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Document Creation Date: 
March 16, 2022
Document Release Date: 
June 13, 2016
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
August 5, 1961
77�/Approvedfc;'",p;30;i6i0:2;7iV 10P�SECREL_ U 5 August 1961 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN �TOP�SECRET_ / ezrzz, Approved for Release: 2016/05/26 C06224744 /Approved for Release: 2016/05/26 CO6224744' A 0 TOP-SECRET (b)(3) A (b)(1) (b)(1) (b)3) 14(3) A b)(3) A (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(i) (b)(3. Congo: Adoula's initial statements following his assump= tion of the premiership have emphasized his intention to restore Katanga as an integral part of the Congo. Adoula's implied threat of military action against Tshombe has been supported by UN officials, who have reaffirmed that moves by the central government to reintegrate Katanga with the Congo would not be opposed by the UN. The American Consulate in Elisabethville reports that Adoula's statement of his intentions concerning Katanga has made a strong impression on Tshombe and his ministers, and that Tshombe appears to be searching desperately for means to preserve stability in Katanga. discipline among Katanga army units outside the city has deteriorated to a point where soldiers obey orders only on a selective basis. The consulate observes that Katanga army units may be content to continue under present conditions so long as they are paid. Nonetheless, the Katanga army no longer appears to represent a formidable military threat to efforts by the UN and the central government to re- unithe Congo. Belgian Foreign Minister Spook has expressed to Ambas- sador MacArthur his concern over a recent message from Hammarskjold indicating that, in view of Tshombe's unwilling- ness to cooperate for Congo unity, the UN planned immediate action to disarm the Katanga army. Spook stated that he be- lieved such precipitous action might cause the Katanga govern- ment to react violently, and doubted whether the UN was capable of keeping the situation under control. 5 Aug 61 DAILY BRIEF A 1(b)(3) -TOP-SECRET A Approved for Release: 2016/05/26 C06224744