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Document Creation Date: 
April 3, 2019
Document Release Date: 
April 12, 2019
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Publication Date: 
December 16, 1981
PDF icon GALTIERI SWEARING IN[15499921].pdf42.75 KB
44, Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C06627123 t INDICATE IA HAS NO OBJECTION TO � DECLASSIFICATION AND/OR RELEASE OF THIS DOCUMENT DATE: 09-14-2018 12065- E.O. YtX552: TAGS: SUBJECT: FROM C1_ASMN AMEMBASSY BUENOS AIRES 1 CONFIDENTIAL GDS 12/16/87 (SHLAUDEMAN, HARRY W.) OR-M PDIP, AR GALTIERI's SWEARING-In ACTION: SECSTATE WASHDC POL-2 AMB DCM ECON ICA DAO MILGP CHRON CONFIDENTIAL BUENOS AIRES . (U) Galtieri will take the oath of office on December 22 in the chambers of the Congress building. According to the preSs, Admiral Anaya will bestow the presidential sash. It is not clear as yet if the diplomatic corps is to be on hand. 2. (C) I believe a message to Galtieri from our President on the occasion would be appropriate. Such a message could wish Galtieri well in the important tasks ahead and epress confidence in the future of the relations between our countries. Any implication of congratulations should, of course, be avoided in view of the circumstances. DRAFTED BY: AMB:HWShlaudeman:hm SHLAUDEMAN `"/I/ /7 z ,-, � 0 .. ,..../,,i--�"' DATING DATE TEL. EXT. RF 1 i I CONTENTS AND CLASSilr!CAT:rs: O APPi,.OVED EllY: 112/16/81 1 200 1 AMB:HWShlaudeman CLEARANCES: FOL:JKing 50153-101 /11 CONFIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATION OPTIONAL FORM 153 (Formerly FS-4t31 January 1975 )ept. ig Sta1e Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C06627123