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Publication Date: 
August 31, 1961
PDF icon CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEK[14826828].pdf154.26 KB
Approved for Release: 2016/05/31 C06224748 COPY NO. OCI NO. 0295/6i CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY ENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFJC OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE 121411112112 MO- ND CRAM Iti CIA= Ch 82CLasSINCD CUM ellatla Tlea IFS P 0, cicio MET ISIBILT1 OM' Malin NA TB-2 "MtettliffMra 32 August 1961 Approved for Release: 2016/05/31 C06224748 _c_ertria4=8Lpprovec2016/05/31 C06224748 ....-40161tear CURRENT /NTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY CONGO UN troops over the past* week detained for repatriation approximately SOO Europeans, most of them Belgians serving in the Eatangan armed forces. The evacuation of mercenaries is part of a stepped-up UN campaign to force Tshombe to drop his claims of Katangan independence and to enter into negotiations with Premier Adoula aimed at reintegrating Katanga with the Congo. The UN move began on 25 August with the airlifting of a battalion of Indian troops from northern Katanga to Elise- betbville. Thu airlift immedi- ately triggered rumors that the UN, in support of Adoula, would attempt to disarm Katanga's 10,000-man army and 3,000-odd police. On 26 August, UN repre- sentative O'Brien delivered a virtual ultimatum to Tehombe, warning that If he did not go to Leopoldville the "situation would worsen," and emphasizing that the UN was prepared to assist Adoula in military action against Katanga. Tshombe re- plied that be would not negoti- ate with Leopoldville under pressure. In a swift predawn maneu- ver on 28 August, Indian troopS seized key points in Elisabeth- 'tulle and began the roundup of Belgians. Although Tshombe announced that he accepted the UN action and urged the popu- lace to remain calm, the UN placed laterite. Minister Mimosa.� under detention, apparently as precaationary measure, On 29 August the UN announced that most of the SOO white officers of Tshombe'S army were "controlled" by the UN, and O'Brien observed, "Ratanga is in secession without the means of maintaining it." Tshombe replied on 29 Au- gust that he had toured military camps in the past 24 hours and that "the army will not mutiny." A major disciplinary breakdown, hOwever, might well lead to the collapse of his government, Even prior to the UN roundup there were periodic reflections of poor diacipline and morale in army camps near Elisabethville. The Belgian consul general has stated that, as early as 28 Au- gust, there were eeveral "inci- dents" between African soldiers and whites. Belgian Foreign Minister Speak has sent Secretary General Rammarskjold an "energetic" Pro- test over the UN measures against Belgian officers in Katanga. ini- tially he had indicated that his government would continue to co- operate with the UN and would remove Belgian officers from Katauga, provided such measures did not lead either to a panicky exodus of the European population or to a mutiny of the Katangan armed forces. However, the dras- tic action of the UN in taking Belgian officers into custody prompted the protest move. Spank fears that large-scale humiliation of Belgian nationals would be exploited to the fullest by his right-wing critics at home. In the Congo proper, atten- tion has centered on the uncer- tain relationship between Adoula and Gizenga and on maneuverings -COIIRDENTIAL 31 Aug 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 11 01 26 Approved for Release: 2016/05/31 C06224748 Approved for Release: 2016/05/31 C06224748 PAL ...ow CURBENT INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY concerning Congolese attendance at the Belgrade conferette of uncommitted nations. Although Gizengs is believed to favor Cengoleae participation in the conference, his main preoccupa- tion appears to be with securing agreement to warioue eend1-1 tions he laid down for his sup- pert Of the new government. in the meantime, he has refused to go to Leopoldville to take up his vice premiership. A fifth Air Jordan charter flight to StanleyVille arrived on 26 August, reportedly carry- ing ft:10d, Clothing, and six pasaeagers. Unlike previous occasions, however, the cargo was inspected by UM officials, When a U3 consul attsmpted to Centaet the plane's American pilot, be was threatened at the airport by Oimengist sol- diers, who apparently blamed bin for the UN's detention of the aircraft, The consul was placed under UM protection, and Subaequently raturneatolieopold- villo after being "expelled" frow Stanleyville an Oimengais orders. Jordanian King Rusayn has indicated concern over the Stan- leyville flight and has ordered the grounding of all Air Jordan aircraft pending the outcome Of a court of inquiry. 31 Aug 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 12 of 24 Approved for Release: 2016/05/31 C06224748