoners by the Viet Cong in Cambodia last November. This is the first indication that Hanoi has taken any steps toward arranging the actual release of the three pilots. There has been no addi- tional information on when and where they will be freed. -3- Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251 cret Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 005974251