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Publication Date: 
April 17, 1978
PDF icon TIMERMAN TRANSFERRED TO H[15515211].pdf178.61 KB
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626867 2867 171307Z APR 78 INDICATE ED COLLECT E3 CHARGE TO 6.0:111652: TAGS: SUBJECT: ACTION: AMB 2 DCM POL 3 POLL CONGER ICA CHRON RF FROM AMEMBASSY BUENOS AIRES CLASSIFICATION_____LIM OFFICIAL USE DRAFTED BY: POL;FAHarris N/A MUM, AR TIMOERMAN TRANSFERRED TO HOUSE ARREST (116/77/9) SECSTATE WASH DC IMMEDIATE IIKEXEXIM LIMITED OFFICIAL USE BUENOS AIRES 2867 1. THE TIMgERMAN FAMILY HAS JUST INFORMED THE EMBASSY (9:15 am local time) THAT JACOB� TTh4ERMAN HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO HIS HOME BY ARGENTINE AUTHORITIES. 2. ACCORDING TO THE FAMILY.PERSONS WISHING TO SEE MR. TIMIERMAN MUST RECEIVE itIPMP/, PERMISSION FROM THE MINISTRY OF INTERIOR. 3. ADDITIONAL DETAILS WILL FOLLOW. 4. DECONTROL UPON RECEIPT. CLEARANCES: DON :MCha1infr< 50153-101 DRAFTING DATE 4-17-78 e TEL EXT. 277 CASTRO LIMITED OFFICIAL USE CONTENTS AND CLA POL:WHHallman FICATION APPROVED BY CLASSIFICATION Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626867 OPTIONAL FORM 153 (Formerly FS-419) January 1975 Dept. of State � Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626867 - -� The Ambassador TR= : OCR - Mr.-,NChaplin;. POL TRa . IO -- John' en= Jacob� Timemaan, - '-% April,5-0 1978 - Chuck Krause Of the Washington Post ailed today to say he had.-published _ today in the Washington-Post, a stelY- that said Timer:mut- weult_be' out of jail by the.end Of the month: - , Re said he had talked-to Government _sources 'and to Rabbi Meyer' this week � to gather information for his story. He aaid-Govituneat sources said 033162111021 4011.1d be released:by-the end of the'ionth'and woad remain under house arrest util, his case was being-processed. "; tolii-Kraues _ about the weekend nutlet= :abint Therm= and their_ possible negatiie, , effect on the military. Re' kali n.othifl�f either. ' 4 .cc.: Mr. Hallt9an -. � JC.orr:eas Rut.: 388 - Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626867 u Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626867 CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION DATE: April 5, 1978 PARTICIPANTS: Oscar Cardozo, Clarin; Eduardo Vandercuy, Clarin; Carlos Fernandez; La Opinion; John Corr, information Officer SUBJECT: Current Events PLACE: A Restaurant in Buenos Aires All three reporters said that "military sources" had told them that the Government had decided to o Timerman "within 60 days." They said that Tierma uld be freed under right of option and would\go to Israel. They added that the Government would pay 'm $2,000,000 for his interest in La Opinion. Timerman, t said, already knew of his imminent release. The repo maintained that military sources had told them in the past that Timerman had remained in custody for so long a time because he had become a symbol to hard�line military groups of the type of non-combatant who had provided "la base" for the growth of terrorism. L cc: AMB DC1,1 POL DAO PAO POL R ARA/ECA USICA - AR ICA:J r:vp CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626867