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Document Creation Date: 
March 16, 2022
Document Release Date: 
June 17, 2016
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Publication Date: 
November 13, 2014
Approved for Release: 2016/05/23 C06460971 (b)(3) From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: age Subject: cafe Feedback: I real don't know why I am sending this, just like I don't know why I have returned to using the caf�ere at complaint. Thursd Facilit Nave ber 2014 12:32 PM Support Feedback Submission - cafe s been archived.Double< c he message to view he o en s ing the incident that took place earlier this year but I am going to send this Earlier this year I sent a complaint concerning the cafe service. I received a response back. The next day I was told about a former co-worker of mine being in the cafe so I went down to see her. She and her friends were finishing their lunch but I sat down and chatted with them for a few minutes. As I was sitting there the then cafe manager came out and sat at the table across from me. I thought this was odd but did not say anything. As my former coworker and her friends go up to leave the cafe manager asked if she could speak with me, I said sure. She then said, " I understand you made a complaint about the caf�nd I would wish if you have a problem, that you would come to me," She then basically quoted the complaint that I had sent. I was kind of taken a back that first of all she would know who I was. When I got back to my office I told my supervisor about the cafe incident and we both felt that there was a violation of my personally identifiable information Someone had obliviously given my name and a description of me to this unclear caf�anager. Based off this I refused to go to the cafe her at Recently there was a change in the worker here (including the manager) and I began to occasionally get something for breakfast there. But today a coworker asked if I would like to go down for lunch, I told her sure, just tell me when. She said she usually go do at 1115 because if she goes earlier the food at time is not there, One of my complaints before and one that I know that it continues, is the food not being ready at llam. I am aware that the food is trucked in from another building and were my desk is I can see the gate entrance and I can see when the white van delivering the food arrives So at 1115 the coworker came to my office to see if I was ready to go, I just happen to look out the window and saw the white van entering the compound so I told her we might as well wait a few minutes. Since Monday, at least, there have been signs up advertising a "Holiday Feast" for today of turkey, pork, dressing, green bean casserole, carrots and sweet potatoes. At 1125 when we got to the cafe there was approx. 10 people standing around and only the pork had been placed out. Finally the food is place out and there is mash potatoes and no green bean casserole or sweet potatoes. My coworker asks about them because they are on the sign on the glass counter above the food and she is told we can only serve what is brought. This is a real shame. PS. No need to respond back or pass thi Submitted By: info on the 21 cafe manager. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2016/05/23 C06460971