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Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06592925
Paper Prepared in the Department of State ^3
Washington, undated
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06592925
'S3A11,-1:7W1VN011111 3H1 IV 033(10011d311
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(C) Parameters and problems. The following assessment
covers the Argentine government's 1978 performance and the
current situation with respect to category-one human rights.
Inevitauly, efforts have been hampered somewhat by the US
Governments limited capacity for monitoring human rights
events in Argentina and verifying reports of either positive
or negative developments.
(C) Imprecision is most clearly a problem with statistical
material. Frankly stated, we do not know exactly how many
people have been tortured or killed, how many are now being
held prisoner, how many prisons are being used, etc. We
are forced, in many cases, to reply upon estimates whose
credibility stems from their relatively wide acceptance among
groups interested in and informed upon Argentina human rights
(C) We do not believe, however, tnat timely, precise
and verifiable information would fundamentally alter the
assessment offered, below. N The record ,of Argentine human
rights events is sufficiently complete to produce a convincing
cumulative picture of the government's perfOrmance. And
while precise statistics might alter somewhat the quantitative
dimensions of that picture, its qualitative aspects would
remain unchanged.
(C) Current situation. With respect to category-one
rights, conditions can be summarized as follows:
(C) Political._prisoners: Approximately 2,900 persons
purportedly guilty of security violations are being detained
at the aisposition of the national executive branch under
state-of-siege powers provided tor in the Argentine constitution
(PEN priso'ners
(C) OThe current state of siege was instituted on
November 6, 1974 by the Isabel Peron government. Under the
state-of-siege, the national executive is empowered to detain
prisoners indefinitely, but it can neither judge nor punish
detainees. The Argentine courts ruled in 1977 and 1978 that
the executive branch must cite specific causes for detention
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There are are two other groups of prisoners, neither of which
is publicly acknowledged by the government. One group is
being held at the disposition of military authorities (DAM
prisoners) and probably includes about. 500 persons. According
to Embassy Buenos Aires sources, most of these prisoners are
either former terrorists now cooperating with security units.
or new detainees undergoing interrogation and not, therefore,
listed as PEN detainees. The final group involves prisoners
who have been selected for a rehabilitation program run by
the security services. We have no reliable figures, but the
program appears to be relatively small, encompassing at most
a few hundred persons.
(C) No..sustainedHoffiCial effort is being made to sub-
stantially reduce the number of political prisoners by ..(1)
releasing those against whom there exists no evidence of
terrorist or criminal involvement nor pending charges; (2)
trying those charged with specific offenses; or (3) permitting
political prisoners to exercise their constitutional rights
to choose exile over imprisonment (tight-of-option). The
right-of-option program initiated iniate 1977 has resulted
in few approvals of prisoner petitions for exile.
(C) There is little evidence to substantiate persistent
rumors that thousands of political prisoners are being
held in clandestine camps located throughout the country.
(C) Torture and prisoner, mistreatment: Physical and
psychological torture apparently remain standard treatment .
for alleged subversives, or persons believed to have informa-
tion about subversion who refuse to cooperate with security
in response to habeas corpus petitions covering PEN prisoners.
However, the Executive does not always respond to court
order. While we have little information that would permit
categorizinb detainees according to types of offenses, the
PEN list probably includes few if any terrorists suspected
of having committed violent acts against persons or property.
Such individuals, when captured by security units, are routinely
killed after interrogation. The alleged security violations
of most of those listed as PEN detainees probably include
such things as (a) non-violent actions undertaken in support
of subversive (broadly defined to include action or teachings
contrary to the military's conception of social order)
groups, e.g., poster and pamphlet distribution and a variety
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officials. Torture generally occurs during interrogation,
prior to official listing of a detainee as a PEN prisoner,
his or her summary execution.
August that as many as 90 percent of PEN detainees were tortured
during interrogation
(C) Prisoner .treatment beyond the interrogation stage
and after PEN listing appears to vary considerably depending
upon such factors as the prisoner's alleged offense, the
proclivities of the regional military commander, and the
character of individual jailors. Reports of severe mistreatment
(beatings, denial of adequate food, medical care, exercise,
etc.) are most often associated with specific military
jurisdictions and prisons, or with the transfer or release of
prisoners. In at least five reasonably documented instances
in early 1978, for example, prisoners released from a La Plata
jail were immediately either murdered or kidnapped, presumably
by security elements. Official actions appear to have prevented
recurrences of this particular type of abuse, but in late 1978
an ICRC official reported to the Embassy his belief that
prison conditions and 'risoner treatment had deteriorated during.
the year..
(C) Disappearances: Reports of disappearances continue
to accumulate. In the vast majority of cases, responsibility
almost certainly lies with one of the many security units. In
the absence of evidence of clandestine camps housing thousands
of allegedly-disappeared persons, most must be presumed dead.
of other support activities; (b) economic actions perceived
by the authorities as directly having supported subversion
(the Graiver case) or otherwise endangered national interests;
(c) affiliation with groups vaguely defined as "leftists'; or
(0) actions that contributed to an intellectual-cultural
environment conducive to the growth of usubversionh (herein
lies the danger to journalists, writers, teachers, performing
artists, etc.). Thus, the term security violationi! has no
specific meaning. Its operative definition is largely left
to the discretion of regional and local authorities with arrest
(C) ceived from released prisoners tend to
substantiate observations on the frequency of torture.
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(Li) Non-governmental human rights organizations tend
to use the figure of 15, 000 for disappearances over the
'past 3-4 years. Argentine groups share that estimate and
have presented the government with documentation on almost
5,000 cases. In truth, however, no one knows precisely
how many people have disappeared or, in many cases, why
specific individuals were victimized.
(C) Few who have disappeared since, about mid-1977,
and on whom we have any information, could be considered
terrorists or security threats. With most terrorists either
eliminated pr living in exile, the security, forces have made
a significant shift in their targetting practices to draw
into the security net a range of non-terrorists associated
with the vague and expansively defined political lett. The
decision as to which specific individuals will be picked
up is left to regional and local authorities and, therefore,
depends upon the latter!S perception of what kinds of activities
constitute security threats. The victim's culpability may
only have involved past membership in a group tnat was
entirely legal at the time. Insofar as there is a discernible
pattern, there has been a tendency toward the disappearance
of persons with a comMon association past or present; e.g.,
graduates of the same hign school or university faculty,
members of a political party or youth group, etc. However,
there are many cases that make no apparent sense and for
which tne explanation may lie.more in internal politics than
in any specific act of the victim.
(C) Public criticism of government policies has, with
few known exceptions, generally not been considered by
authorities as grounds for detaining the critics and abusing
or killing them. Many politicians, labor leaders, businessmen,
and other professionals have criticized the government!s economic,
political and human rignts policies without suffering
retribution at the hands of the security. forces.
(C) There has been no significant official effort to
collect and publish information on persons who allegedly
have disappeared. When queried about disappearances by non--
governmental organizations or foreign governments, the Argentines!
standard.response is Tho information. The Argentine courts
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regularly accept habeas corpus petitions concerning alleged
disappeared persons, but they have refused to accept
jurisdiction in such. cases.
(C) The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo (relatives of
disappeared persons) one of the most persistent and cohesive
groups seeking information on disappeared persons, has
recently been prohibited from conducting what had been a
weekly Thursday vigil in front of Government House in down-
town Buenos Air-er-The demonstrations apparently had become
too large and potentially disruptive in the judgment of
government officials who do not. intend to satisfy their demands
for information. The Mothers are now holding their gatherings
at smaller and less conspicuous sites.
(C) Given the diffusion of authority that has character-
ized the counterterrorist effort, it is highly unlikely that
any government agency either has collected or will be able to
collect definitive files on alleged disappearance cases. The
various security units have an obvious interest in withholding
or destroying.information on cases for which their operatives
have been responsible.
(C) ReapPearances emerged as a new and possibly under-
reported facet of the human rights scene in 1978. There are
no reliable figures, but the number of cases is probably
quite small in relation to the reported number of disappearances.
As of mid-September, the Embassy had received reports of 15
cases and by mid-November Argentine human rights groups placed
the figure at over 100, with a UNHCR representative suggesting
it might be as high as 300. During 1978,. the government
published 4 lists with the names of hundreds of persons who
had allegedly reappeared. In most cases, however, the
individuals appear to have been the Subjects of regular "missing
persons" cases. Their names did not appear on the lists of
disappeared persons maintained by the Embassy and Argentine
human rights' organizations.
(C) trial. All who have been detained by
official security agencies and subsequently disappeared have.
obviously been denied .a fair public hearing of the charges
against them.
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Ag 011/6
(C) Insofar as alleged security violators are chari25L
and tried in civilian or military courTg;fx" there are two
notable problems: the often extended period between de-
tention and judicial processing and the reported predominance
of convictions based on confessional evidence extracted
through torture. Professional legal groups such as the
ICJ intend to investigate the question of confessional
(C) _Invasion, of the home. The detention practices of
operational counterterrorist units regularly involve illegal
invasion of the home. In addition, there are numerous reports
of arresting Officers ransacking private residences and
stealing the personal property of the detainee.
(C) Trends. 1978 produced no substantial quantitative
improvement or deterioration in category-one terms. The year /0
teatured a variety of positive and negative factors, but the
net result was to leave the situation little changec-TY2
Violations of category-one rights at the hands of official
security personnel were frequent throughout the year, and
there was no evidence Of a .Concerted, :effective government
effort to halt the 'abuses.
(C) It is difficult to refine the trends analysis to
reflect possible patterns of the incidence of certain kinds
of abuses because the available statistical material is not
always reliable. The question of disappearances provides a
good example- In June 1978, Embassy Buenos Aires and
Argentine human right's groups believed that.disappearances
during the first third of 1978 had declined in frequeny
(about 15 per month). in comparison to 1977. By later in
(C) **w The status of PEN prisoners withrespect to
judicial processing is quite complicated because a prisoner
held under!a PEN decree can simultaneously be processed on
charges in civilian or military courts and, if convicted,
serve and complete the imposed sentence. Perhaps half
or more of the current PEN detainees are either being
tried or have been sentenced by judicial authorities.
This is significant because, among other reasons, PEN
detainees who are under the concurrent jurisdiction
of judicial. authorities are not eligible to petition
for exile under the right-of-option program.
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the year, however, additional information forded upward
adjustments in the figures. .Interior Ministry records showed
a rate of 40 per month for January to October (as compared to
150 per month in 1977 and 250 per month in 1978) and a Foreign
Ministry source placed the ten-month 1978 figure at about �
80 per month. By November, the Embassy had reports of dis-
appearances averaging about 34 per month for the January-April
period. The Embassy has since concluded that a figure of
55 per month would be a reasonable estimate for 1978.
(C) On the basis of such evidence, the only conclusion
that can be drawn is that disappearances occurred with relative
frequer3Cy throughout the year with month-to-month variations
reflecting tactical considerations rather than policy
the situation changed little
decisions. In essence
during 1978.
(S/NF/NC) Counterterror,ism,'uncontrolled. The
conclusion tnat conditions did not improve in 1978 is
based, in part, on evidence that the security forces
continued to operate without effective central Control.
Numerous reports during the ear from a variety of
sources stated that: � V -
President Videla and.his moderate supporters
were attempting to establish rigid command and
control over security operations;
new orders had been issued with respect to con-
ducting police and military operations within
the bounds of the law; or
-- police and military operatives had been dis-
missed or disciplined for abuses.
(C) Some of the reported efforts were probably undertaken.
Some improvements may well have occurred, particularly in
areas under the jurisdiction of officers disposed toward
reform. Nonetheless, at the close of 1978 it was apparent
that counterterrorist actions were generally being conducted
in accord with orders issued by regional and local military
authorities who viewed themselves as unconstrained by the
law or the directives of national authorities. In late
October, an admiral with counterterrorist responsibilities
in the Buenos Aires area stated to an Embassy officer that
there was almost no central control over operational
counterterrorist units..
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g6- Y64/f
� (C) The politiparcontext. The 'dirty war" argument
so frequently employed by Argentines to rationalize human rights
abuses is no longer relevant. According to estimates drafted
by the Argentine Federal Security Service in late 1978, there
were only about 400 active terrorists in Argentina; no single
group was estimated to have more than 245 resident activists,
and no group was judged a serious and immediate security
threat. High government officials, including President Videla,
have repeatedly stated both publicly and privately that the
"war" is over, i.e, that there is no continuing high-level
internal security threat
(C) The explanation for the continuing human rights
abuses lies in armed forces, .and especially army, politics
rather than in internal, security problems. The army is
the predominant service-, and its political:heterogeneity
is reflected in the conduct of government affairs. 'President
Videla leads a group of militaryand civilian moderates who
would prefer to see human rights abuses halted. Videla!s
priority concern, however, is to maintain the maximum degree -
of army and military unity, because the development of
irreparable internal splits probably.would spell- his-own quick
demise and the end of the military!s National Reorganization
Process. Videla is not power hungry, but he is committed
to the military government's reform program and believes
his own role important. Thus, Videla!s preferences give way
to his long-term political goals when his preferences
threaten military cohesion.
(C) In the case of human rights abuses, neither Videla
nor any other significant military figure, has questioned
the pre-March 1976 decision to physically eliminate hard
core terrorists. Videla!s differences with the so-called
hardliners center on violations of the rights of non-terrorists.
The hardliners are philosophically authoritarian and inclined
to label a wide range of political activity and sentiment
as subversive. They do not entirely share the moderates
perception!tnat the "war against subversion is over-'14
Powerful corps commanders like Major General Carlos Guillermo
,Suarez Mason (formerly Commander, Corps I, Buenos. Aires) and
Major General Luciano Benjamin Menendez (Corps III, Cordoba)
continued throughout 1978 to condone counterterrorist tactics
that ensured human rights abuses.
(C) Other factors that diminished Videla!s cnances of
achieving human rights reforms in 1978 included his August
retirement as an active-duty officer and Army Commander and
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� -9-
a gradual increase in military and civilian disenchantment
with the general economic and political performance of his
government. Those conditions, plus the degree to which the
Beagle Channel controversy with Chile dominated official
attention during the last quarter of the year created highly
improbable circumstances for bold human rights initiatives on
Videla!s part.
(C) The results of the recent army promotion/reassignment
cycle appear to offer mixed prospects for human rights reforms.
Moderates politically in sympathy with Videla and Army Commander
Viola now may be in a position to exert more.effective control
over the service. Particularly notable changes involved
the following officers:
Suarez. Mason has been shifted from his Corps I
commander slot to Army Chief of Staff. His
new post is a prestigious one from which.he
might be able to .aavance to the Commander in
Chief's slot. Nonetheless, since he no longer
has a troop command nor, more importantly,
direct control over counterterrorist units, his
promotion. is .probably a net short-term human
rights gain.
Major General Leopoldo Fortunato Galtderi has
replaced Suarez Mason as Corps I commander.
Galtieri most recently Commanded Corps II
(Rosario) where he established a reputation for
reasonableness and restraint, in human rights
matters. It has been in his geographic jurisdiction,
for example, that the most progress has been
registered with respect to the judicial processing
of PEN prisoners. If he displays the same
tendencies as Corps I Commander, he will be a
needed improvement over Suarez Mason.
Major General Santiago Omar Riveros, another
officer notorious for his permissive attitude
toward human rights abuses, has been shifted from
his sensitive Buenos Aires command (Military
Institutes) to the Inter-American Defense Board.
Major General Jose Montes will replace Riveros.
A Videla-Viola loyalist, Montes could combine with
Galtieri to give the moderates the potential for
curbing the abuses heretofore characteristic of
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counterterrorist operations in the Buenos Aires
Brig. General Juan Bautists Sassiaia's appointment
as Chief of the National Police is an ominous
move in human rights terms. A counterterrorist
expert, Sassiain is reputedly rough and cruel.
Major General Luciano B. Menende,z, a fanatic on
subversion who has condoned human rights violations
by those under his command, remains the Corps III
commander (Cordoba). Militarily, Menendez!s retention
maybe attributable to the need for his services
in the event of hostilities with Chile over
the Beagle Channel. In human tights terts,.
however, it means that the situation in Cordoba
is not liable to improve in the near future.
In all likelihood, the arMy command shifts will not
result in immediate. and drastic human rights improvements, /5
but the political context appears to be more favorable than
it has been/ since the March 1976 coup 16 Much will depend
upon whether whether the Videla-Viola tandem chooses to exercise
the necessary leadership, and perhaps ultimately upon .whether
the Argentine public becomes sufficiently exercised over
continuing abuses to demand change.
(C) IAHRC visit. From the Argentine government's �
perspective, the next critical human rights deadline is May 29
when the Inter-American Human Rights Commission (IAHRC) will
begin a week-long on site investigation. .
It is questionable, however, whether the prospect of
the IAHRC visit will lead to fundamental changes in the tactics
employed by the security forces and, thereby, open the way to
long-term human rights advances. In this critical area, the
army command chanses robabl offer more hope for reform than
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Ag( t
1. HA Note: HA prefers the following wording for
the text from sentence two of paragraph
1 through first sentence ot paragraph 3.
"Although it is difficult to quantify precisely
certain aspects of the situation - such as
the-exact number of people killed.and tortured
and the number being held in clandestine
military camps - we receive a steady flow of
detailed information from a wide variety of
credible sources in Argentina about human
rights events and conditions. These sources
include our Embassy,
and Amnesty Inter-
national, Argentine Government.officials,
Argentine human rights organizations,
victims of arrest and torture, eyewitnesses
to incidents ,of abduction and torture, and
relatives of victims."
2. HA Note: No overall trend of improvement in category -
one terms can be shown. There was substantial
qualitative deterioration in at least two areas
the widening scope of the victims of dis-
appearance, and the worsening of treatment
of political detainees. The simple passage
of time can also be suviewed as a negative
factor - another year of widespread violations
long after any terrorist threats has passed.
3. HA Note: HA would again emphasize that despite uncertainties
with quantitative material, the shift in targeting
noted above is a significant negative development.
4. HA Note: However, Videla himself said last year that
"A terrorist is not just someone with a gun
or bomb but also someone, who spreads ideas that
are contrary to Western and Christian civilization"
(Reported in the London Times, January 4, .1978).
INR and ARA view the inclusion of this statement
attributed by the press to Videla as potentially
misleading when used in the above context. The
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quote invites the inference that Videla
supports the application of extreme security
measures against those who have not committed
violent terrorist acts. There is no evidence
to support that contention.
5. HA Note: The army command changes present .a mixed
picture from which it is not possible to conclude
that the overall political context for human
rights improvement is more favorable than in
the past.
6. S/P and
HA Note":-. S/P and HA,. would delete this last sentence
because it contradicts the assessment that
the command changes are ("mixed.
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