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Publication Date: 
June 17, 1977
PDF icon SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENTS [15515992].pdf183.51 KB
NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06627954 3.5(c) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPNENTS RELVIED TO THE US STAND ON HUMAN RIGHTS (17-23 June 1977) This comTition is pr-oared weekly by 7",:e Office of Regional and Political ..1Kasis. Iuiries may be cite,f1 to of the Into2,?::-onal issues Division, s-eotfr 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06627954 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06627954 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06627954 NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06627954 -S�146.1�E=C-- � 3.5(c) LATIN AMERICA Human rights matters dominated nearly every phase of the OAS General Assembly in Grenada. Venezuela, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Panama, and Costa Rica helped the US secure passage of a strong human rights resolution. Other - 3 - FCRET 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06627954 3.3(b)(1) 3.3(b)(1) Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06627954 swetTrr 3.5(c) countries voting in favor included ;!-exico, Peru, Ecuador, Haiti, Trinidad, Barbados, and Surinar:. Argentina's effort to gain formal acceptance for the proposition that human rights must be considered in the context of a government's obligation to combat terrorism and maintain public order was defeated. Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Guatamela, and El Salvador supported the Argentine resolution. The debates on human rights were emotional and Positions seemed to harden as the Assembly progressed. Human rights has quickly become a prominent--and potentially divisive--issue in hemispheric relations. Chile released Communist folmer senator Jorge Montes on 18 ' June. He was handed over to East Gelman officials in-exchange for eleven GDR political prisoners. Following the exchange of ChiZean Communist Party chief Louis CorvaZan for Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky last December, the Chilean govern- ment offered to let Montes go if Cuba would release Huber Matos in return. The Castro regime never responded to this proposal.- Montes was the only prominent figure from the Allende years still held by Santiago. He-was also the last detainee either acknowledged or known to. be held by Chile without charge under state of siege provisions. Chile's Carabineros--the national police force--have been ordered to stop disregarding extra-legal conduct by DINA, the country's principal internal security service. The Carabineros were also told to adopt a tougher attitude toward almy interference in .police affairs. The orders were approved by Carabinero commander General Cesar Mendoza, a member of the ruling junta. The Carabineros have never been pleased with some of DR/A's more notorious methods. 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06627954 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06627954 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06627954 NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06627954 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06627954 NR